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import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.CommandLineProgramProperties;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.programgroups.CoverageAnalysisProgramGroup;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.AlignmentContext;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.FeatureContext;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.LocusWalker;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.ReferenceContext;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.Argument;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.StandardArgumentDefinitions;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.*;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.filters.ReadFilter;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.filters.ReadFilterLibrary;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.pileup.PileupElement;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.pileup.ReadPileup;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Calculate read counts per allele for allele-specific expression analysis of RNAseq data


* This tool calculates allele counts at a set of positions after applying filters that are tuned for enabling * allele-specific expression (ASE) analysis of RNAseq data. The filters operate on mapping quality, base quality, depth of coverage, * overlapping paired reads and deletions overlapping the position. All thresholds and options are controlled by * command-line arguments. *




  • BAM files (with proper headers) to be analyzed for ASE
  • *
  • A VCF file with specific sites to process.
  • *




* A table of allele counts at the given sites. By default, it is formatted as a tab-delimited text file * that is readable by R and compatible with Mamba, * a downstream tool developed for allele-specific expression analysis. *


Usage Example


* gatk ASEReadCounter \ * -R Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \ * -I input.bam \ * -V sites.vcf.gz \ * -O output.table *




  • Like most GATK tools, this tools filters out duplicate reads by default. However, some ASE methods * recommend including duplicate reads in the analysis, so the DuplicateRead filter can be disabled using the * "-DF NotDuplicateReadFilter" flag in the command-line.
  • *


  • This tool will only process biallelic het SNP sites. If your callset contains multiallelic sites, they will be ignored. * Optionally, you can subset your callset to just biallelic variants using e.g. * SelectVariants * with the option "-restrictAllelesTo BIALLELIC".
  • *

* For more details see Castel, S. et al. Tools and Best Practices for allelic expression analysis. * * @author Ami Levy Moonshine */ @DocumentedFeature @CommandLineProgramProperties( summary = "Counts filtered reads at het sites for allele specific expression estimate", oneLineSummary = "Generates table of filtered base counts at het sites for allele specific expression", programGroup = CoverageAnalysisProgramGroup.class ) public class ASEReadCounter extends LocusWalker { @Argument(fullName = StandardArgumentDefinitions.OUTPUT_LONG_NAME, shortName = StandardArgumentDefinitions.OUTPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "Output file (if not provided, defaults to STDOUT)", optional = true) private File outputFile = null; @Argument(fullName = StandardArgumentDefinitions.VARIANT_LONG_NAME, shortName = StandardArgumentDefinitions.VARIANT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "One or more VCF files") private List> variants; /** * If this argument is enabled, loci with total depth lower than this threshold after all filters have been applied * will be skipped. This can be set to -1 by default to disable the evaluation and ignore this threshold. */ @Argument(fullName = "min-depth-of-non-filtered-base", shortName = "min-depth", doc = "Minimum number of bases that pass filters", optional = true) public int minDepthOfNonFilteredBases = -1; /** * If this argument is enabled, reads with mapping quality values lower than this threshold will not be counted. * This can be set to -1 by default to disable the evaluation and ignore this threshold. */ @Argument(fullName = "min-mapping-quality", shortName = "mmq", doc = "Minimum read mapping quality", optional = true) public int minMappingQuality = 0; /** * If this argument is enabled, bases with quality scores lower than this threshold will not be counted. * This can be set to -1 by default to disable the evaluation and ignore this threshold. */ @Argument(fullName = "min-base-quality", shortName = "mbq", doc = "Minimum base quality", optional = true) public byte minBaseQuality = 0; /** * These options modify how the tool deals with overlapping read pairs. The default value is COUNT_FRAGMENTS_REQUIRE_SAME_BASE. */ @Argument(fullName = "count-overlap-reads-handling", shortName = "overlap", doc = "Handling of overlapping reads from the same fragment", optional = true) public CountPileupType countType = CountPileupType.COUNT_FRAGMENTS_REQUIRE_SAME_BASE; /** * Available options are csv, table, rtable. By default, the format is rtable (an r-readable table). */ @Argument(fullName = "output-format", doc = "Format of the output file", optional = true) public OUTPUT_FORMAT outputFormat = OUTPUT_FORMAT.RTABLE; public String separator = "\t"; public enum OUTPUT_FORMAT { TABLE, RTABLE, CSV } public enum CountPileupType { /** * Count all reads independently (even if from the same fragment). */ COUNT_READS, /** * Count all fragments (even if the reads that compose the fragment are not consistent at that base). */ COUNT_FRAGMENTS, /** * Count all fragments (but only if the reads that compose the fragment are consistent at that base). */ COUNT_FRAGMENTS_REQUIRE_SAME_BASE } private PrintStream outputStream = null; @Override public List getDefaultReadFilters() { final List defaultFilters = new ArrayList<>(); defaultFilters.add(ReadFilterLibrary.VALID_ALIGNMENT_START); defaultFilters.add(ReadFilterLibrary.VALID_ALIGNMENT_END); defaultFilters.add(ReadFilterLibrary.HAS_READ_GROUP); defaultFilters.add(ReadFilterLibrary.HAS_MATCHING_BASES_AND_QUALS); defaultFilters.add(ReadFilterLibrary.SEQ_IS_STORED); defaultFilters.add(ReadFilterLibrary.NOT_DUPLICATE); defaultFilters.add(ReadFilterLibrary.NOT_SECONDARY_ALIGNMENT); defaultFilters.add(new ReadFilterLibrary.MappedReadFilter()); return defaultFilters; } @Override public void onTraversalStart() { try { outputStream = outputFile != null ? new PrintStream(outputFile) : System.out; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new UserException.CouldNotCreateOutputFile(outputFile, e); } if (outputFormat.equals(OUTPUT_FORMAT.CSV)) { separator = ","; } final String header = "contig" + separator + "position" + separator + "variantID" + separator + "refAllele" + separator + "altAllele" + separator + "refCount" + separator + "altCount" + separator + "totalCount" + separator + "lowMAPQDepth" + separator + "lowBaseQDepth" + separator + "rawDepth" + separator + "otherBases" + separator + "improperPairs"; outputStream.println(header); } @Override public void apply(AlignmentContext alignmentContext, ReferenceContext referenceContext, FeatureContext featureContext) { final String contig = alignmentContext.getContig(); final long position = alignmentContext.getPosition(); final char refAllele = (char) referenceContext.getBase(); final List VCs = featureContext.getValues(variants); if (VCs != null && VCs.size() > 1) { throw new UserException("More then one variant context at position: " + contig + ":" + position); } if (VCs == null || VCs.isEmpty()) { return; } final VariantContext vc = VCs.get(0); if (!vc.isBiallelic()) { logger.warn("Ignoring site: cannot run ASE on non-biallelic sites: " + vc.toString()); return; } if (vc.getHetCount() < 1) { logger.warn("Ignoring site: variant is not het at postion: " + contig + ":" + position); return; } if (vc.getNAlleles() == 1 || vc.getAlternateAllele(0).getBases().length == 0) { throw new UserException("The file of variant sites must contain heterozygous sites and cannot be a GVCF file containing alleles."); } final char altAllele = (char) vc.getAlternateAllele(0).getBases()[0]; final String siteID = vc.getID(); final ReadPileup pileup = filterPileup(alignmentContext.getBasePileup(), countType); // count up the depths of all and QC+ bases final String line = calculateLineForSite(pileup, siteID, refAllele, altAllele); if (line != null) { outputStream.println(line); } } @Override public void closeTool() { if (outputStream != null) outputStream.close(); } private ReadPileup filterPileup(final ReadPileup originalPileup, final CountPileupType countType) { SAMFileHeader header = getHeaderForReads(); final ReadPileup pileupWithDeletions; switch (countType) { case COUNT_FRAGMENTS_REQUIRE_SAME_BASE: pileupWithDeletions = originalPileup.getOverlappingFragmentFilteredPileup(true, ReadPileup.baseQualTieBreaker, header); break; case COUNT_READS: pileupWithDeletions = originalPileup; break; case COUNT_FRAGMENTS: pileupWithDeletions = originalPileup.getOverlappingFragmentFilteredPileup(false, ReadPileup.baseQualTieBreaker, header); break; default: throw new UserException("Must use valid CountPileupType"); } return pileupWithDeletions.makeFilteredPileup(p -> !p.isDeletion()); } private String calculateLineForSite(final ReadPileup pileup, final String siteID, final char refAllele, final char altAllele) { int rawDepth = 0, lowBaseQDepth = 0, lowMAPQDepth = 0, refCount = 0, altCount = 0, totalNonFilteredCount = 0, otherBasesCount = 0, improperPairsCount = 0; for (final PileupElement base : pileup) { rawDepth++; if (base.getRead().isPaired() && (base.getRead().mateIsUnmapped() || !base.getRead().isProperlyPaired())) { improperPairsCount++; continue; } if (base.getMappingQual() < minMappingQuality) { lowMAPQDepth++; continue; } if (base.getQual() < minBaseQuality) { lowBaseQDepth++; continue; } if (base.getBase() == refAllele) { refCount++; } else if (base.getBase() == altAllele) { altCount++; } else { otherBasesCount++; continue; } totalNonFilteredCount++; } if (totalNonFilteredCount < minDepthOfNonFilteredBases) { return null; } final StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); line.append(pileup.getLocation().getContig()).append(separator); line.append(pileup.getLocation().getStart()).append(separator); line.append(siteID).append(separator); line.append(refAllele).append(separator); line.append(altAllele).append(separator); line.append(refCount).append(separator); line.append(altCount).append(separator); line.append(totalNonFilteredCount).append(separator); line.append(lowMAPQDepth).append(separator); line.append(lowBaseQDepth).append(separator); line.append(rawDepth).append(separator); line.append(otherBasesCount).append(separator); line.append(improperPairsCount); return line.toString(); } }

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