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nerve-sdk4j from group network.nerve (version 1.2.5)
Artifact nerve-sdk4j
Group network.nerve
Version 1.2.5
Last update 31. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 17
Dependencies junit, slf4j-api, logback-access, logback-core, logback-classic, jackson-jaxrs-json-provider, jackson-annotations, bcprov-jdk15on, cglib, guava, commons-net, commons-codec, okhttp, commons-io, netty-all, markdowngenerator, ini4j,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group network.nerve
Version 1.2.5
Last update 31. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 17
Dependencies junit, slf4j-api, logback-access, logback-core, logback-classic, jackson-jaxrs-json-provider, jackson-annotations, bcprov-jdk15on, cglib, guava, commons-net, commons-codec, okhttp, commons-io, netty-all, markdowngenerator, ini4j,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
frame from group io.github.yfblock (version 1.0.1)
Artifact frame
Group io.github.yfblock
Version 1.0.1
Last update 30. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License GPL-2.0
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies yfHotLoad, spring-core, spring-context, lombok, freemarker, commons-io, commons-fileupload, tomcat-embed-core, tomcat-embed-jasper, tomcat-jasper, tomcat-jasper-el, tomcat-jsp-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.github.yfblock
Version 1.0.1
Last update 30. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License GPL-2.0
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies yfHotLoad, spring-core, spring-context, lombok, freemarker, commons-io, commons-fileupload, tomcat-embed-core, tomcat-embed-jasper, tomcat-jasper, tomcat-jasper-el, tomcat-jsp-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
gwt-time from group org.treblereel.gwt.gwtproject.time (version 202203291)
JRS: GWT port of JSR-310 (java.time) based on ThreeTen backport project
Artifact gwt-time
Group org.treblereel.gwt.gwtproject.time
Version 202203291
Last update 30. March 2022
Organization The GWT Authors
License BSD 3-clause
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies gwt-core, gwt-typedarrays, elemental2-core, gwt-nio, gwt-xhr, jsinterop-annotations, base, gwt-regexp,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.treblereel.gwt.gwtproject.time
Version 202203291
Last update 30. March 2022
Organization The GWT Authors
License BSD 3-clause
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies gwt-core, gwt-typedarrays, elemental2-core, gwt-nio, gwt-xhr, jsinterop-annotations, base, gwt-regexp,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
swizzle from group org.tomitribe (version 1.3)
Artifact swizzle
Group org.tomitribe
Version 1.3
Last update 28. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.tomitribe
Version 1.3
Last update 28. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
semantic-locators from group (version 2.1.0)
Group: Artifact: semantic-locators
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact semantic-locators
Version 2.1.0
Last update 28. March 2022
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies selenium-java,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 2.1.0
Last update 28. March 2022
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies selenium-java,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ontop-reformulation from group (version 4.3.0-2)
Group: Artifact: ontop-reformulation
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There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Artifact ontop-reformulation
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ontop-owlapi from group (version 4.3.0-2)
Group: Artifact: ontop-owlapi
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact ontop-owlapi
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 15
Dependencies ontop-model, ontop-obda-core, ontop-ontology-owlapi, ontop-mapping-core, ontop-reformulation-core, ontop-system-core, ontop-system-owlapi, slf4j-api, owlapi-api, owlapi-apibinding, owlapi-impl, commons-rdf-api, ontop-shaded-guava, jsr305, guice,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 15
Dependencies ontop-model, ontop-obda-core, ontop-ontology-owlapi, ontop-mapping-core, ontop-reformulation-core, ontop-system-core, ontop-system-owlapi, slf4j-api, owlapi-api, owlapi-apibinding, owlapi-impl, commons-rdf-api, ontop-shaded-guava, jsr305, guice,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ontop-reformulation-core from group (version 4.3.0-2)
Group: Artifact: ontop-reformulation-core
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact ontop-reformulation-core
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 14
Dependencies ontop-model, ontop-obda-core, ontop-optimization, slf4j-api, ontop-shaded-guava, guice, guice-assistedinject, jsr305, commons-rdf-api, rdf4j-model, rdf4j-query, rdf4j-queryalgebra-model, rdf4j-queryparser-api, jackson-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 14
Dependencies ontop-model, ontop-obda-core, ontop-optimization, slf4j-api, ontop-shaded-guava, guice, guice-assistedinject, jsr305, commons-rdf-api, rdf4j-model, rdf4j-query, rdf4j-queryalgebra-model, rdf4j-queryparser-api, jackson-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ontop-model from group (version 4.3.0-2)
Group: Artifact: ontop-model
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact ontop-model
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 16
Dependencies commons-rdf-api, commons-rdf-simple, slf4j-api, ontop-shaded-guava, guice, guice-assistedinject, jsr305, urlbuilder, proj4j, commons-codec, jackson-core, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations, rdf4j-model, rdf4j-util, javax.inject,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 16
Dependencies commons-rdf-api, commons-rdf-simple, slf4j-api, ontop-shaded-guava, guice, guice-assistedinject, jsr305, urlbuilder, proj4j, commons-codec, jackson-core, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations, rdf4j-model, rdf4j-util, javax.inject,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ontop-system-core from group (version 4.3.0-2)
Group: Artifact: ontop-system-core
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact ontop-system-core
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies ontop-model, ontop-obda-core, ontop-optimization, ontop-reformulation-core, slf4j-api, ontop-shaded-guava, javax.inject, guice, guice-assistedinject, jsr305, commons-rdf-api, rdf4j-model, rdf4j-queryalgebra-model,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.3.0-2
Last update 25. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies ontop-model, ontop-obda-core, ontop-optimization, ontop-reformulation-core, slf4j-api, ontop-shaded-guava, javax.inject, guice, guice-assistedinject, jsr305, commons-rdf-api, rdf4j-model, rdf4j-queryalgebra-model,
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