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beehive-jdbc-control from group com.moparisthebest.beehive (version 1.0.4)
Group: com.moparisthebest.beehive Artifact: beehive-jdbc-control
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact beehive-jdbc-control
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies beehive-controls, beehive-jdbc-mapper, xbean,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies beehive-controls, beehive-jdbc-mapper, xbean,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
beehive-ejb-control from group com.moparisthebest.beehive (version 1.0.4)
Group: com.moparisthebest.beehive Artifact: beehive-ejb-control
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact beehive-ejb-control
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies beehive-controls, netui-compiler, geronimo-j2ee_1.4_spec,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies beehive-controls, netui-compiler, geronimo-j2ee_1.4_spec,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
beehive-netui-core from group com.moparisthebest.beehive (version 1.0.4)
Group: com.moparisthebest.beehive Artifact: beehive-netui-core
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact beehive-netui-core
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies beehive-controls, commons-discovery, commons-el, commons-logging, struts, log4j, commons-codec, myfaces-jsf-api, jsp-api, servlet-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies beehive-controls, commons-discovery, commons-el, commons-logging, struts, log4j, commons-codec, myfaces-jsf-api, jsp-api, servlet-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
beehive-netui-compiler from group com.moparisthebest.beehive (version 1.0.4)
Group: com.moparisthebest.beehive Artifact: beehive-netui-compiler
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact beehive-netui-compiler
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies beehive-controls,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.moparisthebest.beehive
Version 1.0.4
Last update 27. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies beehive-controls,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
HermiT from group com.github.ansell.hermit (version
HermiT is reasoner for ontologies written using the Web
Ontology Language (OWL). Given an OWL file, HermiT can determine whether or
not the ontology is consistent, identify subsumption relationships between
classes, and much more.
This is the maven build of HermiT and is designed for people who wish to use
HermiT from within the OWL API. It is not officially supported by the HermiT
development team, but was built initially for use with the Clojure-OWL
library. It is built using the HermiT source tree without modification.
There have been some additions to the test source tree to account for
differences between the maven and ant environment; these are small and
(hopefully) maintainable.
The version number of this package is a composite of the HermiT version and
an value representing releases of this packaged version. So, is the
first release of the mavenized version of HermiT based on the 1.3.7 release
of HermiT.
This package includes the Jautomata library
(, and builds with it directly. This
library appears to be no longer under active development, and so a "fork"
seems appropriate. No development is intended or anticipated on this code
Artifact HermiT
Group com.github.ansell.hermit
Last update 03. September 2013
Organization not specified
License LGPL
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies owlapi-api, owlapi-impl, owlapi-parsers, owlapi-rio, sesame-rio-turtle, sesame-rio-ntriples, sesame-rio-rdfxml, axiom-api, axiom-c14n, axiom-impl, axiom-dom, automaton,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.ansell.hermit
Last update 03. September 2013
Organization not specified
License LGPL
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies owlapi-api, owlapi-impl, owlapi-parsers, owlapi-rio, sesame-rio-turtle, sesame-rio-ntriples, sesame-rio-rdfxml, axiom-api, axiom-c14n, axiom-impl, axiom-dom, automaton,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.12 from group (version 4.0.10)
## Specs2 Bindings for the pact-jvm library
## Dependency
In the root folder of your project in build.sbt add the line:
libraryDependencies += "" %% "pact-jvm-consumer-specs2" % "3.2.11"
or if you are using Gradle:
dependencies {
testCompile ""
__*Note:*__ `PactSpec` requires spec2 3.x. Also, for spray users there's an incompatibility between specs2 v3.x and spray.
Follow these instructions to resolve that problem:!msg/spray-user/2T6SBp4OJeI/AJlnJuAKPRsJ
## Usage
To author a test, mix `PactSpec` into your spec
First we define a service client called `ConsumerService`. In our example this is a simple wrapper for `dispatch`, an HTTP client. The source code can be found in the test folder alongside the `ExamplePactSpec`.
Here is a simple example:
class ExamplePactSpec extends Specification with PactSpec {
val consumer = "My Consumer"
val provider = "My Provider"
override def is = uponReceiving("a request for foo")
.matching(path = "/foo")
.willRespondWith(body = "{}")
.withConsumerTest { providerConfig =>
Await.result(ConsumerService(providerConfig.url).simpleGet("/foo"), Duration(1000, MILLISECONDS)) must beEqualTo(200, Some("{}"))
This spec will be run along with the rest of your specs2 unit tests and will output your pact json to
# Forcing pact files to be overwritten (3.6.5+)
By default, when the pact file is written, it will be merged with any existing pact file. To force the file to be
overwritten, set the Java system property `pact.writer.overwrite` to `true`.
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.12
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.12
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies pact-jvm-consumer, json, specs2-core_2.12, async-http-client, scala-java8-compat_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies pact-jvm-consumer, json, specs2-core_2.12, async-http-client, scala-java8-compat_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
openimaj from group org.openimaj (version 1.3.10)
OpenIMAJ (Open Intelligent Multimedia in Java) is a collection of libraries and tools for multimedia analysis written in the Java programming language. OpenIMAJ intends to be the first truly complete multimedia analysis library and contains modules for analysing images, videos, text, audio and even webpages. The OpenIMAJ image and video analysis and feature extraction modules contain methods for processing visual content and extracting state-of-the-art features, including SIFT. The OpenIMAJ clustering and nearest-neighbour libraries contain efficient, multi-threaded implementations of clustering algorithms including Hierarchical K-Means and Approximate K-Means. The clustering library makes it possible to easily create visual-bag-of-words representations for images and video with very large vocabularies. The text-analysis modules contain implementations of a statistical language classifier and low-level processing pipeline. A number of modules deal with content creation, including interactive slideshows and animations. The hardware integration modules allow cross-platform integration with devices including webcams, the Microsoft Kinect, and even devices such as GPS's. OpenIMAJ also incorporates a number of tools to enable extremely-large-scale multimedia analysis using a distributed computing approach based on Apache Hadoop.
Group: org.openimaj Artifact: openimaj
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Artifact openimaj
Group org.openimaj
Version 1.3.10
Last update 09. February 2020
Organization The University of Southampton
License New BSD
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.openimaj
Version 1.3.10
Last update 09. February 2020
Organization The University of Southampton
License New BSD
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.11 from group (version 3.5.24)
## Specs2 Bindings for the pact-jvm library
## Dependency
In the root folder of your project in build.sbt add the line:
libraryDependencies += "" %% "pact-jvm-consumer-specs2" % "2.0.6"
## Usage
To author a test, extend `PactSpec`
Here is a simple example:
class ExamplePactSpec extends PactSpec {
val consumer = "My Consumer"
val provider = "My Provider"
uponReceiving("a request for foo")
.matching(path = "/foo")
.willRespondWith(body = "{}")
.during { providerConfig =>
ConsumerService(providerConfig.url).simpleGet("/foo") must beEqualTo(200, Some("{}")).await
This spec will be run along with the rest of your specs2 unit tests and will output your pact json to
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.11
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.11
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies scala-library, specs2_2.11, pact-jvm-consumer_2.11, slf4j-api, scala-xml_2.11, json4s-native_2.11, json4s-jackson_2.11,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.5.24
Last update 04. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies scala-library, specs2_2.11, pact-jvm-consumer_2.11, slf4j-api, scala-xml_2.11, json4s-native_2.11, json4s-jackson_2.11,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.10 from group (version 2.4.20)
## Specs2 Bindings for the pact-jvm library
## Dependency
In the root folder of your project in build.sbt add the line:
libraryDependencies += "" %% "pact-jvm-consumer-specs2" % "3.2.2"
or if you are using Gradle:
dependencies {
testCompile ""
__*Note:*__ `PactSpec` requires spec2 3.x. Also, for spray users there's an incompatibility between specs2 v3.x and spray.
Follow these instructions to resolve that problem:!msg/spray-user/2T6SBp4OJeI/AJlnJuAKPRsJ
## Usage
To author a test, mix `PactSpec` into your spec
First we define a service client called `ConsumerService`. In our example this is a simple wrapper for `dispatch`, an HTTP client. The source code can be found in the test folder alongside the `ExamplePactSpec`.
Here is a simple example:
class ExamplePactSpec extends Specification with PactSpec {
val consumer = "My Consumer"
val provider = "My Provider"
override def is = uponReceiving("a request for foo")
.matching(path = "/foo")
.willRespondWith(body = "{}")
.withConsumerTest { providerConfig =>
Await.result(ConsumerService(providerConfig.url).simpleGet("/foo"), Duration(1000, MILLISECONDS)) must beEqualTo(200, Some("{}"))
This spec will be run along with the rest of your specs2 unit tests and will output your pact json to
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.10
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer-specs2_2.10
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-consumer_2.10, specs2-core_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 2.4.20
Last update 14. April 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, pact-jvm-consumer_2.10, specs2-core_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
raceSearch from group (version 1.0.2)
Races the cross validation error of competing attribute subsets. Use in conjuction with a ClassifierSubsetEval. RaceSearch has four modes:
forward selection races all single attribute additions to a base set (initially no attributes), selects the winner to become the new base set and then iterates until there is no improvement over the base set.
Backward elimination is similar but the initial base set has all attributes included and races all single attribute deletions.
Schemata search is a bit different. Each iteration a series of races are run in parallel. Each race in a set determines whether a particular attribute should be included or not---ie the race is between the attribute being "in" or "out". The other attributes for this race are included or excluded randomly at each point in the evaluation. As soon as one race has a clear winner (ie it has been decided whether a particular attribute should be inor not) then the next set of races begins, using the result of the winning race from the previous iteration as new base set.
Rank race first ranks the attributes using an attribute evaluator and then races the ranking. The race includes no attributes, the top ranked attribute, the top two attributes, the top three attributes, etc.
It is also possible to generate a raked list of attributes through the forward racing process. If generateRanking is set to true then a complete forward race will be run---that is, racing continues until all attributes have been selected. The order that they are added in determines a complete ranking of all the attributes.
Racing uses paired and unpaired t-tests on cross-validation errors of competing subsets. When there is a significant difference between the means of the errors of two competing subsets then the poorer of the two can be eliminated from the race. Similarly, if there is no significant difference between the mean errors of two competing subsets and they are within some threshold of each other, then one can be eliminated from the race.
Artifact raceSearch
Version 1.0.2
Last update 26. April 2012
Organization University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
License GNU General Public License 3
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies weka-dev, classifierBasedAttributeSelection,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 1.0.2
Last update 26. April 2012
Organization University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
License GNU General Public License 3
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies weka-dev, classifierBasedAttributeSelection,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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