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struts from group struts (version 1.2.9)

The core of the Struts framework is a flexible control layer based on standard technologies like Java Servlets, JavaBeans, ResourceBundles, and Extensible Markup Language (XML), as well as various Jakarta Commons packages. Struts encourages application architectures based on the Model 2 approach, a variation of the classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm. Struts provides its own Controller component and integrates with other technologies to provide the Model and the View. For the Model, Struts can interact with any standard data access technology, including Enterprise Java Beans, JDBC, and Object Relational Bridge. For the View, Struts works well with JavaServer Pages, including JSTL and JSF, as well as Velocity Templates, XSLT, and other presentation systems. The Struts framework provides the invisible underpinnings every professional web application needs to survive. Struts helps you create an extensible development environment for your application, based on published standards and proven design patterns.

Group: struts Artifact: struts
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Download struts.jar (1.2.9)

Artifact struts
Group struts
Version 1.2.9
Last update 23. March 2006
Organization The Apache Software Foundation
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies commons-beanutils, commons-digester, commons-fileupload, commons-logging, commons-validator, oro, antlr, xalan,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

xapi from group net.wetheinter (version 0.5)

XApi is a dependency injection, service-oriented, polyglot java framework. It is comprised of standalone modules for use in web, desktop and mobile java applications. This codebase enables complete reuse of all code across your java stack, as well as the ability to easily define your own Platform, so you can build your own customized runtime environment to extend or replace existing platforms. It is currently geared towards servlets and gwt clients, but the target we are currently developing include: java, gwt [webkit, firefox, ie], javafx, playn [android, ios, flash], appengine & vert.x For Google Web Toolkit, we also include reflection support, more complete emulation of java.lang.Class, zero-overhead dependency injection, a range of code generation utilities, and even "magic-method injection" (for production compiles any method in the app can be swapped out with others based on configuration properties, or any AST mangling / code generating methods you wish to write). There is also a bytecode transformer in the works which will replace calls into the DI utility with direct references to static final factories, to allow the java compiler to completely erase all injection overhead in all java runtimes.

Group: net.wetheinter Artifact: xapi
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Artifact xapi
Group net.wetheinter
Version 0.5
Last update 30. May 2015
Organization The Internet Party
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

gwt-reflect from group net.wetheinter (version 2.5.1)

Group: net.wetheinter Artifact: gwt-reflect
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Download gwt-reflect.jar (2.5.1)

Artifact gwt-reflect
Group net.wetheinter
Version 2.5.1
Last update 23. February 2014
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies xapi-dev-source, gwt-method-inject,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

gwt-method-inject from group net.wetheinter (version 2.5.1)

Group: net.wetheinter Artifact: gwt-method-inject
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Artifact gwt-method-inject
Group net.wetheinter
Version 2.5.1
Last update 23. February 2014
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

commons-crypto from group org.apache.commons (version 1.2.0)

Apache Commons Crypto is a cryptographic library optimized with AES-NI (Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions). It provides Java API for both cipher level and Java stream level. Developers can use it to implement high performance AES encryption/decryption with the minimum code and effort. Please note that Crypto doesn't implement the cryptographic algorithm such as AES directly. It wraps to OpenSSL or JCE which implement the algorithms. Features -------- 1. Cipher API for low level cryptographic operations. 2. Java stream API (CryptoInputStream/CryptoOutputStream) for high level stream encryption/decryption. 3. Both optimized with high performance AES encryption/decryption. (1400 MB/s - 1700 MB/s throughput in modern Xeon processors). 4. JNI-based implementation to achieve comparable performance to the native C/C++ version based on OpenSsl. 5. Portable across various operating systems (currently only Linux/MacOSX/Windows); Apache Commons Crypto loads the library according to your machine environment (it checks system properties, `` and `os.arch`). 6. Simple usage. Add the commons-crypto-(version).jar file to your classpath. Export restrictions ------------------- This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See <> for more information. The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code. The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software: * Commons Crypto use [Java Cryptography Extension]( provided by Java * Commons Crypto link to and use [OpenSSL]( ciphers

Group: org.apache.commons Artifact: commons-crypto
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Download commons-crypto.jar (1.2.0)

Artifact commons-crypto
Group org.apache.commons
Version 1.2.0
Last update 14. January 2023
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jna,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

specs2_2.13 from group (version 4.2.21)

pact-jvm-consumer-specs2 ======================== ## Specs2 Bindings for the pact-jvm library ## Dependency In the root folder of your project in build.sbt add the line: ```scala libraryDependencies += &quot;; %% &quot;specs2&quot; % &quot;4.0.1&quot; ``` or if you are using Gradle: ```groovy dependencies { testCompile &quot;; } ``` __*Note:*__ `PactSpec` requires spec2 3.x. Also, for spray users there&apos;s an incompatibility between specs2 v3.x and spray. Follow these instructions to resolve that problem:!msg/spray-user/2T6SBp4OJeI/AJlnJuAKPRsJ ## Usage To author a test, mix `PactSpec` into your spec First we define a service client called `ConsumerService`. In our example this is a simple wrapper for `dispatch`, an HTTP client. The source code can be found in the test folder alongside the `ExamplePactSpec`. Here is a simple example: ``` import class ExamplePactSpec extends Specification with PactSpec { val consumer = &quot;My Consumer&quot; val provider = &quot;My Provider&quot; override def is = uponReceiving(&quot;a request for foo&quot;) .matching(path = &quot;/foo&quot;) .willRespondWith(body = &quot;{}&quot;) .withConsumerTest { providerConfig =&gt; Await.result(ConsumerService(providerConfig.url).simpleGet(&quot;/foo&quot;), Duration(1000, MILLISECONDS)) must beEqualTo(200, Some(&quot;{}&quot;)) } } ``` This spec will be run along with the rest of your specs2 unit tests and will output your pact json to ``` /target/pacts/&lt;Consumer&gt;_&lt;Provider&gt;.json ``` # Forcing pact files to be overwritten (3.6.5+) By default, when the pact file is written, it will be merged with any existing pact file. To force the file to be overwritten, set the Java system property `pact.writer.overwrite` to `true`.

Group: Artifact: specs2_2.13
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Download specs2_2.13.jar (4.2.21)

Artifact specs2_2.13
Version 4.2.21
Last update 13. May 2022
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies consumer, json, specs2-core_2.13, async-http-client, scala-java8-compat_2.13,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

osgi-tests from group org.apache.axis2 (version 1.6.3)

Group: org.apache.axis2 Artifact: osgi-tests
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Download osgi-tests.jar (1.6.3)

Artifact osgi-tests
Group org.apache.axis2
Version 1.6.3
Last update 27. June 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies axis2-testutils,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

axis2-parent from group org.apache.axis2 (version 1.6.3)

Axis2 is an effort to re-design and totally re-implement both Axis/Java and (eventually) Axis/C++ on a new architecture. Evolving from the now standard "handler chain" model which Axis1 pioneered, Axis2 is developing a more flexible pipeline architecture which can yet be managed and packaged in a more organized manner. This new design acknowledges the maturing of the Web services space in terms of new protocols such as WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Security and WS-Addressing that are built on top of the base SOAP system. At the time Axis1 was designed, while it was fully expected that other protocols such as WS-ReliableMessaging would be built on top of it, there was not a proper extension architecture defined to enable clean composition of such layers. Thus, one of the key motivations for Axis2 is to provide a clean and simple environment for like Apache Sandesha and Apache WSS4J to layer on top of the base SOAP system. Another driving force for Axis2 as well as the move away from RPC oriented Web services towards more document-oriented, message style asynchronous service interactions. The Axis2 project is centered on a new representation for SOAP messages called AXIOM (AXIs Object Model). AXIOM consists of two parts: a complete XML Infoset representation and a SOAP Infoset representation on top of that. The XML Infoset representation provides a JDOM-like simple API but is built on a deferred model via a StAX-based (Streaming API for XML) pull parsing API. A key feature of AXIOM is that it allows one to stop building the XML tree and just access the pull stream directly; thus enabling both maximum flexibility and maximum performance. This approach allows us to support multiple levels of abstraction for consuming and offering Web services: using plain AXIOM, using generated code and statically data-bound data types and so on. At the time of Axis1's design, RPC-style, synchronous, request-response interactions were the order of the day for Web services. Today service interactions are much more message -oriented and exploit many different message exchange patterns. The Axis2 engine architecture is careful to not build in any assumptions of request-response patterns to ensure that it can be used easily to support arbitrary message exchange patterns.

Group: org.apache.axis2 Artifact: axis2-parent
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Artifact axis2-parent
Group org.apache.axis2
Version 1.6.3
Last update 27. June 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

xapi-gwt-parent from group net.wetheinter (version 0.5)

This is the main aggregator for all gwt submodules. All gwt-specific code resides here. Submodules should avoid inheriting from each other unless necessary. This goes for maven structure and gwt.xml structure. The super module is where our jre emulation layer and super-source live; all modules should inherit super, and a minimum of other modules. Some modules, like injection, are fulfilling an api in the core module, and should be accessed only through core service interfaces. Other modules, like reflection, are capable of being standalone inherits, but can benefit from core utilities like injection, so, two (or more) .gwt.xml modules may be provided. As XApi nears 1.0, all submodules will be routinely stitched together into an uber-jar, in order to have a single jar with a single gwt module that can provide all of the services at once. Internal projects will never use the uber jar, to help maintain modularity, but external projects that want to use more than one service will certainly prefer inheriting one artifact, instead of twelve. When distributed in uber-jar format, it will likely be necessary for either the uber jar, or just xapi-gwt-api.jar to appear before gwt-dev on your compile-time classpath. If using gwt-maven-plugin, the gwtFirstOnClasspath option may become problematic. If so, we will provide a forked gwt-plugin to make sure our compiler enhancements are included in the build process. There is also work going on to make a super-source-everything plugin, which will use maven to find source files, and generate synthetic .gwt.xml for you, as part of an effort to create a wholly unified programming environment. In addition to java-to-javascript, we intend to compile java-to-java and possibly other languages, like go; imagine implementing gwt deferred binding to eliminate cross-platform differences between server environments, or operating systems, or versions of a platform, or anywhere else a core api needs to bind to multiple implementations, depending on the runtime environment.

Group: net.wetheinter Artifact: xapi-gwt-parent
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Artifact xapi-gwt-parent
Group net.wetheinter
Version 0.5
Last update 30. May 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

java8 from group (version 4.1.43)

# pact-jvm-consumer-java8 Provides a Java8 lambda based DSL for use with Junit to build consumer tests. ## Dependency The library is available on maven central using: * group-id = `` * artifact-id = `java8` * version-id = `4.1.x` # A Lambda DSL for Pact This is an extension for the pact DSL provided by [consumer](../consumer). The difference between the default pact DSL and this lambda DSL is, as the name suggests, the usage of lambdas. The use of lambdas makes the code much cleaner. ## Why a new DSL implementation? The lambda DSL solves the following two main issues. Both are visible in the following code sample: ```java new PactDslJsonArray() .array() # open an array .stringValue(&quot;a1&quot;) # choose the method that is valid for arrays .stringValue(&quot;a2&quot;) # choose the method that is valid for arrays .closeArray() # close the array .array() # open an array .numberValue(1) # choose the method that is valid for arrays .numberValue(2) # choose the method that is valid for arrays .closeArray() # close the array .array() # open an array .object() # now we work with an object .stringValue(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;Foo&quot;) # choose the method that is valid for objects .closeObject() # close the object and we&apos;re back in the array .closeArray() # close the array ``` ### The existing DSL is quite error-prone Methods may only be called in certain states. For example `object()` may only be called when you&apos;re currently working on an array whereas `object(name)` is only allowed to be called when working on an object. But both of the methods are available. You&apos;ll find out at runtime if you&apos;re using the correct method. Finally, the need for opening and closing objects and arrays makes usage cumbersome. The lambda DSL has no ambiguous methods and there&apos;s no need to close objects and arrays as all the work on such an object is wrapped in a lamda call. ### The existing DSL is hard to read When formatting your source code with an IDE the code becomes hard to read as there&apos;s no indentation possible. Of course, you could do it by hand but we want auto formatting! Auto formatting works great for the new DSL! ```java array.object((o) -&gt; { o.stringValue(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;Foo&quot;); # an attribute o.stringValue(&quot;bar&quot;, &quot;Bar&quot;); # an attribute o.object(&quot;tar&quot;, (tarObject) -&gt; { # an attribute with a nested object tarObject.stringValue(&quot;a&quot;, &quot;A&quot;); # attribute of the nested object tarObject.stringValue(&quot;b&quot;, &quot;B&quot;); # attribute of the nested object }) }); ``` ## Installation ### Maven ``` &lt;dependency&gt; &lt;groupId&gt;;/groupId&gt; &lt;artifactId&gt;java8&lt;/artifactId&gt; &lt;version&gt;${pact.version}&lt;/version&gt; &lt;/dependency&gt; ``` ## Usage Start with a static import of `LambdaDsl`. This class contains factory methods for the lambda dsl extension. When you come accross the `body()` method of `PactDslWithProvider` builder start using the new extensions. The call to `LambdaDsl` replaces the call to instance `new PactDslJsonArray()` and `new PactDslJsonBody()` of the pact library. ```java io.pactfoundation.consumer.dsl.LambdaDsl.* ``` ### Response body as json array ```java import static io.pactfoundation.consumer.dsl.LambdaDsl.newJsonArray; ... PactDslWithProvider builder = ... builder.given(&quot;some state&quot;) .uponReceiving(&quot;a request&quot;) .path(&quot;/my-app/my-service&quot;) .method(&quot;GET&quot;) .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body(newJsonArray((a) -&gt; { a.stringValue(&quot;a1&quot;); a.stringValue(&quot;a2&quot;); }).build()); ``` ### Response body as json object ```java import static io.pactfoundation.consumer.dsl.LambdaDsl.newJsonBody; ... PactDslWithProvider builder = ... builder.given(&quot;some state&quot;) .uponReceiving(&quot;a request&quot;) .path(&quot;/my-app/my-service&quot;) .method(&quot;GET&quot;) .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body(newJsonBody((o) -&gt; { o.stringValue(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;Foo&quot;); o.stringValue(&quot;bar&quot;, &quot;Bar&quot;); }).build()); ``` ### Examples #### Simple Json object When creating simple json structures the difference between the two approaches isn&apos;t big. ##### JSON ```json { &quot;bar&quot;: &quot;Bar&quot;, &quot;foo&quot;: &quot;Foo&quot; } ``` ##### Pact DSL ```java new PactDslJsonBody() .stringValue(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;Foo&quot;) .stringValue(&quot;bar&quot;, &quot;Bar&quot;) ``` ##### Lambda DSL ```java newJsonBody((o) -&gt; { o.stringValue(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;Foo&quot;); o.stringValue(&quot;bar&quot;, &quot;Bar&quot;); }).build(); ``` #### An array of arrays When we come to more complex constructs with arrays and nested objects the beauty of lambdas become visible! ##### JSON ```json [ [&quot;a1&quot;, &quot;a2&quot;], [1, 2], [{&quot;foo&quot;: &quot;Foo&quot;}] ] ``` ##### Pact DSL ```java new PactDslJsonArray() .array() .stringValue(&quot;a1&quot;) .stringValue(&quot;a2&quot;) .closeArray() .array() .numberValue(1) .numberValue(2) .closeArray() .array() .object() .stringValue(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;Foo&quot;) .closeObject() .closeArray(); ``` ##### Lambda DSL ```java newJsonArray((rootArray) -&gt; { rootArray.array((a) -&gt; a.stringValue(&quot;a1&quot;).stringValue(&quot;a2&quot;)); rootArray.array((a) -&gt; a.numberValue(1).numberValue(2)); rootArray.array((a) -&gt; a.object((o) -&gt; o.stringValue(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;Foo&quot;))); }).build(); ``` ##### Kotlin Lambda DSL ```kotlin newJsonArray { newArray { stringValue(&quot;a1&quot;) stringValue(&quot;a2&quot;) } newArray { numberValue(1) numberValue(2) } newArray { newObject { stringValue(&quot;foo&quot;, &quot;Foo&quot;) } } } ``` # Test Analytics We are tracking anonymous analytics to gather important usage statistics like JVM version and operating system. To disable tracking, set the &apos;pact_do_not_track&apos; system property or environment variable to &apos;true&apos;.

Group: Artifact: java8
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Download java8.jar (4.1.43)

Artifact java8
Version 4.1.43
Last update 12. July 2024
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies consumer,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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