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import htsjdk.samtools.*;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.Locatable;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.StringUtil;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.GATKException;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.Utils;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

 * Unified read interface for use throughout the GATK.
 * Adapter classes implementing this interface exist for htsjdk's {@link SAMRecord} ({@link SAMRecordToGATKReadAdapter})
 * Since the adapter classes wrap the raw reads without making a copy, care must be taken to avoid
 * exposing the encapsulated reads, particularly if modifying reads in-place. As a result, this interface
 * should probably only be implemented by core engine-level classes.
 * All GATKRead methods that return mutable reference types make defensive copies, with the exception
 * of the conversion method {@link #convertToSAMRecord}.
 * Note that {@link #getContig} and {@link #getStart} will not expose nominal positions assigned to unmapped
 * reads for sorting purposes -- for unmapped reads, these methods will always return {@code null} or 0,
 * respectively. To access positions assigned to unmapped reads for sorting purposes, use {@link #getAssignedContig}
 * and {@link #getAssignedStart}.
public interface GATKRead extends Locatable {

     * @return The name of the read (equivalent to QNAME in SAM), or {@code null} if the read has no name.
    String getName();

     * Set the name of the read (equivalent to QNAME in SAM), or set to {@code null} if the read has no name.
     * @param name new name for the read
    void setName( final String name );

     * @return The number of bases in the read
     * Note: This is not necessarily the same as the number of reference bases the read is aligned to.
    int getLength();

     * @return True if the read has no bases, otherwise false
    default boolean isEmpty() {
        return getLength() == 0;

     * Set the position of the read (the contig and the start position). Cannot be used to
     * set the read to an unmapped position; use {@link #setIsUnmapped} for that purpose.
     * @param contig Contig the read is mapped to
     * @param start Start position of the read (1-based, inclusive)
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if contig is null or "*", or start is less than 1
    void setPosition( final String contig, final int start );

     * Set the position of the read using the position of an existing {@link Locatable}. Cannot be used to
     * set the read to an unmapped position; use {@link #setIsUnmapped} for that purpose.
     * @param locatable {@link Locatable} representing the 1-based, inclusive position to assign to the read
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if locatable is null, or its contig is null or "*", or its start position is less than 1
    void setPosition( final Locatable locatable );

     * @return The actual contig assigned to the read, regardless of unmapped status. Unlike {@link #getContig},
     *         which does not expose positions assigned to unmapped reads, this method will gladly return a contig
     *         assigned to an unmapped read (typically, this will be the contig of its mapped mate). Will return either
     *         {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_CONTIG} or {@code null} for reads with no contig, depending on
     *         the underlying read implementation.
     *         Useful for sorting reads in standard BAM/SAM file order, with unmapped reads interleaved with their mapped
     *         mates -- for other uses, clients should use {@link #getContig}
    String getAssignedContig();

     * @return The actual start position assigned to the read, regardless of unmapped status. Unlike {@link #getStart},
     *         which does not expose positions assigned to unmapped reads, this method will gladly return a start position
     *         assigned to an unmapped read (typically, this will be the start position of its mapped mate). Will return
     *         {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION} for reads with no start position.
     *         Useful for sorting reads in standard BAM/SAM file order, with unmapped reads interleaved with their mapped
     *         mates -- for other uses, clients should use {@link #getStart}
    int getAssignedStart();

     * Returns the alignment start (1-based, inclusive) adjusted for clipped bases.
     * For example, if the read has an alignment start of 100 but the first 4 bases
     * were clipped (hard or soft clipped) then this method will return 96.
     * For unmapped reads, always returns {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION}
     * @return The alignment start (1-based, inclusive) adjusted for clipped bases,
     *         or {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION} if the read is unmapped.
    int getUnclippedStart();

     * Returns the alignment end (1-based, inclusive) adjusted for clipped bases.
     * For example, if the read has an alignment end of 100 but the last 7 bases
     * were clipped (hard or soft clipped) then this method will return 107.
     * For unmapped reads, always returns {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION}
     * @return The alignment end (1-based, inclusive) adjusted for clipped bases,
     *         or {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION} if the read is unmapped.
    int getUnclippedEnd();

     * Calculates the reference coordinate for the beginning of the read taking into account soft clips but not hard clips.
     * Note: {@link #getUnclippedStart} adds soft and hard clips, this method only adds soft clips.
     * @return the unclipped start of the read taking soft clips (but not hard clips) into account
    default int getSoftStart() {
        return ReadUtils.getSoftStart(this);

     * Calculates the reference coordinate for the end of the read taking into account soft clips but not hard clips.
     * Note: {@link #getUnclippedEnd} adds soft and hard clips, this method only adds soft clips.
     * @return the unclipped end of the read taking soft clips (but not hard clips) into account
    default int getSoftEnd() {
        return ReadUtils.getSoftEnd(this);

     * Finds the adaptor boundary around the read and returns the first base inside the adaptor that is closest to
     * the read boundary. If the read is in the positive strand, this is the first base after the end of the
     * fragment (Picard calls it 'insert'), if the read is in the negative strand, this is the first base before the
     * beginning of the fragment.
     * There are two cases we need to treat here:
     * 1) Our read is in the reverse strand :
     *     <----------------------| *
     *   |--------------------->
     *   in these cases, the adaptor boundary is at the mate start (minus one)
     * 2) Our read is in the forward strand :
     *   |---------------------->   *
     *     <----------------------|
     *   in these cases the adaptor boundary is at the start of the read plus the inferred insert size (plus one)
     * @return the reference coordinate for the adaptor boundary (effectively the first base IN the adaptor, closest to the read).
     * CANNOT_COMPUTE_ADAPTOR_BOUNDARY if the read is unmapped or the mate is mapped to another contig.
    default int getAdaptorBoundary() {
        return ReadUtils.getAdaptorBoundary(this);

     * @return The contig that this read's mate is mapped to, or {@code null} if the mate is unmapped
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the read is not paired (has no mate)
    String getMateContig();

     * @return The alignment start (1-based, inclusive) of this read's mate, or {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION}
     *         if the mate is unmapped.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the read is not paired (has no mate)
    int getMateStart();

     * Set the position of the read's mate (the contig and the start position). Cannot be used to
     * set the read's mate to an unmapped position; use {@link #setMateIsUnmapped} for that purpose.
     * Calling this method has the additional effect of marking the read as paired, as if {@link #setIsPaired}
     * were invoked with true.
     * @param contig Contig the read's mate is mapped to
     * @param start Start position of the read's mate (1-based, inclusive)
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if contig is null or "*", or start is less than 1
    void setMatePosition( final String contig, final int start );

     * Set the position of the read's mate using the position of an existing {@link Locatable}. Cannot be used to
     * set the read's mate to an unmapped position; use {@link #setMateIsUnmapped} for that purpose.
     * Calling this method has the additional effect of marking the read as paired, as if {@link #setIsPaired}
     * were invoked with true.
     * @param locatable {@link Locatable} representing the 1-based, inclusive position to assign to the read's mate
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if locatable is null, or its contig is null or "*", or its start position is less than 1
    void setMatePosition( final Locatable locatable );

     * Returns the observed length of the read's fragment (equivalent to TLEN in SAM).
     * Warning: the precise meaning of this field is implementation/technology dependent.
     * @return The observed length of the fragment (equivalent to TLEN in SAM), or 0 if unknown.
     *         Negative if the mate maps to a lower position than the read.
    int getFragmentLength();

     * Set the observed length of the read's fragment (equivalent to TLEN in SAM).
     * Warning: the precise meaning of this field is implementation/technology dependent.
     * @param fragmentLength Observed length of the read's fragment; may be negative
     *                       if the mate maps to a lower position than the read,
     *                       or 0 if unknown.
    void setFragmentLength( final int fragmentLength );

     * @return The mapping quality of this alignment, representing the phred-scaled likelihood that the read maps
     *         to this position as opposed to other locations. Returns {@link ReadConstants#NO_MAPPING_QUALITY}
     *         if there is none.
    int getMappingQuality();

     * Set the mapping quality of this alignment, representing how likely the read maps to this position as
     * opposed to other locations. Set to {@link ReadConstants#NO_MAPPING_QUALITY} if there is none.
     * @param mappingQuality mapping quality of this alignment; must be between 0 and 255, inclusive
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the mapping quality is less than 0 or greater than 255
    void setMappingQuality( final int mappingQuality );

     * @return The read sequence as ASCII bytes ACGTN=, or an empty byte[] if no sequence is present.
     * This method makes a defensive copy of the bases array before returning it, so modifying the
     * returned array will not alter the bases in the read.
    byte[] getBases();

     * @return The read sequence as ASCII bytes ACGTN=, or an empty byte[] if no sequence is present.
     * This method differs from {@link #getBases} in that implementations are free to avoid making a
     * defensive copy, if it's possible to avoid a copy.
     * WARNING: This method MAY NOT make a defensive copy of the bases array before returning it, so modifying the
     * returned array MAY alter the bases in the actual read. CALLER BEWARE!
    default byte[] getBasesNoCopy() {
        // By default we delegate to the copying version. If implementations are able to avoid a copy,
        // they can override with a no-copy implementation.
        return getBases();

     * @return The base at index i.
     * The default implementation returns getBases()[i].
     * Subclasses may override to provide a more efficient implementations but must preserve the
     * semantics equal to getBases()[i]
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if i is negative or of i is not smaller than the number
     * of bases (as reported by {@link #getLength()}. In particular, if no sequence is present.
    default byte getBase(final int i){
        return getBases()[i];

     * @return All bases in the read as a single String, or {@link ReadConstants#NULL_SEQUENCE_STRING}
     *         if the read is empty.
    default String getBasesString() {
        return isEmpty() ? ReadConstants.NULL_SEQUENCE_STRING : StringUtil.bytesToString(getBases());

     * Set the read's sequence.
     * @param bases The read sequence as ASCII bytes ACGTN=. May be empty or null if no sequence is present.
    void setBases( final byte[] bases );

     * @return Base qualities as binary phred scores (not ASCII), or an empty byte[] if base qualities are not present.
     * This method makes a defensive copy of the base qualities array before returning it, so modifying the
     * returned array will not alter the base qualities in the read.
    byte[] getBaseQualities();

     * @return Base qualities as binary phred scores (not ASCII), or an empty byte[] if base qualities are not present.
     * This method differs from {@link #getBaseQualities} in that implementations are free to avoid making a
     * defensive copy, if it's possible to avoid a copy.
     * WARNING: This method MAY NOT make a defensive copy of the base qualities array before returning it, so modifying
     * the returned array MAY alter the base qualities in the read. CALLER BEWARE!
    default byte[] getBaseQualitiesNoCopy() {
        // By default we delegate to the copying version. If implementations are able to avoid a copy,
        // they can override with a no-copy implementation.
        return getBaseQualities();

     * @return The number of base qualities in the read sequence.
     * This default implementation calls getBaseQualities().length
     * Subclasses may override to provide a more efficient implementation.
    default int getBaseQualityCount(){
        return getBaseQualities().length;

     * @return The base quality at index i.
     * This default implementation returns getBaseQualities()[i].
     * Subclasses may override to provide a more efficient implementations
     * but must preserve the semantics equal to getBaseQualities()[i]
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if i is negative or of i is not smaller than the number
     * of base qualities (as reported by {@link #getBaseQualityCount()}.
    default byte getBaseQuality(final int i){
        return getBaseQualities()[i];

     * Set the read's base qualities.
     * @param baseQualities Base qualities as binary phred scores (not ASCII); negative values not allowed.
     *                      May be empty or null if no base qualities are present.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid (negative) base quality is provided
    void setBaseQualities( final byte[] baseQualities );

     * @return Cigar object describing how the read aligns to the reference, or an empty Cigar object if no cigar is present.
     * This method makes a defensive copy of the Cigar within the read if necessary, so modifying the return value of
     * this method will not modify the read's Cigar.
     * Callers of this method that only want to iterate over the elements of the Cigar should call getCigarElements()
     * instead which may give better performance by avoiding object creation.
    Cigar getCigar();

     * @return Unmodifiable list of the CigarElements from this read.
     * Note: The default implementation returns a unmodifiable view of
     * the protective copy made by calling getCigar().getCigarElements()
     * Subclasses may override.
    default List getCigarElements(){
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(getCigar().getCigarElements());

     * Return the cigar element at a given index.
     * Note: the default implementation return getCigarElements().get(i).
     * Subclasses may override, for example to reduce the memory allocation or improve speed.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range  (index < 0 || index >= numCigarElements())
    default CigarElement getCigarElement(final int i){
       return getCigarElements().get(i);

     * The number of cigar elements in this read. The default implementation returns getCigar().numCigarElements().
     * Subclasses may override to provide more efficient implementations.
    default int numCigarElements(){
        return getCigar().numCigarElements();

     * Set the read's Cigar using an existing {@link Cigar} object describing how the read aligns to the reference.
     * @param cigar {@link Cigar} object describing how the read aligns to the reference; May be null or empty
     *              if the read has none.
    void setCigar( final Cigar cigar );

     * Set the read's Cigar using a textual cigar String describing how the read aligns to the reference.
     * @param cigarString Cigar String describing how the read aligns to the reference; May be null or empty
     *                    if the read has none.
    void setCigar( final String cigarString );

     * @return The ID of the read group this read belongs to, or {@code null} for none.
    String getReadGroup();

     * Set the ID of the read group this read belongs to, or {@code null} for none.
     * @param readGroupID ID of the read group this read belongs to, or {@code null} for none.
    void setReadGroup( final String readGroupID );

     * @return True if this read is paired (ie., has a mate), otherwise false.
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean isPaired();

     * Mark the read as paired (having a mate) or not paired.
     * Setting this to false has the additional effect of marking the read as not
     * properly paired, as if {@link #setIsProperlyPaired} were invoked with false.
     * @param isPaired True if this read is paired (ie., has a mate), otherwise false.
    void setIsPaired( final boolean isPaired );

     * @return True if this read is paired and the orientation and the distance between reads from the fragment are
     *         consistent with the sequencing protocol, otherwise false.
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean isProperlyPaired();

     * Mark the read as properly paired (or not properly paired).
     * Setting this to true has the additional effect of marking the read as paired,
     * as if {@link #setIsPaired} were invoked with true.
     * @param isProperlyPaired True if this read is paired and the orientation and the distance between reads from
     *                         the fragment are consistent with the sequencing protocol, otherwise false.
    void setIsProperlyPaired( final boolean isProperlyPaired );

     * @return True if this read is unmapped (this includes reads that have a position but are explicitly marked as unmapped,
     *         as well as reads that lack a fully-defined position but are not explicitly marked as unmapped). Otherwise false.
    boolean isUnmapped();

     * Mark the read as unmapped (lacking a defined position on the genome).
     * To mark a read as mapped, use {@link #setPosition}
    void setIsUnmapped();

     * Does the read have a position assigned to it for sorting purposes.
     * @return `true iff this read has no assigned position or contig.
    boolean isUnplaced();

     * Mark the read as unmapped, and also removes mapping information from the read (i.e. sets contig to {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_CONTIG} and position to {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION}).
     * NOTE: this does not remove the cigar string from the read, use {@link #setCigar(Cigar)}
     * To mark a read as mapped, use {@link #setPosition}
    void setIsUnplaced();

     * @return True if this read's mate is unmapped (this includes mates that have a position but are explicitly marked as unmapped,
     *         as well as mates that lack a fully-defined position but are not explicitly marked as unmapped). Otherwise false.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the read is not paired (has no mate)
    boolean mateIsUnmapped();

     * Mark the read's mate as unmapped (lacking a defined position on the genome). (i.e. sets mate contig to {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_CONTIG} and position to {@link ReadConstants#UNSET_POSITION}).
     * To mark the read's mate as mapped, use {@link #setMatePosition}
     * Calling this method has the additional effect of marking the read as paired, as if {@link #setIsPaired}
     * were invoked with true.
    void setMateIsUnmapped();

     * Does the reads mate have a position assigned to it for sorting purposes..
     * @return `true iff this reads mate has no assigned position or contig.
    boolean mateIsUnplaced();

     * Mark the read's mate as unmapped (lacking a defined position on the genome). In contrast with {@link #setMateIsUnmapped},
     * this method will revert the mapping information for the mate (i.e. sets the mate's contig to "*" and position to 0).
     * To mark the read's mate as mapped, use {@link #setMatePosition}
     * Calling this method has the additional effect of marking the read as paired, as if {@link #setIsPaired}
     * were invoked with true.
    void setMateIsUnplaced();

     * @return True if this read is on the reverse strand as opposed to the forward strand, otherwise false.
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean isReverseStrand();

     * Mark the read as being on the reverse (or forward) strand.
     * @param isReverseStrand True if this read is on the reverse strand as opposed to the forward strand, otherwise false.
    void setIsReverseStrand( final boolean isReverseStrand );

     * @return True if this read's mate is on the reverse strand as opposed to the forward strand, otherwise false.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the read is not paired (has no mate)
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean mateIsReverseStrand();

     * Mark the read's mate as being on the reverse (or forward) strand.
     * Calling this method has the additional effect of marking the read as paired, as if {@link #setIsPaired}
     * were invoked with true.
     * @param mateIsReverseStrand True if this read's mate is on the reverse strand as opposed to the forward strand,
     *                            otherwise false.
    void setMateIsReverseStrand( final boolean mateIsReverseStrand );

     * @return True if this read is paired and is the first read in the pair, otherwise false.
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean isFirstOfPair();

     * Mark the read as the first read of a pair.
     * Calling this method has the additional effects of marking the read as paired, as if {@link #setIsPaired}
     * were invoked with true, and also marks the read as NOT being the second of a pair.
    void setIsFirstOfPair();

     * @return True if this read is paired and is the second read in the pair, otherwise false.
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean isSecondOfPair();

     * Mark the read as the second read of a pair.
     * Calling this method has the additional effects of marking the read as paired, as if {@link #setIsPaired}
     * were invoked with true, and also marks the read as NOT being the first of a pair.
    void setIsSecondOfPair();

     * @return True if this is a secondary alignment (an alternative to the primary alignment), otherwise false.
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean isSecondaryAlignment();

     * Mark the read as a secondary alignment (an alternative to the primary alignment)
     * @param isSecondaryAlignment True if this is a secondary alignment, otherwise false.
    void setIsSecondaryAlignment( final boolean isSecondaryAlignment );

     * @return True if this is a supplementary alignment (used in the representation of a chimeric alignment), otherwise false.
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean isSupplementaryAlignment();

     * Mark the read as a supplementary alignment (used in the representation of a chimeric alignment)
     * @param isSupplementaryAlignment True if this is a supplementary alignment, otherwise false.
    void setIsSupplementaryAlignment( final boolean isSupplementaryAlignment );

     * Computes the pair orientation
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the read is not paired, or if either read or mate is unmapped
    default Optional getPairOrientation() {
        Utils.validateArg(isPaired(), () -> "Invalid read: " + getName() + " is not paired.");

        // while we throw an error for unpaired reads -- because in that case this method is irrelevant to the sequencing protocol --
        // we return Optional.empty() for paired reads whose orientation can't be determined
        if (isUnmapped() || mateIsUnmapped() || !getContig().equals(getMateContig())) {
            return Optional.empty();
        final boolean readIsOnReverseStrand = isReverseStrand();

        if(readIsOnReverseStrand == mateIsReverseStrand() )  {
            return Optional.of(SamPairUtil.PairOrientation.TANDEM);

        final long positiveStrandFivePrimePos = readIsOnReverseStrand ?  getMateStart() :  getStart();
        final long negativeStrandFivePrimePos = readIsOnReverseStrand ?  getEnd() : getStart() + getFragmentLength();
        return Optional.of(positiveStrandFivePrimePos < negativeStrandFivePrimePos ? SamPairUtil.PairOrientation.FR : SamPairUtil.PairOrientation.RF);

     * @return True if this read fails platform/vendor quality checks, otherwise false
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean failsVendorQualityCheck();

     * Mark the read as failing platform/vendor quality checks
     * @param failsVendorQualityCheck True if this read fails platform/vendor quality checks, otherwise false
    void setFailsVendorQualityCheck( final boolean failsVendorQualityCheck );

     * @return True if this read is a PCR or optical duplicate, otherwise false.
     * @throws GATKException.MissingReadField if this information is not available
    boolean isDuplicate();

     * Mark the read as a PCR or optical duplicate.
     * @param isDuplicate True if this read is a PCR or optical duplicate, otherwise false.
    void setIsDuplicate( final boolean isDuplicate );

     * Check whether this read has a particular attribute
     * @param attributeName name of the attribute to search for
     * @return true if the read has an attribute with the given name, otherwise false
    boolean hasAttribute( final String attributeName );

     * Retrieve the value of a particular attribute typed as an integer.
     * @param attributeName name of the attribute to retrieve
     * @return integer value of the requested attribute, or {@code null} if the attribute is not present
     * @throws GATKException.ReadAttributeTypeMismatch if the attribute
     *         value cannot be typed as an integer
    Integer getAttributeAsInteger( final String attributeName );

     * Retrieve the value of a particular attribute typed as a String.
     * @param attributeName name of the attribute to retrieve
     * @return String value of the requested attribute, or {@code null} if the attribute is not present
     * @throws GATKException.ReadAttributeTypeMismatch if the attribute
     *         value cannot be typed as a single String value.
    String getAttributeAsString( final String attributeName );

     * Retrieve the value of a particular attribute typed as a byte array.
     * Makes a defensive copy of an existing byte array within the read if necessary, so modifying
     * the return value will not modify the attribute value within the read.
     * @param attributeName name of the attribute to retrieve
     * @return byte array value of the requested attribute, or {@code null} if the attribute is not present
     * @throws GATKException.ReadAttributeTypeMismatch if the attribute
     *         value cannot be typed as a byte array.
    byte[] getAttributeAsByteArray( final String attributeName );

     * This is used to access a transient attribute store provided by the underlying implementation. Transient attributes will not be serialized or written out with a record.
     * NOTE: This is an advanced use case for GATKRead and you should probably use getAttribute() instead
     * @param key key whose value is to be stored
    Object getTransientAttribute(final Object key);

     * Set an integer-valued attribute on the read.
     * @param attributeName Name of the attribute to set. Must be legal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
     * @param attributeValue Integer value of the attribute (may be {@code null})
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attribute name is illegal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
    void setAttribute( final String attributeName, final Integer attributeValue );

     * Set a String-valued attribute on the read.
     * @param attributeName Name of the attribute to set. Must be legal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
     * @param attributeValue String value of the attribute (may be {@code null})
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attribute name is illegal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
    void setAttribute( final String attributeName, final String attributeValue );

     * Set a byte array attribute on the read.
     * @param attributeName Name of the attribute to set. Must be legal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
     * @param attributeValue byte array value of the attribute (may be {@code null} or empty)
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attribute name is illegal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
    void setAttribute( final String attributeName, final byte[] attributeValue );

     * This is used to access the transient attribute store in the underlying data type. This is used to store temporary
     * attributes and cached data that will not be serialized or written out as a record.
     * NOTE: This is an advanced use case for GATKRead and you should probably use setAttribute() instead
     * @param key key under which the value will be stored
     * @param value value to store
    public void setTransientAttribute(final Object key, final Object value);

     * Clear an individual attribute on the read.
     * @param attributeName Name of the attribute to clear. Must be legal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attribute name is illegal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
    void clearAttribute( final String attributeName );

     * Clear all attributes on the read.
    void clearAttributes();

     * Clear an individual transient attribute on the read.
     * @param attributeName Name of the attribute to clear. Must be legal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attribute name is illegal according to {@link ReadUtils#assertAttributeNameIsLegal}
    void clearTransientAttribute( final String attributeName );

     * Return a copy of this read.
     * @return A copy of this read. The copy will not necessarily be a true deep copy (the fields
     *         encapsulated by the read itself may be shallow copied), but should be safe to use freely in general
     *         given that all GATKRead methods that return mutable reference types make defensive copies
     *         (with the exception of the conversion method {@link #convertToSAMRecord,
     *         but these are safe to call on copies since the encapsulated reads do get shallow copied at a minimum by
     *         this method, so modifications to the fields within a copied read will not alter the original).
    GATKRead copy();

     * Return a deep copy of this read.
     * @return A true deep copy of this read.
    GATKRead deepCopy();

     * Convert this read into a SAMRecord.
     * Warning: the return value is not guaranteed to be independent from this read (eg., if the read
     * is already in SAMRecord format, no copy will be made).
     * @param header required header for the SAMRecord
     * @return This read as a SAMRecord
    SAMRecord convertToSAMRecord( final SAMFileHeader header );

     * Get a string representation of this read in SAM string format, terminated with '\n'. Fields are separated by '\t',
     * @return SAM string representation of this read.
    String getSAMString();

     * Modify this read by reverse complementing its bases and reversing its quality scores. Implementations may
     * also update tags that are known to need updating after the reverse complement operation.
    public void reverseComplement();

     * A human-digestable representation of the read.
     * NOTE: java will not let us have a default method override toString so we need this dance. Subclasses should override toString
     * and call commonToString to get the same toString representation regardless of the underlying adaptee object.
    default String commonToString() {
        //Note: SAMRecord blows up on getAlignmentEnd when cigar is null.
        // That would result in a blow up here so we work around this bug
        // by checking for empty cigar (nulls get converted to empty cigars in SAMRecordToGATKReadAdapter)
        if (isUnmapped() || getCigar().isEmpty()){
            return String.format("%s UNMAPPED", getName());
        } else {
            return String.format("%s %s:%d-%d", getName(), getContig(), getStart(), getEnd());

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