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multiverse-scala from group org.multiverse (version 0.5.2)

Scala classes to allow more elegant use of Multiverse from Scala. Atm the functionality is quite limited since not a lot of effort was put in the Scala integration. For the 0.6 release Multiverse should be able to work with in Scala written transactional objects configured with the Multiverse annotations. So that would reduce the need for this library, although in Scala they want to have special Scala 'interfaces' that provide some syntactic sugar to use java collections in Scala. So this module would be the good location for that. If anyone would like to help improving the Multiverse/Scala integration, please don't hesitate to join.

Group: org.multiverse Artifact: multiverse-scala
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Artifact multiverse-scala
Group org.multiverse
Version 0.5.2
Last update 26. May 2010
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies multiverse-core, scala-library,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

sablecc from group sablecc (version 3.2-1)

SableCC is an object-oriented framework that generates compilers (and interpreters) in the Java programming language. This framework is based on two fundamental design decisions. Firstly, the framework uses object-oriented techniques to automatically build a strictly-typed abstract syntax tree. Secondly, the framework generates tree-walker classes using an extended version of the visitor design pattern which enables the implementation of actions on the nodes of the abstract syntax tree using inheritance. These two design decisions lead to a tool that supports a shorter development cycle for constructing compilers.

Group: sablecc Artifact: sablecc
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Artifact sablecc
Group sablecc
Version 3.2-1
Last update 25. February 2008
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

ashkay from group ashkay (version 0.6)

How many classes does it take to make a cache? 60? 80? You might think so if you look at the other caches on the market. Ashkay is a streamlined, simple cache that in many ways is more powerful than the other mainstream caches. Ashkay is a strategy based caching tool. In most cases, you might be using a configuration file to tell the cache what rules it should obey. Or, you might just be setting properties on the cache. I have never liked this model as it limits me, the user of the cache to strategies the developer decided were important. Instead, Ashkay lets you choose the strategy(ies) to use when caching certain objects. Of course, a few of the most handy strategies are pre-packaged, but implementing a new one is a simple as can be. Ashkay is a fork of <a href="">xot</a> caching code. Made more sense on its own.

Group: ashkay Artifact: ashkay


Artifact ashkay
Group ashkay
Version 0.6
Last update 24. November 2005
Organization Apache Software Foundation
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies log4j, concurrent, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jfreechart from group se.malmin (version 1.5.3)

This is a fork of jfreechart. The purpose is to the build it with the Java module sytem and Java 17. This to be able to use it in building java applications with reduced runtimes. Three servlet classes have been removed as they depended on the automatic module servlet.api. No functionality has beed added. All credit to the original project. Introduzing the module system has broken the unit tests. Everything seems to work as expected though. If you stumble upon this, then it might be useful if you need to use jfreechart in a Java module application. This project will not be maintained though. It looks like jfreechart is adopting the module system and that it might be released soon. jfreechart with Java 11 and modules for java fx applications was recently released. JFreeChart is a class library, written in Java, for generating charts. Utilising the Java2D API, it supports a wide range of chart types including bar charts, pie charts, line charts, XY-plots, time series plots, Sankey charts and more.

Group: se.malmin Artifact: jfreechart
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Artifact jfreechart
Group se.malmin
Version 1.5.3
Last update 20. September 2023
License GNU Lesser General Public Licence
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

dbvolution10 from group (version 1.0.1)

Advanced Library to Remove Object Relational Impedance. DBvolution translates all database concepts into Object Oriented concepts, allowing you to spend all your time writing Java rather than fixing broken and awkward SQL. DBvolution transforms your schema into classes, reduces the database configuration to sparse annotations on the classes, and allows querying directly from the classes. Queries are created inside your java code and takes as little as one line for a multi-table outer join. Retrieving the rows from the query is only one more method call. Dozens of SQL functions are available without leaving your Java code and use chaining to build complex expressions easily. Transactions are encapsulated into a thread-like API, allowing you to write complex database interactions in complete safety. The queries performed by DBvolution are always available for debugging and checking by DBAs before release. There are examples in, and documentation at

Group: Artifact: dbvolution10
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Artifact dbvolution10
Version 1.0.1
Last update 11. June 2023
Organization Gregory Graham
License Commercial License
Dependencies amount 31
Dependencies mysql-connector-java, h2, postgresql, reflections, commons-logging, dbvolution-eclipse, jung-visualization, jung-graph-impl, sqlite-jdbc, commons-codec, nuodb-jdbc, derby, derbyclient, jts, joda-time, simmetrics-core, jtds, mssql-jdbc, annotations, jsr305, jackson-dataformat-yaml, jackson-databind, jbcrypt, commons-lang3, commons-crypto, compiler, ojdbc10, regexi, separatedstring, core, looper,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

patrius from group fr.cnes.sirius.patrius (version 4.8.1)

PATRIUS is a core space dynamics Java library that enables to quickly develop high level algorithms such as orbit extrapolator. PATRIUS contains several sub-libraries that work together and cover low level classes (i.e.: such as matrix, vectors, orbits parameters) as well as high level classes and interfaces (i.e.: numerical propagators, attitude laws, manoeuvers sequences). All the main domains of space dynamics are available: Analysis, algebra and geometry core library (quaternions, derivable functions, integrators …) Core objects for space dynamics (dates, orbits, frames...) Orbit propagation: analytical, semi-analytical and numerical propagators, a full set of force models Maneuvers: impulsive or continuous thrust, sequences Attitude: extensible set of attitude laws, sequences and guidance framework Events: event detection (orbital, sensor events, etc.) and post-processing (chronograms) Spacecraft: characteristics of mass, geometry (drag force), sensors field of view, etc.

Group: fr.cnes.sirius.patrius Artifact: patrius
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Artifact patrius
Group fr.cnes.sirius.patrius
Version 4.8.1
Last update 09. August 2022
Organization CNES
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jafama, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

org.semanticweb.hermit from group net.sourceforge.owlapi (version

HermiT is reasoner for ontologies written using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Given an OWL file, HermiT can determine whether or not the ontology is consistent, identify subsumption relationships between classes, and much more. This is the maven build of HermiT and is designed for people who wish to use HermiT from within the OWL API. It is now versioned in the main HermiT version repository, although not officially supported by the HermiT developers. The version number of this package is a composite of the HermiT version and a value representing the OWLAPI release it is compatible with. Note that the group id for the upstream HermiT is com.hermit-reasoner, while this fork is released under net.sourceforge.owlapi. This fork exists to allow HermiT users to use newer OWLAPI versions than the ones supported by the original HermiT codebase. This package includes the Jautomata library (, and builds with it directly. This library appears to be no longer under active development, and so a "fork" seems appropriate. No development is intended or anticipated on this code base.

Group: net.sourceforge.owlapi Artifact: org.semanticweb.hermit
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Artifact org.semanticweb.hermit
Group net.sourceforge.owlapi
Last update 18. February 2020
Organization not specified
License LGPL
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies commons-logging, owlapi-distribution, axiom-api, axiom-c14n, axiom-impl, axiom-dom, automaton, java-getopt, trove4j,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

dbvolution7 from group (version 1.0.0)

Advanced Library to Remove Object Relational Impedance. DBvolution translates all database concepts into Object Oriented concepts, allowing you to spend all your time writing Java rather than fixing broken and awkward SQL. DBvolution transforms your schema into classes, reduces the database configuration to sparse annotations on the classes, and allows querying directly from the classes. Queries are created inside your java code and takes as little as one line for a multi-table outer join. Retrieving the rows from the query is only one more method call. Dozens of SQL functions are available without leaving your Java code and use chaining to build complex expressions easily. Transactions are encapsulated into a thread-like API, allowing you to write complex database interactions in complete safety. The queries performed by DBvolution are always available for debugging and checking by DBAs before release. There are examples in, and documentation at

Group: Artifact: dbvolution7
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Artifact dbvolution7
Version 1.0.0
Last update 27. May 2019
Organization Gregory Graham
License Commercial License
Dependencies amount 26
Dependencies mysql-connector-java, h2, mysql-connector-mxj, postgresql, reflections, commons-logging, dbvolution-eclipse, jung-visualization, jung-graph-impl, sqlite-jdbc, commons-codec, nuodb-jdbc, derby, derbyclient, jts, joda-time, simmetrics-core, jtds, mssql-jdbc, annotations, jsr305, jackson-dataformat-yaml, jackson-databind, jbcrypt, commons-lang3, commons-crypto,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

preferredlistgen from group (version 3.1.0)

Tool used to generate the preferred class information for downloadable JAR files in the form of a META-INF/PREFERRED.LIST required for use by the {@link net.jini.loader.pref.PreferredClassLoader}. The list is generated by examining the dependencies of classes contained within a target JAR file and zero or more additional supporting JAR files. Through various command-line options, a set of "root" classes are identified as belonging to a public API. These root classes provide the starting point for recursively computing a dependency graph, finding all of the classes referenced in the public API of the root classes, finding all of the classes referenced in turn by the public API of those classes, and so on, until no new classes are found. The results of the dependency analysis are combined with the preferred list information in the additional supporting JAR files to compute a preferred list having the smallest number of entries that describes the preferred state of the classes and resources contained in all of the JAR files. The output of the tool is a new version of the target JAR file containing the generated preferred list, and/or a copy of the list printed to System.out.

Group: Artifact: preferredlistgen
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Artifact preferredlistgen
Version 3.1.0
Last update 04. January 2019
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

algorithms from group de.cit-ec.tcs.alignment (version 3.1.1)

This module defines the interface for AlignmentAlgorithms as well as some helper classes. An AlignmentAlgorithm computes an Alignment of two given input sequences, given a Comparator that works in these sequences. More details on the AlignmentAlgorithm can be found in the respective interface. More information on Comparators can be found in the comparators module. The resulting 'Alignment' may be just a real-valued dissimilarity between the input sequence or may incorporate additional information, such as a full Alignment, a PathList, a PathMap or a CooptimalModel. If those results support the calculation of a Gradient, they implement the DerivableAlignmentDistance interface. In more detail, the Alignment class represents the result of a backtracing scheme, listing all Operations that have been applied in one co-optimal Alignment. A classic AlignmentAlgorithm does not result in a differentiable dissimilarity, because the minimum function is not differentiable. Therefore, this package also contains utility functions for a soft approximation of the minimum function, namely Softmin. For faster (parallel) computation of many different alignments or gradients we also provide the ParallelProcessingEngine, the SquareParallelProcessingEngine and the ParallelGradientEngine.

Group: de.cit-ec.tcs.alignment Artifact: algorithms
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Artifact algorithms
Group de.cit-ec.tcs.alignment
Version 3.1.1
Last update 26. October 2018
Organization not specified
License The GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies comparators, parallel, lombok,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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