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finder4j-parent from group com.github.K0zka (version 0.7)
Group: com.github.K0zka Artifact: finder4j-parent
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Artifact finder4j-parent
Group com.github.K0zka
Version 0.7
Last update 02. December 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.K0zka
Version 0.7
Last update 02. December 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
nowechat from group cn.coding520 (version 0.0.1)
Artifact nowechat
Group cn.coding520
Version 0.0.1
Last update 01. December 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies commons-codec, javax.servlet-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group cn.coding520
Version 0.0.1
Last update 01. December 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies commons-codec, javax.servlet-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
commons-util from group com.github.pgcomb (version 0.0.6)
Artifact commons-util
Group com.github.pgcomb
Version 0.0.6
Last update 29. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies commons-io, commons-lang3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.pgcomb
Version 0.0.6
Last update 29. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies commons-io, commons-lang3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
dnos-lib-all from group io.github.dnos-project (version 1.1.5)
Group: io.github.dnos-project Artifact: dnos-lib-all
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact dnos-lib-all
Group io.github.dnos-project
Version 1.1.5
Last update 28. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 20
Dependencies dnos-packet-service, dnos-event-consumer-service, dnos-restapi-helper, onos-inbound-packet-protobuf, json-simple, dnos-event-service-api, guava, kafka-clients, onos-packet-context-protobuf, protobuf-java, httpclient, onos-outbound-packet-protobuf, onos-connectpoint-protobuf, onos-trafficTreatment-protobuf, onos-instruction-protobuf, slf4j-api, slf4j-simple, onos-portenums-protobuf, onos-port-protobuf, onos-packetout-grpc,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.github.dnos-project
Version 1.1.5
Last update 28. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 20
Dependencies dnos-packet-service, dnos-event-consumer-service, dnos-restapi-helper, onos-inbound-packet-protobuf, json-simple, dnos-event-service-api, guava, kafka-clients, onos-packet-context-protobuf, protobuf-java, httpclient, onos-outbound-packet-protobuf, onos-connectpoint-protobuf, onos-trafficTreatment-protobuf, onos-instruction-protobuf, slf4j-api, slf4j-simple, onos-portenums-protobuf, onos-port-protobuf, onos-packetout-grpc,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
open-gif from group com.github.zh79325 (version 1.0.4)
Gif Decoder Project Forked from
Artifact open-gif
Group com.github.zh79325
Version 1.0.4
Last update 28. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies slf4j-api, logback-core, logback-classic,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.zh79325
Version 1.0.4
Last update 28. November 2018
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies slf4j-api, logback-core, logback-classic,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
desensitization-logback from group com.gitee.cqdevops (version 1.1.1)
Group: com.gitee.cqdevops Artifact: desensitization-logback
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact desensitization-logback
Group com.gitee.cqdevops
Version 1.1.1
Last update 26. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies logback-classic, commons-lang3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.gitee.cqdevops
Version 1.1.1
Last update 26. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies logback-classic, commons-lang3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
io.earcam.maven.plugin.netlify from group io.earcam.maven.plugin (version 0.0.4) integration: upload static content, free provider supporting HTTPS
Group: io.earcam.maven.plugin Artifact: io.earcam.maven.plugin.netlify
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact io.earcam.maven.plugin.netlify
Group io.earcam.maven.plugin
Version 0.0.4
Last update 25. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL ${site.url}${}
License not specified
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies, io.earcam.unexceptional, jsr305, slf4j-api, maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations, plexus-utils, maven-core, maven-plugin-testing-harness, junit, java-hamcrest, mockito-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.earcam.maven.plugin
Version 0.0.4
Last update 25. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL ${site.url}${}
License not specified
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies, io.earcam.unexceptional, jsr305, slf4j-api, maven-plugin-api, maven-plugin-annotations, plexus-utils, maven-core, maven-plugin-testing-harness, junit, java-hamcrest, mockito-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
idgen from group com.github.pingaz (version 0.1.1-ALPHA)
Artifact idgen
Group com.github.pingaz
Version 0.1.1-ALPHA
Last update 24. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jedis,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.pingaz
Version 0.1.1-ALPHA
Last update 24. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jedis,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
toceansoft-common from group com.toceansoft (version 0.0.2-RELEASE)
Artifact toceansoft-common
Group com.toceansoft
Version 0.0.2-RELEASE
Last update 23. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 25
Dependencies guava, slf4j-api, snakeyaml, commons-lang3, core, icepdf-core, jai_core, bcprov-jdk15on, itextpdf, itext-asian, xmlworker, flying-saucer-core, flying-saucer-pdf-itext5, poi, poi-ooxml, poi-scratchpad, httpcore, httpclient, httpclient, jackson-databind, jsoup, logback-classic, logback-core, slf4j-api, json-lib,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.toceansoft
Version 0.0.2-RELEASE
Last update 23. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 25
Dependencies guava, slf4j-api, snakeyaml, commons-lang3, core, icepdf-core, jai_core, bcprov-jdk15on, itextpdf, itext-asian, xmlworker, flying-saucer-core, flying-saucer-pdf-itext5, poi, poi-ooxml, poi-scratchpad, httpcore, httpclient, httpclient, jackson-databind, jsoup, logback-classic, logback-core, slf4j-api, json-lib,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
lambda-param-name-extractor from group net.javacrumbs (version 0.2.0)
Group: net.javacrumbs Artifact: lambda-param-name-extractor
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact lambda-param-name-extractor
Group net.javacrumbs
Version 0.2.0
Last update 22. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.javacrumbs
Version 0.2.0
Last update 22. November 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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