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spring-maven-plugin from group org.kuali.maven.plugins (version 3.1.0)

This plugin provides integration between Spring and Maven. Plugin goals support loading a Spring context XML file as part of the Maven build lifecycle. The XML file can be on the local file system or be accessible via any URL Spring's resource loading mechanism can understand. Spring's "classpath:context.xml" style notation is supported. Annotated Java classes can also be used to load a Spring context. Maven properties are injected into the Spring context (both XML and annotation style) as a java.util.Properties bean named "mavenProperties". Maven properties are also registered as a top level PropertySource so that Spring's placeholder resolution framework automatically considers them. See Project Reports -> Plugin Documentation for details on plugin goals. By default, the profile "maven" is set as an active Spring profile along with any other active Maven profiles.

Group: org.kuali.maven.plugins Artifact: spring-maven-plugin
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Artifact spring-maven-plugin
Group org.kuali.maven.plugins
Version 3.1.0
Last update 12. March 2014
Organization not specified
URL http://${}/maven/plugins/${project.artifactId}/${project.version}
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies kuali-util, kuali-maven,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jsptld-maven-plugin from group com.squeakysand.jsp (version 0.6.0)

The JSP TLD Maven Plugin is used to automate the management of JSP Tag Library Descriptors as part of a Maven build. It is intended to decrease the burden on JSP developers associated with writing custom JSP Tag Libraries. The goal is to encourage JSP developers to write better JSP files by using custom JSP Tag Libraries more extensively. The Plugin can process Java annotations on Tag implementation classes and also discover Tag Files (.tag and .tagx files). The Java 5 Annotations recognized by this Plugin are all part of the <a href="../squeakysand-jsp/apidocs/com/squeakysand/jsp/tagext/annotations/package-summary.html">com.squeakysand.jsp.tagext.annotations</a> package.

Group: com.squeakysand.jsp Artifact: jsptld-maven-plugin
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Artifact jsptld-maven-plugin
Group com.squeakysand.jsp
Version 0.6.0
Last update 08. August 2013
Organization not specified
URL ${projects.http.url}/jsp/${project.version}/${project.artifactId}/
License not specified
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies squeakysand-commons, maven-javadoc-plugin, maven-plugin-api, maven-project,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jenkins-maven-plugin from group org.kuali.maven.plugins (version 1.2.8)

Automated management of Jenkins jobs via Maven. Much of the information needed by Jenkins when creating a job is already in the Maven pom. The SCM information and CI url are present. Jenkins jobs also typically have names that reflect the groupId, artifactId, and version in some manner. This plugin automates the process of creating Jenkins jobs by harvesting information from the POM to create XML config files in the format Jenkins needs. The Jenkins CLI API is then used to create, update, read, and delete Jenkins jobs on the CI server. If your Jenkins instance requires authentication, add your public key to your user account on the Jenkins server.

Group: org.kuali.maven.plugins Artifact: jenkins-maven-plugin
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Artifact jenkins-maven-plugin
Group org.kuali.maven.plugins
Version 1.2.8
Last update 19. June 2013
Organization not specified
URL http://${}/maven/plugins/${project.artifactId}/${project.version}
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies commons-beanutils, ${jenkins.cli.artifactId}, maven-kuali-common,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

sass-lang from group org.jszip.gems (version 3.2.9)

Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin. This is a repackaged GEM in a JAR format of the sass-lang.gem package. The sass-gems package version follows the sass-lang.gem versions located Simply change the version of this package to download and repackage the same GEM version.

Group: org.jszip.gems Artifact: sass-lang
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Artifact sass-lang
Group org.jszip.gems
Version 3.2.9
Last update 14. May 2013
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jruby-complete,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

laf from group net.sf.squirrel-sql.plugins (version 3.5.0)

This plugin gives SQuirreLSQL client the ability to configure alternate LaFs provided by the plugin as well as others that the user can provide. All dependencies listed with a groupId of net.sf.squirrel-sql and artifactId starting with squirrelsql-lf- are externally available open-source look and feels whose project maintainers have decided to not use maven, or those which were built and maintained only before the introduction of maven. Maven's central repository policy requires any pom that is deployed there to reference only artifacts which are also hosted in central. And a project may only use the groupId that is related to that project. So, this only leaves us with one option which is to host these external third-party artifacts using our groupId. The hope is that someday these projects will start using maven and the need for this will no longer be.

Group: net.sf.squirrel-sql.plugins Artifact: laf
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Artifact laf
Group net.sf.squirrel-sql.plugins
Version 3.5.0
Last update 06. May 2013
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser
Dependencies amount 14
Dependencies fw, squirrel-sql, ilf-gpl, kunstoff-laf, looks, napkinlaf, nimrod-laf, skinlf, skinlf-theme-packs, substance, swingsetthemes, tinylaf, toniclf, JTattoo,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jaxb-booleangetter-plugin from group net.sf.sanity4j (version 1.0)

JAXB 2.1.x XJC Boolean-Getter Plugin This plugin causes getter methods for Boolean Objects to be called "getXX" instead of "isXX". Downloaded from,r=1.1/jaxb2-commons/www/boolean-getter/index.html on 18/03/10 Yiannis Paschalidis Sanity4J was created to simplify running multiple static code analysis tools on the Java projects. It provides a single entry point to run all the selected tools and produce a consolidated report, which presents all findings in an easily accessible manner.

Group: net.sf.sanity4j Artifact: jaxb-booleangetter-plugin
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Artifact jaxb-booleangetter-plugin
Group net.sf.sanity4j
Version 1.0
Last update 02. April 2013
Organization The Sanity4J project
License GPLv3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jaxb-xjc,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

weblogic-maven-plugin from group org.codehaus.mojo (version 2.9.5)

This plugin will support various tasks within the Weblogic 8.1, 9.x, 10.x and 12.x environment. This version starts to support weblogic 10 and 11. The mojo supports such tasks as deploy, undeploy,clientgen,servicegen, and appc are supported as well as many others. The plugin uses exposed API's that are subject to change but have been tested in 8.1 SP 4-6 and 9.0 - 9.2 MP3, 10.x. There are two versions of the plugin to support the two environments based on differences in the JDK. The 9.x version is currently being refactored to support the standard JSR supported deployment interface. The code used in the plugin has been contributed to the Cargo project however to date has not be integrated into the codebase. Please feel free to suggest improvements or help support this plugin effort.

Group: org.codehaus.mojo Artifact: weblogic-maven-plugin
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Artifact weblogic-maven-plugin
Group org.codehaus.mojo
Version 2.9.5
Last update 17. September 2012
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License Apache License 2
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-model, maven-artifact, ant, weblogic, webservices,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jetty-conf-maven-plugin from group net.uvavru.maven.plugin (version 1.0)

Jetty context XML configuration plugin generator helper. This plugin helps you to generate your Context XML file with a dynamic content such as: * classpath entries * web app resources * maven properties Plugin needs a template Jetty context XML file where the dynamic content is injected. Injection of dynamic content is supported as: * altering the DOM with new values * with enabled filtering dynamic values can be replaced as properties (see bellow) Filtering of the template file is supported. Basically it means you can include content from your maven properties in your context XML file. If desired plugin sets two maven properties with the dynamic content: * jetty.conf-plugin.classpath * jetty.conf-plugin.webapp These properties might be used for filtering as well. Plugin resolves project dependency artifacts. These artifacts are transformed into webapp resources and classpath entries. Works with multi-module projects. Works in Eclipse with enabled m2e.

Group: net.uvavru.maven.plugin Artifact: jetty-conf-maven-plugin
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Artifact jetty-conf-maven-plugin
Group net.uvavru.maven.plugin
Version 1.0
Last update 31. May 2012
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies maven-core, maven-filtering,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

m2st-stylus-ext-skin from group com.anasoft.os (version 2.0)

Group: com.anasoft.os Artifact: m2st-stylus-ext-skin
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Artifact m2st-stylus-ext-skin
Group com.anasoft.os
Version 2.0
Last update 05. May 2011
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

m2st-doxia-macros from group com.anasoft.os (version 2.0)

Group: com.anasoft.os Artifact: m2st-doxia-macros
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Artifact m2st-doxia-macros
Group com.anasoft.os
Version 2.0
Last update 05. May 2011
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies doxia-core, commons-io, commons-lang,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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