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service.external.common from group com.hack23.cia (version 2022.12.26)
Group: com.hack23.cia Artifact: service.external.common
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact service.external.common
Group com.hack23.cia
Version 2022.12.26
Last update 26. December 2022
Organization not specified
URL github:
License not specified
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies jakarta.activation-api, jaxb-xjc, activation, jakarta.activation, jaxb-api, istack-commons-runtime, fluent-hc, spring-oxm, spring-context, spring-aop, slf4j-api, jdom2,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.hack23.cia
Version 2022.12.26
Last update 26. December 2022
Organization not specified
URL github:
License not specified
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies jakarta.activation-api, jaxb-xjc, activation, jakarta.activation, jaxb-api, istack-commons-runtime, fluent-hc, spring-oxm, spring-context, spring-aop, slf4j-api, jdom2,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
service.component.agent.api from group com.hack23.cia (version 2022.12.26)
Group: com.hack23.cia Artifact: service.component.agent.api
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact service.component.agent.api
Group com.hack23.cia
Version 2022.12.26
Last update 26. December 2022
Organization not specified
URL github:
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.hack23.cia
Version 2022.12.26
Last update 26. December 2022
Organization not specified
URL github:
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
SVConfigurator from group (version 5.8)
Service Virtualization Configurator
Artifact SVConfigurator
Version 5.8
Last update 22. December 2022
Organization Micro Focus
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies slf4j-jdk14, httpclient, commons-io, commons-cli, zip4j, gson, jakarta.xml.bind-api, jaxb-impl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 5.8
Last update 22. December 2022
Organization Micro Focus
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies slf4j-jdk14, httpclient, commons-io, commons-cli, zip4j, gson, jakarta.xml.bind-api, jaxb-impl,
There are maybe transitive dependencies! from group org.osgi (version 8.1.0)
Rest Service test cases.
Group org.osgi
Version 8.1.0
Last update 20. December 2022
Organization Eclipse Foundation
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 23
Dependencies, org.json, assertj-core, junit-jupiter-api, junit-jupiter-engine, junit-jupiter-params, junit-platform-commons, junit-platform-engine, junit-platform-launcher, junit-vintage-engine, hamcrest, awaitility, org.apache.servicemix.bundles.junit, opentest4j, org.osgi.test.common, org.osgi.test.assertj.framework, org.osgi.test.junit5, org.osgi.test.junit4, mockito-core, byte-buddy, byte-buddy-agent, objenesis, apiguardian-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.osgi
Version 8.1.0
Last update 20. December 2022
Organization Eclipse Foundation
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 23
Dependencies, org.json, assertj-core, junit-jupiter-api, junit-jupiter-engine, junit-jupiter-params, junit-platform-commons, junit-platform-engine, junit-platform-launcher, junit-vintage-engine, hamcrest, awaitility, org.apache.servicemix.bundles.junit, opentest4j, org.osgi.test.common, org.osgi.test.assertj.framework, org.osgi.test.junit5, org.osgi.test.junit4, mockito-core, byte-buddy, byte-buddy-agent, objenesis, apiguardian-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
org.osgi.test.cases.onem2m from group org.osgi (version 8.1.0)
Tests the service layer bundle
Artifact org.osgi.test.cases.onem2m
Group org.osgi
Version 8.1.0
Last update 20. December 2022
Organization Eclipse Foundation
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 26
Dependencies slf4j-api, org.osgi.service.onem2m, assertj-core, junit-jupiter-api, junit-jupiter-engine, junit-jupiter-params, junit-platform-commons, junit-platform-engine, junit-platform-launcher, junit-vintage-engine, hamcrest, awaitility, org.apache.servicemix.bundles.junit, opentest4j, org.osgi.test.common, org.osgi.test.assertj.framework, org.osgi.test.junit5, org.osgi.test.junit4, mockito-core, byte-buddy, byte-buddy-agent, objenesis, apiguardian-api, org.osgi.test.assertj.promise, org.osgi.util.function, org.osgi.util.promise,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.osgi
Version 8.1.0
Last update 20. December 2022
Organization Eclipse Foundation
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 26
Dependencies slf4j-api, org.osgi.service.onem2m, assertj-core, junit-jupiter-api, junit-jupiter-engine, junit-jupiter-params, junit-platform-commons, junit-platform-engine, junit-platform-launcher, junit-vintage-engine, hamcrest, awaitility, org.apache.servicemix.bundles.junit, opentest4j, org.osgi.test.common, org.osgi.test.assertj.framework, org.osgi.test.junit5, org.osgi.test.junit4, mockito-core, byte-buddy, byte-buddy-agent, objenesis, apiguardian-api, org.osgi.test.assertj.promise, org.osgi.util.function, org.osgi.util.promise,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
whatsit-service-discovery-ui from group io.github.pangzixiang.whatsit.vertx (version 1.0.0)
Whatsit Vertx Service Discovery UI
Artifact whatsit-service-discovery-ui
Group io.github.pangzixiang.whatsit.vertx
Version 1.0.0
Last update 12. December 2022
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.github.pangzixiang.whatsit.vertx
Version 1.0.0
Last update 12. December 2022
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
flink-log-connector-beta from group com.aliyun.openservices (version 0.1.37)
Flink Connector for Aliyun Log Service
Group: com.aliyun.openservices Artifact: flink-log-connector-beta
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact flink-log-connector-beta
Group com.aliyun.openservices
Version 0.1.37
Last update 10. December 2022
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies slf4j-api, protobuf-java, aliyun-log,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.aliyun.openservices
Version 0.1.37
Last update 10. December 2022
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies slf4j-api, protobuf-java, aliyun-log,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
zally-test from group org.zalando (version 2.1.1)
OpenAPI linter service
Artifact zally-test
Group org.zalando
Version 2.1.1
Last update 09. December 2022
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies zally-rule-api, junit-jupiter-api, junit-jupiter-params, assertj-core, logback-classic,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.zalando
Version 2.1.1
Last update 09. December 2022
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies zally-rule-api, junit-jupiter-api, junit-jupiter-params, assertj-core, logback-classic,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
zally-ruleset-zally from group org.zalando (version 2.1.1)
OpenAPI linter service
Artifact zally-ruleset-zally
Group org.zalando
Version 2.1.1
Last update 09. December 2022
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.zalando
Version 2.1.1
Last update 09. December 2022
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
zally-ruleset-zalando from group org.zalando (version 2.1.1)
OpenAPI linter service
Artifact zally-ruleset-zalando
Group org.zalando
Version 2.1.1
Last update 09. December 2022
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.zalando
Version 2.1.1
Last update 09. December 2022
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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