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us.ihmc.simulationconstructionset.util.KDTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package us.ihmc.simulationconstructionset.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import us.ihmc.euclid.tuple3D.Point3D;
* Use this class to efficiently search for closest points to various test points of interest. The
* dimensionality of the points is arbitrary (D > 0), and the tree's splitting is binary (K = 2).
public class KDTree
// Allow some member data changes in case of point pruning.
private final boolean hasObjects;
private final int maxPointsInLeaves;
private final Object[] objects;
private final KDNode root;
private LinkedHashSet novelPointIndexes;
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
* Creates a KDTree from an array of points and an equally sized array of objects. The value
* MaxPointsInLeaves specifies the maximum number of points in a leaf Node. Use a small value (5-20)
* unless building the tree takes too long.
* @param points double[][]
* @param objects Object[]
* @param maxPointsInLeaves int
public KDTree(double[][] points, Object[] objects, int maxPointsInLeaves)
if (points == objects)
throw new RuntimeException("Do not use the same keys and values in constructing a KDTree. If they are the same, then just use the key constructor");
hasObjects = true;
this.objects = objects;
this.maxPointsInLeaves = maxPointsInLeaves;
if (points.length != objects.length)
System.err.println("KDTree::KDTree(): number of points and objects differ. Creating empty KDTree.");
root = null;
root = new KDNode(points, 0, points.length - 1, maxPointsInLeaves);
* Creates a KDTree from an array of points and an equally sized array of objects. The value
* MaxPointsInLeaves specifies the maximum number of points in a leaf Node. Use a small value (5-20)
* unless building the tree takes too long.
* @param points double[][]
* @param maxPointsInLeaves int
public KDTree(double[][] points, int maxPointsInLeaves)
hasObjects = false;
objects = null;
this.maxPointsInLeaves = maxPointsInLeaves;
root = new KDNode(points, 0, points.length - 1, maxPointsInLeaves);
* Creates a KDTree from an array of (X, Y) terrain points and an equally sized array of (Z) terrain
* heights. The value MaxPointsInLeaves specifies the maximum number of points in a leaf Node. Use a
* small value (5-20) unless building the tree takes too long.
* @param points double[][]
* @param maxPointsInLeaves int
public KDTree(String BDITerrainFilePath, int maxPointsInLeaves)
hasObjects = false;
objects = null;
this.maxPointsInLeaves = maxPointsInLeaves;
double[][] points = loadPoints3D(BDITerrainFilePath);
root = new KDNode(points, 0, points.length - 1, maxPointsInLeaves);
private void makeAllPointsNovel(int numPoints)
novelPointIndexes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
* Returns the list of points. The user may not have this in advance if the points are loaded from a
* file.
* @return double[][]
public double[][] getPoints()
return root.points;
public void getExtents(double[] min, double[] max)
root.getExtents(min, max);
// // Delete points in the KDTree such that the remaining
// // points are no closer than minDistanceBetweenPoints from each other.
// // The deleted points cannot be restored once this call is made.
// public void prunePoints(double minDistanceBetweenPoints)
// {
// int numPoints = root.points.length;
// int numDimensions = root.points[0].length;
// // Track which points are not in the covering set.
// // Start with all points in the cover and remove
// // points incrementally.
// HashSet inCover = new LinkedHashSet();
// for (int i=0; i coverIndexes = new ArrayList();
// // Loop over all points. For any point still in the
// // cover, find all other points nearby and remove them
// // from the cover.
// for (int i=0; i coveredIndexes = closestPointIndexesInSubset(root.points[i], minDistanceBetweenPoints, inCover);
// inCover.removeAll(coveredIndexes);
// }
// }
// // Collect points in the cover and rebuild the tree with these points only.
// // If Objects are associated with points, we collect the objects also.
// int numPointsInCover = coverIndexes.size();
// double[][] newPoints = new double[numPointsInCover][numDimensions];
// if (!hasObjects)
// {
// for (int i=0; i inCover = novelPointIndexes;
ArrayList coverIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
// Loop over all points. For any point still in the
// cover, find all other points nearby and remove them
// from the cover.
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
if (inCover.contains(i))
ArrayList coveredIndexes = getClosestNovelPointIndexes(root.points[i], minDistanceBetweenPoints, false);
if (DEBUG)
System.err.println("Found cover point; number of novel points remaining: " + inCover.size());
// inCover.removeAll(coveredIndexes);
// Collect points in the cover and rebuild the tree with these points only.
// If Objects are associated with points, we collect the objects also.
int numPointsInCover = coverIndexes.size();
double[][] newPoints = new double[numPointsInCover][numDimensions];
if (!hasObjects)
for (int i = 0; i < numPointsInCover; i++)
newPoints[i] = root.points[coverIndexes.get(i)];
// this.root = new KDNode(newPoints, 0, newPoints.length - 1, maxPointsInLeaves);
return new KDTree(newPoints, maxPointsInLeaves);
Object[] newObjects = new Object[numPointsInCover];
for (int i = 0; i < numPointsInCover; i++)
newPoints[i] = root.points[coverIndexes.get(i)];
newObjects[i] = objects[coverIndexes.get(i)];
return new KDTree(newPoints, newObjects, maxPointsInLeaves);
// this.objects = newObjects;
// this.root = new KDNode(newPoints, 0, newPoints.length - 1, maxPointsInLeaves);
* closestPoint
* @param testPoint double[]
* @return double[]
public double[] closestPoint(double[] testPoint)
return root.closestPoint(testPoint);
public double[] closestPoint(double[] testPoint, double maxDistance)
return root.closestPoint(testPoint, maxDistance * maxDistance);
public double[] closestPointBruteForceSearch(double[] testPoint)
return root.closestPointBruteForceSearch(testPoint);
public Object closestObject(double[] testPoint)
if (!hasObjects)
System.err.println("KDTree::closestObject(): no objects exist. Returning null.");
return null;
int closestIndex = root.closestPointIndex(testPoint);
return objects[closestIndex];
public Object closestObject(double[] testPoint, double maxDistance)
if (!hasObjects)
System.err.println("KDTree::closestObject(): no objects exist. Returning null.");
return null;
int closestIndex = root.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance * maxDistance, null, null);
if (closestIndex == -1)
return null;
return objects[closestIndex];
public ArrayList closestObjects(double[] testPoint, int numObjects, double maxDistance)
if (!hasObjects)
System.err.println("KDTree::closestObject(): no objects exist. Returning null.");
return null;
ArrayList excludedIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList nearestObjects = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)
int closestIndex = root.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance * maxDistance, excludedIndexes, null);
if (closestIndex == -1)
return nearestObjects;
public ArrayList closestPoints(double[] testPoint, int numPoints, double maxDistance)
ArrayList excludedIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList nearestPoints = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
int closestIndex = root.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance * maxDistance, excludedIndexes, null);
if (closestIndex == -1)
return nearestPoints;
public Object getClosestNovelObject(double[] testPoint, double maxDistance, boolean preserveAsNovel)
int closestNovelIndex = getClosestNovelPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance, preserveAsNovel);
return objects[closestNovelIndex];
// Returns the indexes for all points within a given radius that have
// not been found since all points were marked as novel.
public ArrayList getClosestNovelObjects(double[] testPoint, double maxDistance, boolean preserveAsNovel)
ArrayList closestNovelIndexes = getClosestNovelPointIndexes(testPoint, maxDistance, preserveAsNovel);
ArrayList closestObjects = new ArrayList<>();
for (int index : closestNovelIndexes)
return closestObjects;
private void makeIndexesNovel(ArrayList indexes)
// Returns the indexes for all points within a given radius that have
// not been found since all points were marked as novel.
private ArrayList getClosestNovelPointIndexes(double[] testPoint, double maxDistance, boolean preserveAsNovel)
ArrayList nearestIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
int closestIndex = getClosestNovelPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance, false);
while (closestIndex >= 0)
closestIndex = getClosestNovelPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance, false);
if (preserveAsNovel)
return nearestIndexes;
private int getClosestNovelPointIndex(double[] testPoint, double maxDistance, boolean preserveAsNovel)
int closestIndex = root.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance * maxDistance, null, novelPointIndexes);
if ((closestIndex >= 0) && !preserveAsNovel)
return closestIndex;
// Returns the indexes for all points within a given radius.
// private ArrayList closestPointIndexes(double[] testPoint, double maxDistance, ArrayList excludeIndexes)
// {
// ArrayList nearestIndexes = new ArrayList();
// int closestIndex = root.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance*maxDistance, excludeIndexes, null);
// while (closestIndex >= 0)
// {
// nearestIndexes.add(closestIndex);
// excludeIndexes.add(closestIndex);
// closestIndex = root.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance*maxDistance, excludeIndexes, null);
// }
// return nearestIndexes;
// }
* Loads an ASCII file of 3D points. The first line must contain the number of points, and all
* subsequent lines must contain three scalar values.
* @param filename String
* @return OneDTerrainGrid
public static double[][] loadPoints3D(String filename)
BufferedReader bufferedReader;
bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
System.out.println("Found " + filename);
double[][] points = loadPoints3D(bufferedReader);
return points;
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Could not open " + filename);
return null;
* Loads terrain data from a BufferedReader and returns the Terrain object represented by the data.
* Returns null if the operation does not succeed. There must be 3 scalar values on each line.
* @param bufferedReader BufferedReader
* @return BreadthFirstStateEnumerator
public static double[][] loadPoints3D(BufferedReader bufferedReader)
ArrayList pointArray = new ArrayList<>();
String lineIn;
lineIn = bufferedReader.readLine();
if (lineIn != null)
StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(lineIn, " ");
double x = Double.parseDouble(s.nextToken());
double y = Double.parseDouble(s.nextToken());
double z = Double.parseDouble(s.nextToken());
if (s.hasMoreTokens())
System.err.println("KDTree::loadPoints3D(): extra element ");
pointArray.add(new Point3D(x, y, z));
while (lineIn != null);
double[][] points = new double[pointArray.size()][3];
for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.size(); i++)
points[i] = new double[] {pointArray.get(i).getX(), pointArray.get(i).getY(), pointArray.get(i).getZ()};
return points;
catch (IOException ex)
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
// System.err.println(ex);
return null;
* This is a fast Euclidean distance metric.
* @param point1 double[]
* @param point2 double[]
* @return double
public static double distanceSquared(double[] point1, double[] point2)
if (point1.length != point2.length)
System.err.println("KDTree::Node::distanceSquared(): point dimensions do not match. Returning NaN.");
return Double.NaN;
double distanceSquared = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < point1.length; i++)
distanceSquared += (point1[i] - point2[i]) * (point1[i] - point2[i]);
return distanceSquared;
* This class implements a Node in a KDTree. Every point in points[][] belongs to exactly one leaf
* Node. Internal nodes contain split information.
private class KDNode
private final double[][] points;
private final int startIndex;
private final int endIndex;
private double splitValue;
private int splitDimension;
private KDNode leftChild;
private KDNode rightChild;
private boolean isLeaf;
private double[] minExtents, maxExtents;
public KDNode(double[][] points, int startIndex, int endIndex, int maxPointsInLeaves)
this.points = points;
this.startIndex = startIndex;
this.endIndex = endIndex;
splitDimension = -1;
splitValue = Double.NaN;
leftChild = null;
rightChild = null;
int dimensions = points[0].length;
minExtents = new double[dimensions];
maxExtents = new double[dimensions];
if (endIndex - startIndex + 1 > maxPointsInLeaves)
isLeaf = false;
isLeaf = true;
// Find the extents in this leaf
for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
minExtents[i] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
maxExtents[i] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++)
double[] point = points[index];
if (point[i] > maxExtents[i])
maxExtents[i] = point[i];
if (point[i] < minExtents[i])
minExtents[i] = point[i];
public void getExtents(double[] minExtent, double[] maxExtent)
for (int i = 0; i < minExtents.length; i++)
minExtent[i] = minExtents[i];
maxExtent[i] = maxExtents[i];
private double[] getMinExtents()
return minExtents;
private double[] getMaxExtents()
return maxExtents;
* Splits the current node into two child nodes. Splitting happens along the point dimension with
* the greatest width, and the split value is the midpoint of the bounds along this dimension. The
* points are swapped in place until they all belong to the correct child node. The parameter
* maxPointsInLeaves indicates at what point a Node stops splitting. It must be passed in to allow
* proper recursive construcion of Nodes.
private void split(int maxPointsInLeaves)
int leftMarker = startIndex - 1;
int rightMarker = endIndex + 1;
// Partially sort points in place.
while (leftMarker < rightMarker)
// Advance left marker and test
while (points[++leftMarker][splitDimension] < splitValue)
// Advance right marker and test
while (points[--rightMarker][splitDimension] > splitValue)
// Swap points and objects
if (leftMarker < rightMarker)
double[] temp = points[leftMarker];
points[leftMarker] = points[rightMarker];
points[rightMarker] = temp;
if (hasObjects)
Object tempObject = objects[leftMarker];
objects[leftMarker] = objects[rightMarker];
objects[rightMarker] = tempObject;
// Now leftMarker >= rightMarker; use leftMarker to divide the points.
if ((leftMarker > endIndex) || (rightMarker < startIndex))
throw new RuntimeException("Must test for which marker is valid and use that!");
leftChild = new KDNode(points, startIndex, leftMarker - 1, maxPointsInLeaves);
rightChild = new KDNode(points, leftMarker, endIndex, maxPointsInLeaves);
// Now find the extents for this node, by combining the extents of the children:
double[] minExtentsLeft = leftChild.getMinExtents();
double[] maxExtentsLeft = leftChild.getMaxExtents();
double[] minExtentsRight = rightChild.getMinExtents();
double[] maxExtentsRight = rightChild.getMaxExtents();
for (int i = 0; i < minExtentsLeft.length; i++)
minExtents[i] = Math.min(minExtentsLeft[i], minExtentsRight[i]);
maxExtents[i] = Math.max(maxExtentsLeft[i], maxExtentsRight[i]);
* Sets the splitting dimension and the value at which to split along this dimension. Computes which
* dimension has the greatest distance between maximum and minimum values. This becomes our
* splitting dimension. The midpoint of the maximum and minimum values becomes our split value.
private void setSplitParameters()
int pointDimensionality = points[0].length;
double widestWidth = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < pointDimensionality; i++)
double minValue = points[startIndex][i];
double maxValue = minValue;
// double averageValue = minValue;
for (int j = startIndex + 1; j < endIndex; j++)
if (points[j][i] < minValue)
minValue = points[j][i];
else if (points[j][i] > maxValue)
maxValue = points[j][i];
// averageValue += points[j][i];
if (widestWidth < maxValue - minValue)
widestWidth = maxValue - minValue;
splitDimension = i;
// This divides the space equally, but not the points.
splitValue = minValue + widestWidth / 2.0;
// This divides the points roughly in half unless there are big outlying values.
// The better but more expensive choice would be to use the median value
// instead of the average value.
// this.splitValue = averageValue / (endIndex-startIndex+1);
* Returns the closest point in points[][] to testPoint.
* @param testPoint double[]
* @return double[]
private double[] closestPoint(double[] testPoint)
return points[closestPointIndex(testPoint)];
private double[] closestPoint(double[] testPoint, double maxDistance)
int closestIndex = this.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistance, null, null);
if (closestIndex == -1)
return null;
return points[closestPointIndex(testPoint)];
private double[] closestPointBruteForceSearch(double[] testPoint)
double[] closestPoint = null;
double closestDistanceSquared = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (double[] point : points)
double distanceSquared = distanceSquared(testPoint, point);
if (distanceSquared < closestDistanceSquared)
closestDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
closestPoint = point;
return closestPoint;
* Returns the index of the closest point in points[][] to testPoint.
* @param testPoint double[]
* @return int
private int closestPointIndex(double[] testPoint)
return closestPointIndex(testPoint, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, null, null);
* Returns the index of the closest point in points[][] to testPoint.
* @param testPoint double[]
* @return int
private int closestPointIndex(double[] testPoint, double maxDistanceSquared, ArrayList excludedIndexes, HashSet subsetIndexes)
int closestIndex = -1;
// If this Node is a leaf, do brute force search for the closest.
if (isLeaf)
double bestDistanceSquared = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
if ((subsetIndexes != null) && !subsetIndexes.contains(i))
// Skip over excluded indexes, which represent other points that were already found.
if ((excludedIndexes != null) && excludedIndexes.contains(i))
double distanceSquared = distanceSquared(testPoint, points[i]);
if ((distanceSquared < bestDistanceSquared) && (distanceSquared <= maxDistanceSquared))
bestDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
closestIndex = i;
else // Otherwise, search the children. Start with the child containing the point.
KDNode firstNode, secondNode;
if (testPoint[splitDimension] < splitValue)
firstNode = leftChild;
secondNode = rightChild;
firstNode = rightChild;
secondNode = leftChild;
closestIndex = firstNode.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistanceSquared, excludedIndexes, subsetIndexes);
double firstDistanceSquared;
if (closestIndex != -1)
firstDistanceSquared = KDTree.distanceSquared(testPoint, points[closestIndex]);
firstDistanceSquared = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// Only search the other child if testPoint is closer to splitValue than current
// best distance. Otherwise, the other child cannot have the closest point.
double distanceToSplitSquared = (splitValue - testPoint[splitDimension]) * (splitValue - testPoint[splitDimension]);
// Only search the other side if you can potentially do better than the best and potentially do better than the max allowed distance.
if ((distanceToSplitSquared < firstDistanceSquared) && (distanceToSplitSquared < maxDistanceSquared))
// Also search the other side only if you can potentially do better based on the extents of the other side:
double[] otherMinExtents = secondNode.getMinExtents();
double[] otherMaxExtents = secondNode.getMaxExtents();
int dimensions = otherMinExtents.length;
// double[] nearestExtentPoint = new double[dimensions];
double distanceToNearestExtentSquared = 0.0;
for (int index = 0; index < dimensions; index++)
if (testPoint[index] <= otherMinExtents[index])
distanceToNearestExtentSquared += (testPoint[index] - otherMinExtents[index]) * (testPoint[index] - otherMinExtents[index]);
else if (testPoint[index] >= otherMaxExtents[index])
distanceToNearestExtentSquared += (testPoint[index] - otherMaxExtents[index]) * (testPoint[index] - otherMaxExtents[index]);
if ((distanceToNearestExtentSquared < firstDistanceSquared) && (distanceToNearestExtentSquared < maxDistanceSquared))
int otherClosestIndex = secondNode.closestPointIndex(testPoint, maxDistanceSquared, excludedIndexes, subsetIndexes);
double otherDistanceSquared;
if (otherClosestIndex != -1)
otherDistanceSquared = KDTree.distanceSquared(testPoint, points[otherClosestIndex]);
otherDistanceSquared = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (otherDistanceSquared < firstDistanceSquared)
closestIndex = otherClosestIndex;
return closestIndex;
* This method tests the KD Tree using a BDI terrain file containing an unordered collection of 3D
* points.
* @param args String[]
public static void main(String[] args)
// String fileName = "TerrainFiles/rocks1.asc";
String fileName = "TerrainFiles/terrainC.asc";
// String fileName = "TerrainFiles/terrainD.asc"; //"terrainD.asc"; //
int maxPointsInLeaves = 10;
Random random = new Random();
// Create and test a KDTree with lots of points.
long treeBuildStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
KDTree tree = new KDTree(fileName, maxPointsInLeaves);
long treeBuildEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
double[][] points = tree.getPoints();
System.out.println("It took " + (treeBuildEnd - treeBuildStart) + " millis to build the tree with " + points.length + " points.");
double[] minExtents = new double[3];
double[] maxExtents = new double[3];
tree.getExtents(minExtents, maxExtents);
Point3D minExtents3d = new Point3D(minExtents);
Point3D maxExtents3d = new Point3D(maxExtents);
System.out.println("minExtents = " + minExtents3d);
System.out.println("maxExtents = " + maxExtents3d);
// testLookupSamePointOnGrid(tree);
// double maxDistance = 100.0;
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 0.0, 1, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 0.001, 1, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 1.0, 10, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 2.0, 10, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 4.0, 100, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 8.0, 100, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 16.0, 100, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 32.0, 100, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 64.0, 200, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 128.0, 400, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 256.0, 1000, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 512.0, 1000, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 1024.0, 1000, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 2048.0, 10000, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 4096.0, 10000, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 8192.0, 10000, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 16384.0, 10000, maxDistance);
// testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(tree, 1000000.0, 10000, maxDistance);
// testLookupTimingOnGrid(tree, false);
// testLookupTimingOnGrid(tree, true);
// if (1==1) return;
// testTree(tree, 10);
// Prune and test a KDTree with fewer points.
System.out.println("Pruning the Tree");
long treePruneStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
final double NEW_POINT_RESOLUTION = 10.0;
tree = tree.prunePointsCopy(NEW_POINT_RESOLUTION);
long treePruneEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
points = tree.getPoints();
System.out.println("It took " + (treePruneEnd - treePruneStart) + " millis to prune the tree to " + points.length + " points.");
testTree(tree, 10);
int bruteNumTests = 1000;
long bruteStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
double[] bestPoint = null;
for (int i = 0; i < bruteNumTests; i++)
double distance;
int randomIndex = random.nextInt(points.length - 1);
double[] testPoint = points[randomIndex];
double bestDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int j = 0; j < points.length; j++)
distance = distanceSquared(testPoint, points[j]);
if (distance < bestDistance)
bestDistance = distance;
bestPoint = points[j];
if ((testPoint[0] != bestPoint[0]) || (testPoint[1] != bestPoint[1]) || (testPoint[2] != bestPoint[2]))
System.err.println("Bad news: points did not match.");
long bruteEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("For " + bruteNumTests + " brute force queries, number of millis = " + (bruteEnd - bruteStart));
System.out.println("Tests done.");
private static void testTree(KDTree tree, int maxDistancePrints)
Random random = new Random();
double[][] points = tree.getPoints();
System.out.println("##### NUMBER OF POINTS IN TREE TO TEST: " + points.length);
// Test some random points. For each case, the closest point should
// equal the test point, since the test point comes from the same
// collection.
long kdStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
int kdNumTests = 1000;
double DISTANCE_MOVE = 10.0;
for (int i = 0; i < kdNumTests; i++)
int randomIndex = random.nextInt(points.length - 1);
double[] testPoint = new double[] {points[randomIndex][0], points[randomIndex][1], points[randomIndex][2]};
testPoint[0] += Math.random() * DISTANCE_MOVE;
testPoint[1] += Math.random() * DISTANCE_MOVE;
double[] closestPoint = tree.closestPoint(testPoint);
double distanceSquared = distanceSquared(testPoint, closestPoint);
// if ((i < maxDistancePrints) && DEBUG)
// {
// System.out.print("testPoint: (" + testPoint[0] + ", " + testPoint[1] + ", " + testPoint[2] + ")");
// System.out.print("closestPoint: (" + closestPoint[0] + ", " + closestPoint[1] + ", " + closestPoint[2] + ")");
// System.out.println("distance: " + Math.sqrt(distanceSquared));
// }
* if (testPoint[0] != closestPoint[0] || testPoint[1] != closestPoint[1] || testPoint[2] !=
* closestPoint[2])
if (distanceSquared > 2.0 * DISTANCE_MOVE * DISTANCE_MOVE)
System.err.println("Bad news: points did not match.");
long kdEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("For " + kdNumTests + " KD queries, number of millis = " + (kdEnd - kdStart));
// Test code for finding a collection of points. For each case, print out the point's value
// and distance to the test point.
kdStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
kdNumTests = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < kdNumTests; i++)
int randomIndex = random.nextInt(points.length - 1);
double[] testPoint = new double[] {points[randomIndex][0], points[randomIndex][1], points[randomIndex][2]};
testPoint[0] += Math.random() * DISTANCE_MOVE;
testPoint[1] += Math.random() * DISTANCE_MOVE;
int numPoints = 10;
// ArrayList closestPoints = tree.closestPoints(testPoint, numPoints, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
for (int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++)
// double[] closestPoint = closestPoints.get(j);
// double distanceSquared = distanceSquared(testPoint, closestPoint);
// if ((i < maxDistancePrints) && DEBUG)
// {
// System.out.print("testPoint: (" + testPoint[0] + ", " + testPoint[1] + ", " + testPoint[2] + ")");
// System.out.print("closestPoint: (" + closestPoint[0] + ", " + closestPoint[1] + ", " + closestPoint[2] + ")");
// System.out.println("distance: " + Math.sqrt(distanceSquared));
// }
kdEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("For " + kdNumTests + " multiple-point queries, number of millis = " + (kdEnd - kdStart));
public static void testLookupTimingOnGrid(KDTree kdTree, boolean checkWithBruteForce)
int numberOfTotalRuns = 0;
long totalStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (double z = 0; z < 100; z += 10)
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int numberOfRuns = 0;
for (double x = 0; x < 600; x += 60)
for (double y = 0; y < 600; y += 60)
double[] queryPoint = new double[] {x, y, z};
double[] closestPoint = kdTree.closestPoint(queryPoint);
if (checkWithBruteForce)
double[] closestBruteForce = kdTree.closestPointBruteForceSearch(queryPoint);
if (closestBruteForce != closestPoint)
System.err.println("Doesn't match brute force!!!");
throw new RuntimeException("Doesn't match brute force!!!");
// System.out.println("queryPoint = (" + queryPoint[0] + ", " +
// queryPoint[1] + ", " + queryPoint[2] + ")");
// System.out.println("closestPoint = (" + closestPoint[0] + ", " +
// closestPoint[1] + ", " + closestPoint[2] + ")");
// closestPoint = kdTree.closestPoint(queryPoint);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
double totalTime = (endTime - startTime);
double averageTime = totalTime / numberOfRuns;
System.out.println("Ran " + numberOfRuns + " lookups in " + totalTime + " ms");
System.out.println("z = " + z + " Average time = " + averageTime);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
double totalTime = (endTime - totalStartTime);
double averageTime = totalTime / numberOfTotalRuns;
System.out.println("Ran " + numberOfTotalRuns + " lookups in " + totalTime + " ms");
System.out.println(" Average time = " + averageTime);
* Test a KDTree to make sure it returns the same point if you query for each point
* @param kdTree KDTree
public static void testLookupSamePointOnGrid(KDTree kdTree)
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Starting testLookupSamePointOnGrid");
double[][] points = kdTree.getPoints();
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
double[] closestPoint = kdTree.closestPoint(points[i]);
if (points[i] != closestPoint)
Point3D point = new Point3D(points[i]);
Point3D closest = new Point3D(closestPoint);
System.out.println("point " + i + " = " + point + " did not match closestPoint = " + closest);
// throw new RuntimeException("things are not working");
double[] closestPoint2 = kdTree.closestPoint(points[i]);
if (closestPoint2 != closestPoint)
System.out.println("closestPoint2 = " + closestPoint2 + " did not match closestPoint = " + closestPoint);
throw new RuntimeException("things are not working");
System.out.println("Finished testLookupSamePointOnGrid for " + points.length);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
double totalTime = (endTime - startTime) * 0.001;
System.out.println("Took " + totalTime + " seconds for " + points.length + " points.");
double averageTime = totalTime / points.length;
System.out.println("Average Time per query was " + averageTime * 1000.0 + " miliseconds.\n");
* Test a KDTree to make sure it gives you back the same point or a closer point if you query for
* each point plus a small delta
* @param kdTree KDTree
public static void testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid(KDTree kdTree, double maxDelta, int skipPoints, double maxDistance)
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Starting testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid. maxDelta = " + maxDelta);
double[][] points = kdTree.getPoints();
int pointsConsidered = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i = i + skipPoints, pointsConsidered++)
double[] point = points[i];
double[] adjustedPoint = new double[point.length];
for (int j = 0; j < point.length; j++)
double delta = maxDelta * (2.0 * Math.random() - 1.0);
adjustedPoint[j] = point[j] + delta;
// double[] closestPoint = kdTree.closestPoint(adjustedPoint, maxDistance);
double[] closestPoint = kdTree.closestPoint(adjustedPoint);
if ((points[i] != closestPoint) && (closestPoint != null))
// check if it is closer
Point3D adjusted = new Point3D(adjustedPoint);
Point3D initial = new Point3D(points[i]);
Point3D closest = new Point3D(closestPoint);
if (adjusted.distance(initial) <= adjusted.distance(closest))
System.out.println("point " + i + " = " + initial + " did not match adjustedPoint = " + adjusted + " instead it matched " + closest);
System.out.println("Finished testLookupSamePointPlusDeltaOnGrid for " + pointsConsidered);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
double totalTime = (endTime - startTime) * 0.001;
System.out.println("Took " + totalTime + " seconds for " + pointsConsidered + " points.");
double averageTime = totalTime / pointsConsidered;
System.out.println("Average Time per query was " + averageTime * 1000.0 + " miliseconds.\n");