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request-logger from group com.alterioncorp (version 1.1)
A servlet filter that logs requests to the log (slf4j) and writes them asynchronously to the DB.
RequestLoggerFilter - logs request info to the DB
RequestLoggerFilterPerfJdbc - subclass of RequestLoggerFilter that also logs time spent in JDBC using perf-jdbc
RequestLoggerFilterPerfmon4J - subclass of RequestLoggerFilter that also logs time spent in JDBC using perfmon4j
By default, uses the "java:/comp/env/jdbc/request-logger" data-source to log to. Can be overridden with the "com.alterion.requestlogger.jdbc.datasource-jndi" system-property.
DB schemas for MS-SQL and PostgreSQL are in src/main/sql
Artifact request-logger
Group com.alterioncorp
Version 1.1
Last update 24. May 2016
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies slf4j-api, commons-io,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.alterioncorp
Version 1.1
Last update 24. May 2016
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies slf4j-api, commons-io,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
entitybroker-pack from group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker (version 10.7)
Group: org.sakaiproject.entitybroker Artifact: entitybroker-pack
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Artifact entitybroker-pack
Group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker
Version 10.7
Last update 22. April 2016
Organization Sakai Project
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker
Version 10.7
Last update 22. April 2016
Organization Sakai Project
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
direct from group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker (version 10.7)
Group: org.sakaiproject.entitybroker Artifact: direct
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Artifact direct
Group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker
Version 10.7
Last update 22. April 2016
Organization Sakai Project
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies entitybroker-api, entitybroker-utils, entitybroker-restimpl, servlet-api, commons-logging, sakai-kernel-api, sakai-component-manager, sakai-kernel-util,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker
Version 10.7
Last update 22. April 2016
Organization Sakai Project
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies entitybroker-api, entitybroker-utils, entitybroker-restimpl, servlet-api, commons-logging, sakai-kernel-api, sakai-component-manager, sakai-kernel-util,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
providers from group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker (version 10.7)
Group: org.sakaiproject.entitybroker Artifact: providers
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Artifact providers
Group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker
Version 10.7
Last update 22. April 2016
Organization Sakai Project
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 11
Dependencies entitybroker-api, entitybroker-utils, sakai-privacy-api, reflectutils, spring-core, spring-beans, servlet-api, mail, sakai-kernel-api, sakai-component-manager, sakai-kernel-util,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.sakaiproject.entitybroker
Version 10.7
Last update 22. April 2016
Organization Sakai Project
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 11
Dependencies entitybroker-api, entitybroker-utils, sakai-privacy-api, reflectutils, spring-core, spring-beans, servlet-api, mail, sakai-kernel-api, sakai-component-manager, sakai-kernel-util,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
runnable-war from group org.avaje.jetty (version 2.2.1)
Provides a parent pom that builds runnable war using jetty.
This uses the "maven overlay approach" to put jetty, logging, servlet api and avaje-jetty-runner
into the root path of the war and a manifest entry to point to the RunWar main method. The jars
included in the overlays provide a set of system classes that boot and run the war.
Group: org.avaje.jetty Artifact: runnable-war
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Artifact runnable-war
Group org.avaje.jetty
Version 2.2.1
Last update 17. April 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 29
Dependencies avaje-jetty-runner, javax.servlet-api, slf4j-api, jcl-over-slf4j, logback-classic, logback-core, jetty-webapp, jetty-xml, jetty-servlet, jetty-server, jetty-security, jetty-http, jetty-io, jetty-util, javax-websocket-server-impl, jetty-annotations, jetty-plus, jetty-jndi, javax.websocket-api, javax.annotation-api, asm, asm-commons, asm-tree, websocket-server, websocket-common, websocket-api, websocket-servlet, javax-websocket-client-impl, websocket-client,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.avaje.jetty
Version 2.2.1
Last update 17. April 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 29
Dependencies avaje-jetty-runner, javax.servlet-api, slf4j-api, jcl-over-slf4j, logback-classic, logback-core, jetty-webapp, jetty-xml, jetty-servlet, jetty-server, jetty-security, jetty-http, jetty-io, jetty-util, javax-websocket-server-impl, jetty-annotations, jetty-plus, jetty-jndi, javax.websocket-api, javax.annotation-api, asm, asm-commons, asm-tree, websocket-server, websocket-common, websocket-api, websocket-servlet, javax-websocket-client-impl, websocket-client,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
jclal from group net.sf.jclal (version 1.1)
JCLAL is a software system for Active Learning research, developed in the Java programming language. It provides a high-level software framework and a robust object-oriented design that allows an easy use, extention, modification and reusability. It includes the most relevant query strategies proposed on the single-label and multi-label learning contexts.
Artifact jclal
Group net.sf.jclal
Version 1.1
Last update 01. April 2016
Organization University of Holguín, Cuba- University of Cordoba, Spain
License GNU General Public License 3
Dependencies amount 21
Dependencies commons-beanutils, commons-beanutils-core, commons-collections, commons-configuration, commons-digester, commons-lang, commons-logging, epsgraphics, hamcrest-core, java-cup, jcommon, jfreechart, jfreesvg, lucene-core, mail, moa, mulan, multiInstanceFilters, multiInstanceLearning, pentaho-package-manager, weka-dev,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.sf.jclal
Version 1.1
Last update 01. April 2016
Organization University of Holguín, Cuba- University of Cordoba, Spain
License GNU General Public License 3
Dependencies amount 21
Dependencies commons-beanutils, commons-beanutils-core, commons-collections, commons-configuration, commons-digester, commons-lang, commons-logging, epsgraphics, hamcrest-core, java-cup, jcommon, jfreechart, jfreesvg, lucene-core, mail, moa, mulan, multiInstanceFilters, multiInstanceLearning, pentaho-package-manager, weka-dev,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
groovy from group cc.redberry (version 1.1.10)
Redberry is an open source computer algebra system designed for tensor
manipulation. It implements basic computer algebra system routines as well as
complex tools for real computations in physics.
This is the Groovy facade for Redberry. It contains the classes and
categories defining DSL features and syntax notations for common routines from
redebrry-core and redberry-physics.
Artifact groovy
Group cc.redberry
Version 1.1.10
Last update 17. January 2016
Organization not specified
License GNU General Public License, version 3
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies core, physics, groovy-all,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group cc.redberry
Version 1.1.10
Last update 17. January 2016
Organization not specified
License GNU General Public License, version 3
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies core, physics, groovy-all,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
physics from group cc.redberry (version 1.1.10)
Redberry is an open source computer algebra system designed for tensor
manipulation. It implements basic computer algebra system routines as well as
complex tools for real computations in physics.
This module contains the implementation of special routines needed in
real physical problems. It contains tools for such problems like Feynman graphs
and one-loop counterterms calculation etc.
Artifact physics
Group cc.redberry
Version 1.1.10
Last update 17. January 2016
Organization not specified
License GNU General Public License, version 3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group cc.redberry
Version 1.1.10
Last update 17. January 2016
Organization not specified
License GNU General Public License, version 3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
synapse-grid-shapeless_2.11 from group ru.primetalk (version 1.4.5)
SynapseGrid is a framework for constructing reactive real-time immutable data flow systems. -core contains everything to run a single-threaded system, -akka contains everything to run systems over Akka actors, -slf4j - enables logging, -concurrent - running systems directly over ExecutorContext without the need for Akka, -examples - a few test systems. Also there are The current version is 1.4.5
Group: ru.primetalk Artifact: synapse-grid-shapeless_2.11
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Artifact synapse-grid-shapeless_2.11
Group ru.primetalk
Version 1.4.5
Last update 25. August 2015
Organization not specified
License BSD Software License, 2-clause version
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies synapse-grid-core_2.11, scala-library, shapeless_2.11,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group ru.primetalk
Version 1.4.5
Last update 25. August 2015
Organization not specified
License BSD Software License, 2-clause version
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies synapse-grid-core_2.11, scala-library, shapeless_2.11,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
synapse-grid-slf4j_2.10 from group ru.primetalk (version 1.4.4)
SynapseGrid is a framework for constructing reactive real-time immutable data flow systems. -core contains everything to run a single-threaded system, -akka contains everything to run systems over Akka actors, -slf4j - enables logging, -concurrent - running systems directly over ExecutorContext without the need for Akka, -examples - a few test systems. Also there are -frames - a framework for type construction with meta information (see relations.scala). -typed-expressions - a framework for defining parsers and generators for natural language. The current version is 1.4.0
Group: ru.primetalk Artifact: synapse-grid-slf4j_2.10
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Artifact synapse-grid-slf4j_2.10
Group ru.primetalk
Version 1.4.4
Last update 06. August 2015
Organization not specified
License BSD Software License, 2-clause version
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, synapse-grid-core_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group ru.primetalk
Version 1.4.4
Last update 06. August 2015
Organization not specified
License BSD Software License, 2-clause version
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies slf4j-api, scala-library, synapse-grid-core_2.10,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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