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pmd-java8 from group net.sourceforge.pmd (version 6.55.0)
Artifact pmd-java8
Group net.sourceforge.pmd
Version 6.55.0
Last update 25. February 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies pmd-java, pmd-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.sourceforge.pmd
Version 6.55.0
Last update 25. February 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies pmd-java, pmd-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
mydtt-plus-spring-boot-starter from group io.github.weasley-j (version 1.3.5)
MyDtt-Plus is a starter of spring-boot, It is an object-oriented Java framework that helps developers increase
productivity, "Domain Driven Table" is the concept of DTT, It makes you focus more on domain objects rather than
tables. Aims to make it easy to automatically create DB tables based on your Java model with annotation driven.
It's also support the ability of create table automatically for MyBatis what Hibernate can do and optionally
export SQL to local file,Each table can be added database name concat with table name and fully comments, It can
work with ORM frameworks such as MyBatis-Plus and MyBatis with little learning and usage costs. It's worth
mentioning that DTT can be MyBatis-Plus is integrated in a 0-code way, just like JPA. However, MyDtt-Plus and
MyBatis-Plus may be easier to expand and use than JPA. In addition to supporting the functions of JPA, DDT
provides multi-table associated SQL DDL based on MyBatis operation, DTT support databases server for MYSQL,
Group: io.github.weasley-j Artifact: mydtt-plus-spring-boot-starter
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact mydtt-plus-spring-boot-starter
Group io.github.weasley-j
Version 1.3.5
Last update 20. August 2022
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 16
Dependencies spring-boot-starter-validation, spring-boot-starter-aop, spring-boot-starter, hutool-all, commons-lang3, commons-io, therapi-runtime-javadoc, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations, jackson-datatype-jsr310, spring-boot-starter-jdbc, velocity-engine-core, mybatis, mybatis-spring, mybatis-plus-core, jsqlparser,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.github.weasley-j
Version 1.3.5
Last update 20. August 2022
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 16
Dependencies spring-boot-starter-validation, spring-boot-starter-aop, spring-boot-starter, hutool-all, commons-lang3, commons-io, therapi-runtime-javadoc, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations, jackson-datatype-jsr310, spring-boot-starter-jdbc, velocity-engine-core, mybatis, mybatis-spring, mybatis-plus-core, jsqlparser,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
nsgaii from group com.debacharya (version 3.2.0)
A NSGA-II implementation using Java. This implementation of NSGA-II algorithm is in pure reference to the
original published paper. This is not an effort to convert the originally implemented C code in Java.
The original C code by the authors has not be referred to while writing this implementation.
This is a fully customizable implementation of the NSGA-II algorithm, made as generic as possible.
This documentation assumes you have basic understanding of the NSGA-II algorithm. Apart from the core concepts
of the algorithm, everything else in this package can be implemented as per the user's choice and plugged
into the algorithm dynamically. Since NSGA-II is more like a set of protocols to follow as an algorithm rather
than a concrete implementation of every aspect, this package has been re-written from scratch keeping complete
customizability in mind. Apart from the core concepts of the algorithm, everything is considered to be a plugin
external to the algorithm that can be implemented by the user and dynamically plugged into the algorithm during
runtime as needed. This opens up the possibility of the package to be used simply as a PoC or be converted into
something much more complex according to the users needs.
Artifact nsgaii
Group com.debacharya
Version 3.2.0
Last update 23. March 2021
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jfreechart, jcommon,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.debacharya
Version 3.2.0
Last update 23. March 2021
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jfreechart, jcommon,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
balea-core from group io.magidc (version 1.0.1)
Balea creates a proxy of javax.sql.DataSource, providing dynamic routing to multiple container based databases following a On Demand Data Source Access architecture.
Docker is used as manager to create, start or stop database containers on demand and link correspondent data volumes. Thanks to this approach is possible to distribute data across multiple databases keeping active only the necessary ones in each moment maximizing the use of system resources.
The distribution and management of data is hidden under the hood, any process that uses this data source interface (i.e. Hibernate) will perceive it as a single source of data.
It makes possible for standard SQL database like Postgresql or MySQL to be maintained, backed up or versioned with simple file system operations as the data volumes are attached dynamically to the managed Docker containers.
Docker integration allows also to manage database containers in remote hosts.
Artifact balea-core
Group io.magidc
Version 1.0.1
Last update 23. July 2019
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies docker-java,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.magidc
Version 1.0.1
Last update 23. July 2019
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies docker-java,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
dbvolution7 from group (version 1.0.0)
Advanced Library to Remove Object Relational Impedance.
DBvolution translates all database concepts into Object Oriented concepts, allowing you to spend all your time writing Java rather than fixing broken and awkward SQL.
DBvolution transforms your schema into classes, reduces the database configuration to sparse annotations on the classes, and allows querying directly from the classes.
Queries are created inside your java code and takes as little as one line for a multi-table outer join. Retrieving the rows from the query is only one more method call. Dozens of SQL functions are available without leaving your Java code and use chaining to build complex expressions easily.
Transactions are encapsulated into a thread-like API, allowing you to write complex database interactions in complete safety.
The queries performed by DBvolution are always available for debugging and checking by DBAs before release.
There are examples in, and documentation at
Artifact dbvolution7
Version 1.0.0
Last update 27. May 2019
Organization Gregory Graham
License Commercial License
Dependencies amount 24
Dependencies mysql-connector-java, h2, mysql-connector-mxj, postgresql, reflections, commons-logging, dbvolution-eclipse, jung-visualization, jung-graph-impl, sqlite-jdbc, commons-codec, nuodb-jdbc, derby, derbyclient, jts, joda-time, simmetrics-core, jtds, mssql-jdbc, annotations, jsr305, jackson-dataformat-yaml, jackson-databind, jbcrypt,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 1.0.0
Last update 27. May 2019
Organization Gregory Graham
License Commercial License
Dependencies amount 24
Dependencies mysql-connector-java, h2, mysql-connector-mxj, postgresql, reflections, commons-logging, dbvolution-eclipse, jung-visualization, jung-graph-impl, sqlite-jdbc, commons-codec, nuodb-jdbc, derby, derbyclient, jts, joda-time, simmetrics-core, jtds, mssql-jdbc, annotations, jsr305, jackson-dataformat-yaml, jackson-databind, jbcrypt,
There are maybe transitive dependencies! from group com.github.easonjim (version 3.0.11)
The SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) is a toolkit that allows a Java application to communicate with any SAP system.
It combines an easy to use API with unprecedented flexibility and performance. The package supports both, Java
to SAP System as well as SAP System to Java calls.
- All SAP Connectors are licensed without additional license fees as part of the respective solution or component license.
However, please note that each connector may be used only for connecting external (non-SAP) applications to SAP Systems /
SAP Solutions. Scenarios, in which two external (non-SAP) applications are integrated via an SAP Connector, are not allowed.
- The redistribution of any connector is not allowed.
- All SAP users accessing application functionality through the relevant connector are required to be licensed under a
respective solution or component license.
To use the SAP JCo with the jco-jar project, you need to either install the SAP JCo jar downloaded from SAP to your local
Maven repository (variant a) or deploy it to e.g. an enterprise Maven repository like Nexus or Artifactory (variant b):
(a) mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.github.easonjim -Dversion=3.0.11 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=path/to/sapjco3.jar
(b) mvn deploy:deploy-file -DrepositoryId=[] -DgroupId=com.github.easonjim -Dversion=3.0.11 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=path/to/sapjco3.jar
Group com.github.easonjim
Version 3.0.11
Last update 22. May 2019
Organization easonjim@github
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.easonjim
Version 3.0.11
Last update 22. May 2019
Organization easonjim@github
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
romaji from group com.github.jikyo (version 0.0.4)
`Romaji` is a converter library to romanize Japanese hiragana/katakana string by standard and IME typing style.
Even though [icu::Transliterator]( already has provided the same functions, and returns only one romanized string.
However, there exists several different romanization systems, so one hiragana/katakana string has so many romanize string.
For example, `"ちゃ"` can be romanized as `"cha"`, `"tya"`, `"chixya"`, `"tixya"`, `"chilya"`, or `"tilya"`.
`Romaji` provides romanized strings as many as possible.
If an input string contained non hiragana/katakana characters (includes kanji), `Romaji` return the characters as same as the input.
For example, `Romaji` converts the input `"お茶の水"` to `"o茶no水"`.
The mapping from hiragana/katakana to romaji is based on common IME's system to type Japanese on a computer.
Therefor, `Romaji` does not directly implement the standard system like Hepburn, Nihon-shiki or Kunrei-shiki, but includes them.
Artifact romaji
Group com.github.jikyo
Version 0.0.4
Last update 14. May 2019
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.jikyo
Version 0.0.4
Last update 14. May 2019
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
dbvolution from group (version 1.0.5)
Advanced Library to Remove Object Relational Impedance
Artifact dbvolution
Version 1.0.5
Last update 18. August 2018
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 1.0.5
Last update 18. August 2018
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies! from group org.hibersap (version 3.0.0)
The SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) is a toolkit that allows a Java application to communicate with any SAP system.
It combines an easy to use API with unprecedented flexibility and performance. The package supports both, Java
to SAP System as well as SAP System to Java calls.
- All SAP Connectors are licensed without additional license fees as part of the respective solution or component license.
However, please note that each connector may be used only for connecting external (non-SAP) applications to SAP Systems /
SAP Solutions. Scenarios, in which two external (non-SAP) applications are integrated via an SAP Connector, are not allowed.
- The redistribution of any connector is not allowed.
- All SAP users accessing application functionality through the relevant connector are required to be licensed under a
respective solution or component license.
To use the SAP JCo with the Hibersap project, you need to either install the SAP JCo jar downloaded from SAP to your local
Maven repository (variant a) or deploy it to e.g. an enterprise Maven repository like Nexus or Artifactory (variant b):
(a) mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.hibersap -Dversion=3.0.15 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=path/to/sapjco3.jar
(b) mvn deploy:deploy-file -DrepositoryId=[] -DgroupId=org.hibersap -Dversion=3.0.15 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=sapjco3.jar
Group org.hibersap
Version 3.0.0
Last update 08. March 2017
Organization akquinet tech@spree GmbH
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.hibersap
Version 3.0.0
Last update 08. March 2017
Organization akquinet tech@spree GmbH
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
jburg from group net.sourceforge.jburg (version 1.10.3)
A bottom-up rewrite machine is a compiler construction tool that is often used in the compiler's back end to
convert a tree-structured representation of a program into machine code -- or, in Java's case, bytecode.
JBurg can also be used as a general-purpose dynamic programming engine. JBurg is descended from iburg-class
BURGs, described in Fraser, Hanson, and Proebsting's paper, "Engineering a Simple, Efficient Code Generator
JBurg brings similar O(N) minimum-cost tree rewriting capabilities to Java, and also allows the programmer to
specify transitions between non-terminal states, that are significantly more powerful than iburg's transitive
closures: JBurg transformation rules allow the transformation to inject additional program logic, which makes
a JBurg specification more like a grammar than like a list of pattern-matching rules.
Artifact jburg
Group net.sourceforge.jburg
Version 1.10.3
Last update 24. February 2016
Organization not specified
License Common Public License Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.sourceforge.jburg
Version 1.10.3
Last update 24. February 2016
Organization not specified
License Common Public License Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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