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limbus-maven-integration from group com.remondis.limbus (version 3.1.0)
This library provides a service implementation to resolve, download and provide Maven artifacts from remote/local repositories. This library uses Aether and Maven dependencies that are based on Java 8. Because the projects were terminated and Maven developers announced that no compatibility for Java 9 is planned, this service must be deployed on the legacy Java < 9 class path.
Artifact limbus-maven-integration
Group com.remondis.limbus
Version 3.1.0
Last update 26. March 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies limbus-engine-interfaces, limbus-utils, aether-api, aether-util, aether-impl, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-file, aether-transport-http, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-ssh, maven-settings-builder, maven-aether-provider, plexus-utils,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.remondis.limbus
Version 3.1.0
Last update 26. March 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies limbus-engine-interfaces, limbus-utils, aether-api, aether-util, aether-impl, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-file, aether-transport-http, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-ssh, maven-settings-builder, maven-aether-provider, plexus-utils,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ionos-cloud-sdk-dbaas-mongo from group com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo (version 1.2.2)
With IONOS Cloud Database as a Service, you can quickly setup and manage a MongoDB database. It is designed to allow users to leverage the same power and flexibility found within the DCD visual tool. Both tools are consistent with their concepts and lend well to making the experience smooth and intuitive.
Group: com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo Artifact: ionos-cloud-sdk-dbaas-mongo
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Artifact ionos-cloud-sdk-dbaas-mongo
Group com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo
Version 1.2.2
Last update 24. March 2023
Organization not specified
License Unlicense
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies swagger-annotations, jsr305, okhttp, logging-interceptor, gson, gson-fire, commons-lang3, jsr311-api,, jackson-datatype-jsr310, threetenbp, javax.annotation-api, jackson-databind-nullable,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo
Version 1.2.2
Last update 24. March 2023
Organization not specified
License Unlicense
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies swagger-annotations, jsr305, okhttp, logging-interceptor, gson, gson-fire, commons-lang3, jsr311-api,, jackson-datatype-jsr310, threetenbp, javax.annotation-api, jackson-databind-nullable,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
undefined from group com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo (version 1.2.1)
With IONOS Cloud Database as a Service, you can quickly setup and manage a MongoDB database. It is designed to allow users to leverage the same power and flexibility found within the DCD visual tool. Both tools are consistent with their concepts and lend well to making the experience smooth and intuitive.
Artifact undefined
Group com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo
Version 1.2.1
Last update 08. March 2023
Organization not specified
License Unlicense
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies swagger-annotations, jsr305, okhttp, logging-interceptor, gson, gson-fire, commons-lang3, jsr311-api,, jackson-datatype-jsr310, threetenbp, javax.annotation-api, jackson-databind-nullable,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo
Version 1.2.1
Last update 08. March 2023
Organization not specified
License Unlicense
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies swagger-annotations, jsr305, okhttp, logging-interceptor, gson, gson-fire, commons-lang3, jsr311-api,, jackson-datatype-jsr310, threetenbp, javax.annotation-api, jackson-databind-nullable,
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gemini-blueprint from group net.solarnetwork.external (version 3.0.0.SN01)
Eclipse Gemini Blueprint project makes it easy to build Java applications that run in an OSGi framework. By
using Gemini Blueprint, applications benefit from using a
better separation of modules, the ability to dynamically add, remove, and update modules in a running system,
the ability to deploy multiple versions of a module
simultaneously (and have clients automatically bind to the appropriate one), and a dynamic service model.
Group: net.solarnetwork.external Artifact: gemini-blueprint
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Artifact gemini-blueprint
Group net.solarnetwork.external
Version 3.0.0.SN01
Last update 07. March 2023
Organization not specified
License Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies javax.inject,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.solarnetwork.external
Version 3.0.0.SN01
Last update 07. March 2023
Organization not specified
License Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies javax.inject,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ionos-cloud-sdk-dbaas-postgres from group com.ionoscloud.dbaaspostgres (version 1.1.1)
With IONOS Cloud Database as a Service, you can quickly setup and manage a PostgreSQL database. It is designed to allow users to leverage the same power and flexibility found within the DCD visual tool. Both tools are consistent with their concepts and lend well to making the experience smooth and intuitive.
Group: com.ionoscloud.dbaaspostgres Artifact: ionos-cloud-sdk-dbaas-postgres
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact ionos-cloud-sdk-dbaas-postgres
Group com.ionoscloud.dbaaspostgres
Version 1.1.1
Last update 06. March 2023
Organization not specified
License Unlicense
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies swagger-annotations, jsr305, okhttp, logging-interceptor, gson, gson-fire, commons-lang3, jsr311-api,, jackson-datatype-jsr310, threetenbp, javax.annotation-api, jackson-databind-nullable,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.ionoscloud.dbaaspostgres
Version 1.1.1
Last update 06. March 2023
Organization not specified
License Unlicense
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies swagger-annotations, jsr305, okhttp, logging-interceptor, gson, gson-fire, commons-lang3, jsr311-api,, jackson-datatype-jsr310, threetenbp, javax.annotation-api, jackson-databind-nullable,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
data-science from group org.odpi.egeria (version 3.15)
The Data Science Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) provides APIs and events for tools and applications
focused on building all types of analytics models such as predictive models
and machine learning models. It provides the ability to define the purpose
and requirements for a model, along with lineage and audit information relating
to the development and validation process associated with the model.
Group: org.odpi.egeria Artifact: data-science
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Artifact data-science
Group org.odpi.egeria
Version 3.15
Last update 31. January 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.odpi.egeria
Version 3.15
Last update 31. January 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
anythingworks from group com.optimaize.anythingworks (version 1.1.0)
Java Library to Bootstrap Web service client/server development.
It supports both RESTful web services (JAX-RS) and
SOAP / WSDL web services (JAX-WS).
Within this project classes specific for one technology are prefixed
with either "Rest" or "Soap".
Other technologies, like JSON-RPC, could be added. Hence the name "anything works".
Group: com.optimaize.anythingworks Artifact: anythingworks
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Artifact anythingworks
Group com.optimaize.anythingworks
Version 1.1.0
Last update 20. December 2022
Organization Optimaize GmbH, Switzerland
License LGPLv3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.optimaize.anythingworks
Version 1.1.0
Last update 20. December 2022
Organization Optimaize GmbH, Switzerland
License LGPLv3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
ionos-cloud-sdk-container-registry from group com.ionoscloud.containerregistry (version 1.0.0)
With IONOS Cloud Database as a Service, you can quickly setup and manage a MongoDB database. It is designed to allow users to leverage the same power and flexibility found within the DCD visual tool. Both tools are consistent with their concepts and lend well to making the experience smooth and intuitive.
Group: com.ionoscloud.containerregistry Artifact: ionos-cloud-sdk-container-registry
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Show documentation Show source
Artifact ionos-cloud-sdk-container-registry
Group com.ionoscloud.containerregistry
Version 1.0.0
Last update 21. November 2022
Organization not specified
License Unlicense
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies swagger-annotations, jsr305, okhttp, logging-interceptor, gson, gson-fire, commons-lang3, jsr311-api,, jackson-datatype-jsr310, threetenbp, javax.annotation-api, jackson-databind-nullable,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.ionoscloud.containerregistry
Version 1.0.0
Last update 21. November 2022
Organization not specified
License Unlicense
Dependencies amount 13
Dependencies swagger-annotations, jsr305, okhttp, logging-interceptor, gson, gson-fire, commons-lang3, jsr311-api,, jackson-datatype-jsr310, threetenbp, javax.annotation-api, jackson-databind-nullable,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
azure-servicebus from group (version 3.6.7)
Java library for Azure Service Bus
Group: Artifact: azure-servicebus
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact azure-servicebus
Version 3.6.7
Last update 14. November 2022
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies proton-j, qpid-proton-j-extensions, slf4j-api, async-http-client, azure-client-authentication,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.6.7
Last update 14. November 2022
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies proton-j, qpid-proton-j-extensions, slf4j-api, async-http-client, azure-client-authentication,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
azure-mgmt-servicebus from group (version 1.41.4)
This package contains Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management SDK. A new set of management libraries are now Generally Available. For documentation on how to use the new libraries, please see
Group: Artifact: azure-mgmt-servicebus
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact azure-mgmt-servicebus
Version 1.41.4
Last update 22. July 2022
Organization not specified
License The MIT License (MIT)
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies azure-client-runtime, azure-mgmt-resources, joda-time,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 1.41.4
Last update 22. July 2022
Organization not specified
License The MIT License (MIT)
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies azure-client-runtime, azure-mgmt-resources, joda-time,
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