Download JAR files tagged by service with all dependencies
bluemedia-payment from group io.lsn.spring (version 1.0.0)
Bluemedia payment service
Artifact bluemedia-payment
Group io.lsn.spring
Version 1.0.0
Last update 26. July 2018
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 11
Dependencies spring-core, utilities, spring-boot-configuration-processor, jackson-dataformat-xml, httpclient, mybatis-spring, mybatis, junit, log4j, spring-boot, spring-web,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.lsn.spring
Version 1.0.0
Last update 26. July 2018
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 11
Dependencies spring-core, utilities, spring-boot-configuration-processor, jackson-dataformat-xml, httpclient, mybatis-spring, mybatis, junit, log4j, spring-boot, spring-web,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
rocket from group com.github.narender-singh (version 1.1.0)
Java web service framework
Artifact rocket
Group com.github.narender-singh
Version 1.1.0
Last update 25. July 2018
Organization not specified
License GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 3.0
Dependencies amount 20
Dependencies jackson-jaxrs, camel-core, camel-cxf, camel-spring, jetty-http, jetty-io, jetty-servlet, camel-stream, camel-jetty9, camel-jackson, mongodb-driver, spring-context, cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs, cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty, guava, jackson-databind, jetty-server, spring-jdbc, mssql-jdbc, cxf-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.narender-singh
Version 1.1.0
Last update 25. July 2018
Organization not specified
License GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 3.0
Dependencies amount 20
Dependencies jackson-jaxrs, camel-core, camel-cxf, camel-spring, jetty-http, jetty-io, jetty-servlet, camel-stream, camel-jetty9, camel-jackson, mongodb-driver, spring-context, cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs, cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty, guava, jackson-databind, jetty-server, spring-jdbc, mssql-jdbc, cxf-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
mdfconnectscala_2.10 from group org.materialsdatafacility.mdfconnect (version 1.0)
Scala bindings for MDF Connect Service
Group: org.materialsdatafacility.mdfconnect Artifact: mdfconnectscala_2.10
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Show documentation Show source
Artifact mdfconnectscala_2.10
Group org.materialsdatafacility.mdfconnect
Version 1.0
Last update 24. July 2018
Organization org.materialsdatafacility.mdfconnect
License Apache
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies scala-library, play_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.materialsdatafacility.mdfconnect
Version 1.0
Last update 24. July 2018
Organization org.materialsdatafacility.mdfconnect
License Apache
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies scala-library, play_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
travelforge-product-service from group org.travelforge.product (version 0.12)
Travelforge Product Service
Group: org.travelforge.product Artifact: travelforge-product-service
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact travelforge-product-service
Group org.travelforge.product
Version 0.12
Last update 20. July 2018
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies travelforge-product-model,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.travelforge.product
Version 0.12
Last update 20. July 2018
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies travelforge-product-model,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
jnet from group top.potens.jnet (version 1.0)
base on netty service and client
Artifact jnet
Group top.potens.jnet
Version 1.0
Last update 14. July 2018
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies netty-all, gson, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group top.potens.jnet
Version 1.0
Last update 14. July 2018
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies netty-all, gson, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
multicast-dns-service-types from group org.webjars.npm (version 1.1.0)
WebJar for multicast-dns-service-types
Artifact multicast-dns-service-types
Group org.webjars.npm
Version 1.1.0
Last update 11. July 2018
Organization not specified
License MIT
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.webjars.npm
Version 1.1.0
Last update 11. July 2018
Organization not specified
License MIT
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
airframe-jdbc_2.13.0-M3 from group org.wvlet.airframe (version 0.51)
JDBC connection pool service
Group: org.wvlet.airframe Artifact: airframe-jdbc_2.13.0-M3
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact airframe-jdbc_2.13.0-M3
Group org.wvlet.airframe
Version 0.51
Last update 08. July 2018
Organization org.wvlet.airframe
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies scala-library, airframe_2.13.0-M3, sqlite-jdbc, postgresql, HikariCP, slf4j-jdk14,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.wvlet.airframe
Version 0.51
Last update 08. July 2018
Organization org.wvlet.airframe
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies scala-library, airframe_2.13.0-M3, sqlite-jdbc, postgresql, HikariCP, slf4j-jdk14,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
polyfill-service from group org.webjars.npm (version 3.25.1)
WebJar for polyfill-service
Artifact polyfill-service
Group org.webjars.npm
Version 3.25.1
Last update 25. June 2018
Organization not specified
License CC0-1.0
Dependencies amount 67
Dependencies node-zopfli, merge2, bytes, vary, babel-core, convert-source-map, request-promise, useragent, rimraf, mocha, blocked, mysql2, web-animations-js, yaku, glob, graceful-fs, morgan, array.of, json3, exists-sync, dotenv, shuffle-array, html5shiv, zlib, Base64, audio-context-polyfill, whatwg-fetch, stream-to-string, intersection-observer, event-source-polyfill, on-headers, string.fromcodepoint, accepts, minimist, marky-markdown, stream-from-promise, multipipe, handlebars, raven, intl, pump, lodash, compressible, uglify-js, measured, lru-cache, cli-color, picturefill, tsort, mutationobserver-shim, express, semver, moment, proclaim, babel-preset-es2015, lazystream, graphite, shrink-ray, iltorb, js-polyfills, request, fast-stats, diff, mkdirp, from2-string, denodeify, usertiming,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.webjars.npm
Version 3.25.1
Last update 25. June 2018
Organization not specified
License CC0-1.0
Dependencies amount 67
Dependencies node-zopfli, merge2, bytes, vary, babel-core, convert-source-map, request-promise, useragent, rimraf, mocha, blocked, mysql2, web-animations-js, yaku, glob, graceful-fs, morgan, array.of, json3, exists-sync, dotenv, shuffle-array, html5shiv, zlib, Base64, audio-context-polyfill, whatwg-fetch, stream-to-string, intersection-observer, event-source-polyfill, on-headers, string.fromcodepoint, accepts, minimist, marky-markdown, stream-from-promise, multipipe, handlebars, raven, intl, pump, lodash, compressible, uglify-js, measured, lru-cache, cli-color, picturefill, tsort, mutationobserver-shim, express, semver, moment, proclaim, babel-preset-es2015, lazystream, graphite, shrink-ray, iltorb, js-polyfills, request, fast-stats, diff, mkdirp, from2-string, denodeify, usertiming,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
sp-core_2.12 from group com.github.sequenceplanner (version 0.9.11)
The core service used in sp
Group: com.github.sequenceplanner Artifact: sp-core_2.12
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact sp-core_2.12
Group com.github.sequenceplanner
Version 0.9.11
Last update 19. June 2018
Organization com.github.sequenceplanner
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 21
Dependencies scala-library, scala-parser-combinators_2.12, play-json_2.12, play-json-derived-codecs_2.12, scala-java-time_2.12, akka-actor_2.12, akka-cluster_2.12, akka-cluster-tools_2.12, akka-testkit_2.12, slf4j-simple, akka-kryo-serialization_2.12, avro4s-core_2.12, sp-domain_2.12, sp-comm_2.12, akka-persistence_2.12, akka-persistence-query_2.12, leveldb, leveldbjni-all, akka-http-core_2.12, akka-http_2.12, akka-http-testkit_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.sequenceplanner
Version 0.9.11
Last update 19. June 2018
Organization com.github.sequenceplanner
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 21
Dependencies scala-library, scala-parser-combinators_2.12, play-json_2.12, play-json-derived-codecs_2.12, scala-java-time_2.12, akka-actor_2.12, akka-cluster_2.12, akka-cluster-tools_2.12, akka-testkit_2.12, slf4j-simple, akka-kryo-serialization_2.12, avro4s-core_2.12, sp-domain_2.12, sp-comm_2.12, akka-persistence_2.12, akka-persistence-query_2.12, leveldb, leveldbjni-all, akka-http-core_2.12, akka-http_2.12, akka-http-testkit_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
galaxy-emq-client from group com.xiaomi.infra.galaxy (version 1.3.1)
Group: com.xiaomi.infra.galaxy Artifact: galaxy-emq-client
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
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