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troxy from group no.sparebank1.troxy (version 3.2.49)
Troxy is a proxy intended for simulating a remote service without actually
connecting to the server. Incoming requests are matched using regular
expressions and responses are created from a recorded response from the remote
service and optionally modified by inserting values caught from the regular
expression used to match the request.
Group: no.sparebank1.troxy Artifact: troxy
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Artifact troxy
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization SpareBank 1 Utvikling
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization SpareBank 1 Utvikling
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
troxy-embedded from group no.sparebank1.troxy (version 3.2.49)
Troxy is a proxy intended for simulating a remote service without actually
connecting to the server. Incoming requests are matched using regular
expressions and responses are created from a recorded response from the remote
service and optionally modified by inserting values caught from the regular
expression used to match the request.
Artifact troxy-embedded
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies troxy-core, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies troxy-core, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
troxy-core from group no.sparebank1.troxy (version 3.2.49)
Troxy is a proxy intended for simulating a remote service without actually
connecting to the server. Incoming requests are matched using regular
expressions and responses are created from a recorded response from the remote
service and optionally modified by inserting values caught from the regular
expression used to match the request.
Artifact troxy-core
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies javax.servlet-api, slf4j-api, jetty-server, jetty-servlet, jetty-util,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies javax.servlet-api, slf4j-api, jetty-server, jetty-servlet, jetty-util,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
troxy-server from group no.sparebank1.troxy (version 3.2.49)
Troxy is a proxy intended for simulating a remote service without actually
connecting to the server. Incoming requests are matched using regular
expressions and responses are created from a recorded response from the remote
service and optionally modified by inserting values caught from the regular
expression used to match the request.
Artifact troxy-server
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies slf4j-api, slf4j-simple, jersey-server, jersey-container-servlet-core, jersey-media-json-jackson, jersey-media-multipart, jersey-hk2, troxy-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies slf4j-api, slf4j-simple, jersey-server, jersey-container-servlet-core, jersey-media-json-jackson, jersey-media-multipart, jersey-hk2, troxy-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
filter from group no.sparebank1.troxy (version 3.2.49)
Troxy is a proxy intended for simulating a remote service without actually
connecting to the server. Incoming requests are matched using regular
expressions and responses are created from a recorded response from the remote
service and optionally modified by inserting values caught from the regular
expression used to match the request.
Artifact filter
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies slf4j-api, troxy-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group no.sparebank1.troxy
Version 3.2.49
Last update 06. May 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies slf4j-api, troxy-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
configcat-kotlin-client-watchosarm32 from group com.configcat (version 3.0.1)
Kotlin Multiplatform SDK for ConfigCat, a feature flag, feature toggle, and configuration management service. That lets you launch new features and change your software configuration remotely without actually (re)deploying code. ConfigCat even helps you do controlled roll-outs like canary releases and blue-green deployments.
Group: com.configcat Artifact: configcat-kotlin-client-watchosarm32
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Artifact configcat-kotlin-client-watchosarm32
Group com.configcat
Version 3.0.1
Last update 09. April 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-common, atomicfu-watchosarm32, ktor-client-core-watchosarm32, kotlinx-serialization-core-watchosarm32, kotlinx-serialization-json-watchosarm32, kotlinx-coroutines-core-watchosarm32, klock-watchosarm32, krypto-watchosarm32, semver-watchosarm32, ktor-client-darwin-watchosarm32,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.configcat
Version 3.0.1
Last update 09. April 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-common, atomicfu-watchosarm32, ktor-client-core-watchosarm32, kotlinx-serialization-core-watchosarm32, kotlinx-serialization-json-watchosarm32, kotlinx-coroutines-core-watchosarm32, klock-watchosarm32, krypto-watchosarm32, semver-watchosarm32, ktor-client-darwin-watchosarm32,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
configcat-kotlin-client-iosarm32 from group com.configcat (version 3.0.1)
Kotlin Multiplatform SDK for ConfigCat, a feature flag, feature toggle, and configuration management service. That lets you launch new features and change your software configuration remotely without actually (re)deploying code. ConfigCat even helps you do controlled roll-outs like canary releases and blue-green deployments.
Group: com.configcat Artifact: configcat-kotlin-client-iosarm32
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Artifact configcat-kotlin-client-iosarm32
Group com.configcat
Version 3.0.1
Last update 09. April 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-common, atomicfu-iosarm32, ktor-client-core-iosarm32, kotlinx-serialization-core-iosarm32, kotlinx-serialization-json-iosarm32, kotlinx-coroutines-core-iosarm32, klock-iosarm32, krypto-iosarm32, semver-iosarm32, ktor-client-darwin-iosarm32,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.configcat
Version 3.0.1
Last update 09. April 2024
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-common, atomicfu-iosarm32, ktor-client-core-iosarm32, kotlinx-serialization-core-iosarm32, kotlinx-serialization-json-iosarm32, kotlinx-coroutines-core-iosarm32, klock-iosarm32, krypto-iosarm32, semver-iosarm32, ktor-client-darwin-iosarm32,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
relogiclabs-json-schema from group com.relogiclabs.json (version 1.12.1)
The New JSON Schema prioritizes simplicity, conciseness, and readability, making
it user-friendly and accessible without the need for extensive prior knowledge.
It offers efficient read-write facilities, precise JSON document definition
through various data types and functions, and extensibility to meet modern web
service diverse requirements.
Group: com.relogiclabs.json Artifact: relogiclabs-json-schema
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Artifact relogiclabs-json-schema
Group com.relogiclabs.json
Version 1.12.1
Last update 23. January 2024
Organization Relogic Labs
License GNU Affero General Public License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies antlr4-runtime, commons-lang3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.relogiclabs.json
Version 1.12.1
Last update 23. January 2024
Organization Relogic Labs
License GNU Affero General Public License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies antlr4-runtime, commons-lang3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
norconex-importer from group com.norconex.collectors (version 3.0.1)
Norconex Importer is a Java library and command-line application meant to "parse" and "extract" content out of a computer file as plain text, whatever its format (HTML, PDF, Word, etc). In addition, it allows you to perform any manipulation on the extracted text before importing/using it in your own service or application.
Group: com.norconex.collectors Artifact: norconex-importer
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact norconex-importer
Group com.norconex.collectors
Version 3.0.1
Last update 09. July 2023
Organization Norconex Inc.
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies norconex-commons-lang, tika-core, tika-parsers, tika-translate, commons-cli, commons-jxpath, slf4j-log4j12, opencsv, xmpbox, luaj-jse, jai-imageio-core, ooxml-schemas,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.norconex.collectors
Version 3.0.1
Last update 09. July 2023
Organization Norconex Inc.
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies norconex-commons-lang, tika-core, tika-parsers, tika-translate, commons-cli, commons-jxpath, slf4j-log4j12, opencsv, xmpbox, luaj-jse, jai-imageio-core, ooxml-schemas,
There are maybe transitive dependencies! from group biz.aQute (version 1.10.0)
An SSH daemon that interacts with Gogo. Since many Linux distributions have removed telnet, there is a need to interact with Gogo using ssh, which is still approved. This ssh provider can be used without authentication when registered only on localhost. Otherwise the user should register an biz.aQute.authentication.api.Authenticator service. The configuration by default requires this optional service to be there.
Group: biz.aQute Artifact:
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Group biz.aQute
Version 1.10.0
Last update 13. April 2023
Organization aQute SARL
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies osgi.annotation, org.osgi.service.component.annotations, sshd-osgi, slf4j-api, aQute.libg, org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime, org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations, biz.aQute.api.authentication, biz.aQute.api.authorization, org.osgi.framework,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group biz.aQute
Version 1.10.0
Last update 13. April 2023
Organization aQute SARL
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies osgi.annotation, org.osgi.service.component.annotations, sshd-osgi, slf4j-api, aQute.libg, org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime, org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations, biz.aQute.api.authentication, biz.aQute.api.authorization, org.osgi.framework,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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