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sanskritnlp from group com.github.sanskrit-coders (version 1.2)
A collection of scala and java classes for some basic natural language processing (NLP) for the Sanskrit language, contributed by the open source SanskritNLP project and friends.
Some notable facilities:
* Transliterate text from one script or encoding scheme to another.
* Deal with babylon dictionaries.
* Use bots to write to wiki projects (wiktionary, wikisource etc..).
* Basic metre identification.
* Some grammar simulation.
Contributions and suggestions are invited at . (Sister projects there may also be of interest.)
Group: com.github.sanskrit-coders Artifact: sanskritnlp
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact sanskritnlp
Group com.github.sanskrit-coders
Version 1.2
Last update 15. May 2017
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies scala-library, scala-xml, json4s_2.11, json4s-native_2.11, commons-lang3, logback-classic, logback-core, jwbf, appengine-api-1.0-sdk, jstl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.sanskrit-coders
Version 1.2
Last update 15. May 2017
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies scala-library, scala-xml, json4s_2.11, json4s-native_2.11, commons-lang3, logback-classic, logback-core, jwbf, appengine-api-1.0-sdk, jstl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
appneta-agent from group (version 5.0.6)
The AppNeta Java instrumentation agent. Contains the required jar, configuration file and native libraries for Windows and Linux. AppNeta provides application performance monitoring for Java web apps through this agent. The files contained here allow for event tracking within your application to identify latency timings between your application layers. More options can be found here: For other information on our Java agent please visit
Group: Artifact: appneta-agent
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Artifact appneta-agent
Version 5.0.6
Last update 06. August 2016
Organization not specified
License AppNeta Java Agent License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 5.0.6
Last update 06. August 2016
Organization not specified
License AppNeta Java Agent License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
blazegraph-gremlin from group com.blazegraph (version 1.0.0)
Welcome to the Blazegraph/TinkerPop3 project. The TP3 implementation has some significant differences from the TP2 version. The data model has been changed to use RDF*, an RDF reification framework described here:
The concept behind blazegraph-gremlin is that property graph (PG) data can be loaded and accessed via the TinkerPop3 API, but underneath the hood the data will be stored as RDF using the PG data model described in this document. Once PG data has been loaded you can interact with it just like you would interact with ordinary RDF - you can run SPARQL queries or interact with the data via the SAIL API. It just works. The PG data model is also customizable via a round-tripping interface called the BlazeValueFactory, also described in detail in this document.
Artifact blazegraph-gremlin
Group com.blazegraph
Version 1.0.0
Last update 26. January 2016
Organization SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph
License GNU General Public License Version 2 (GPLv2)
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies gremlin-core, gremlin-groovy, tinkergraph-gremlin, bigdata-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.blazegraph
Version 1.0.0
Last update 26. January 2016
Organization SYSTAP, LLC DBA Blazegraph
License GNU General Public License Version 2 (GPLv2)
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies gremlin-core, gremlin-groovy, tinkergraph-gremlin, bigdata-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
jenkins-maven-plugin from group ch.sourcepond.maven.plugins (version 1.2.0)
The Jenkins Maven Plugin allows to use the Jenkins CLI (command line interface) from within a Maven build.
It allows the execution of any command supported by the CLI, see
for further information. Therefore, it downloads the current jenkins-cli.jar from ${project.ciManagement.url}/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar
and uses that artifact for interacting with the Jenkins server. The architecture of the Jenkins Maven Plugin follows the UNIX philosophy
"do one thing and do it well": it does not provide any logic for specific tasks, for instance creating job configuration files.
This can be done with another, more appropriate plugin and its result can then be specified as stdin to the Jenkins Maven Plugin.
Group: ch.sourcepond.maven.plugins Artifact: jenkins-maven-plugin
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact jenkins-maven-plugin
Group ch.sourcepond.maven.plugins
Version 1.2.0
Last update 12. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL ${git.url}
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-core, commons-lang3, javax.inject, zt-exec, httpclient,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group ch.sourcepond.maven.plugins
Version 1.2.0
Last update 12. August 2015
Organization not specified
URL ${git.url}
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-core, commons-lang3, javax.inject, zt-exec, httpclient,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
deployment-client from group de.schlichtherle.glassfish (version 4.0)
This is an endorsed version of the original Deployment Client for
Oracle GlassFish Open Source Edition.
The purpose of the endorsement is to provide a shaded JAR which has the
OSGI meta data removed because it causes the original Deployment Client
to fail when used within a module running within a GlassFish container
due to some class loader configuration conflicts between the container
and the deployed module.
This issue has been reported to the GlassFish project at .
It is hoped that it can get fixed so that this workaround project can
get deprecated soon.
Artifact deployment-client
Group de.schlichtherle.glassfish
Version 4.0
Last update 21. October 2013
Organization not specified
License CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
Dependencies amount 50
Dependencies common-util, core, hk2-locator, javax.inject, cglib, hk2-utils, glassfish-api, scattered-archive-api, nucleus-grizzly-all, grizzly-framework, grizzly-rcm, grizzly-portunif, grizzly-http, grizzly-http-server, grizzly-config, admin-cli, hk2, hk2-api, osgi-resource-locator, config-types, hk2-config, tiger-types, bean-validator, hk2-runlevel, class-model, mimepull, jettison, stax-api, launcher, logging, admin-util, config-api, security-services, security, ssl-impl, ldapbp-repackaged, jackson-core-asl, simple-glassfish-api, javax.enterprise.deploy-api, deployment-common, internal-api, management-api, gmbal, pfl-basic, pfl-tf, pfl-asm, pfl-dynamic, pfl-basic-tools, pfl-tf-tools, asm-all-repackaged,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group de.schlichtherle.glassfish
Version 4.0
Last update 21. October 2013
Organization not specified
License CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
Dependencies amount 50
Dependencies common-util, core, hk2-locator, javax.inject, cglib, hk2-utils, glassfish-api, scattered-archive-api, nucleus-grizzly-all, grizzly-framework, grizzly-rcm, grizzly-portunif, grizzly-http, grizzly-http-server, grizzly-config, admin-cli, hk2, hk2-api, osgi-resource-locator, config-types, hk2-config, tiger-types, bean-validator, hk2-runlevel, class-model, mimepull, jettison, stax-api, launcher, logging, admin-util, config-api, security-services, security, ssl-impl, ldapbp-repackaged, jackson-core-asl, simple-glassfish-api, javax.enterprise.deploy-api, deployment-common, internal-api, management-api, gmbal, pfl-basic, pfl-tf, pfl-asm, pfl-dynamic, pfl-basic-tools, pfl-tf-tools, asm-all-repackaged,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
janbanery-core from group pl.project13.janbanery (version 1.2)
Kanbanery ( is a simple but powerful Agile project management system,
to be precise it focuses around the idea of Kanban, a somewhat near idea to SCRUM but with less strict rules.
The heart of each Kanban flow is the Kanban board, IceBox and Archive - there are all easy accessible via this
Janbanery wraps around the RESTful API delivered by Kanbanery while adding some more features like mass
or filtering of results. In the end, it's very easy and pleasant to implement your own Kanbanery client be it on
the desktop, mobile (android) or as for example Gradle / SBT script to take full advantage of kanbanery's
Artifact janbanery-core
Group pl.project13.janbanery
Version 1.2
Last update 09. May 2011
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies async-http-client, gson, guava, joda-time, slf4j-api, logback-classic, logback-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group pl.project13.janbanery
Version 1.2
Last update 09. May 2011
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies async-http-client, gson, guava, joda-time, slf4j-api, logback-classic, logback-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
janbanery from group pl.project13.janbanery (version 1.2)
Kanbanery ( is a simple but powerful Agile project management system,
to be precise it focuses around the idea of Kanban, a somewhat near idea to SCRUM but with less strict rules.
The heart of each Kanban flow is the Kanban board, IceBox and Archive - there are all easy accessible via this
Janbanery wraps around the RESTful API delivered by Kanbanery while adding some more features like mass
or filtering of results. In the end, it's very easy and pleasant to implement your own Kanbanery client be it on
the desktop, mobile (android) or as for example Gradle / SBT script to take full advantage of kanbanery's
Group: pl.project13.janbanery Artifact: janbanery
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Artifact janbanery
Group pl.project13.janbanery
Version 1.2
Last update 09. May 2011
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group pl.project13.janbanery
Version 1.2
Last update 09. May 2011
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
thesefoolishthings from group it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings (version 4.0-ALPHA-1)
This project is a collection of miscellaneous tools shared by a number of projects of the same author. There are **simple tuples** to use with Java Streams,
**type-safe maps** ([inspired by the heterogeneous map pattern]( described in Effective Java
by Joshua Bloch, a **finder** that handles in a smart way queries to data sources, a facility to use the **DCI (Data, Context and Interactions) architectural
pattern**, a simple **message bus** suitable for using the pub-sub pattern inside an application, some **test utilities**, an **experimental actor framework**
and a few other small things.
The project name is a tribute to the [jazz standard with the same name]( by
Maschwitz and Strachey.
Group: it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings Artifact: thesefoolishthings
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Artifact thesefoolishthings
Group it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings
Version 4.0-ALPHA-1
Last update 29. December 2024
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings
Version 4.0-ALPHA-1
Last update 29. December 2024
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
javonet-java-sdk from group com.javonet (version 2.4.5)
Javonet allows you to reference and use modules or packages written in (Java/Kotlin/Groovy/Clojure, C#/VB.NET, Ruby, Perl, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript) like they were created in your technology.
It works on Linux/Windows and MacOS for applications created in JVM, CLR/Netcore, Perl, Python, Ruby, NodeJS, C++ or GoLang and gives you unparalleled freedom and flexibility with native performance in building your mixed-technologies products.
Let it be accessing best AI or cryptography libraries, devices SDKs, legacy client modules, internal custom packages or anything from public repositories available on NPM, Nuget, PyPI, Maven/Gradle, RubyGems or GitHub. Get free from programming languages barriers today!
For more information check out our guides at
Artifact javonet-java-sdk
Group com.javonet
Version 2.4.5
Last update 21. June 2024
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.javonet
Version 2.4.5
Last update 21. June 2024
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
geokey from group io.github.markrileybot (version 0.1.0)
# geokey
K Dimensional Z-Order curve utils.
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## Building
./gradlew build
## Gradle dependency
## Using
### Use built in keys to make geohashes
import org.geokey.GeoKey;
// Make a geo hash key
String key = new GeoKey().setLatitude(48.669).setLongitude(-4.329).toString(); // "gbsuv7ztqzpts82uzfwq5e1bp"
// parse a geo hash key
GeoKey gk = new GeoKey("gbsuv7ztqzpts82uzfwq5e1bp");
### Make a special purpose K-Dimensional key
public class GeoTimeKey extends KDKey {
private static final KDKeySpec spec = new KDKeySpec.Builder()
.addDim(-180, 180, 1)
.addDim(-90, 90, 1)
.addDim(0, 1L << 62, 1)
public GeoTimeKey() {
public GeoTimeKey(String s) {
super(spec, s);
public GeoTimeKey(byte[] s) {
super(spec, s);
public GeoTimeKey setLatitude(double latitude) {
set(1, latitude);
return this;
public double getLatitude() {
return super.get(1);
public GeoTimeKey setLongitude(double longitude) {
set(0, longitude);
return this;
public double getLongitude() {
return super.get(0);
public GeoTimeKey setTime(long time) {
set(2, time);
return this;
public long getTime() {
return (long) get(2);
Artifact geokey
Group io.github.markrileybot
Version 0.1.0
Last update 20. June 2022
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.github.markrileybot
Version 0.1.0
Last update 20. June 2022
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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