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unum from group io.github.kgsnipes (version 1.03)
With distributed systems being developed as a part of the cloud age. With focus on performance associated with an application dependent on one DB instance, there is a need to bring down the dependency to a database to generate unique numbers for creating a private key when lots of data needs to be stored in the database tables. This library is intended to provide a way of generating unique numbers on the fly in a JAVA based distributed system.
This is not a new concept but this library helps in keeping you focused on the business logic that you need to develop for your applications rather than spending time on how this is done.
Typically applications powered by RDBMS can leverage the benefit as instant scalability might not be available for these setups when the load to the system spikes.
Artifact unum
Group io.github.kgsnipes
Version 1.03
Last update 02. November 2021
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies guava,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.github.kgsnipes
Version 1.03
Last update 02. November 2021
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies guava,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
st-pmki-connector from group (version 9.1)
Group: Artifact: st-pmki-connector
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact st-pmki-connector
Version 9.1
Last update 28. April 2021
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies st-core-framework, st-metadata-registry-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 9.1
Last update 28. April 2021
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies st-core-framework, st-metadata-registry-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
st-euodp-connector from group (version 9.1)
Group: Artifact: st-euodp-connector
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact st-euodp-connector
Version 9.1
Last update 28. April 2021
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies st-core-framework,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 9.1
Last update 28. April 2021
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies st-core-framework,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
sbscl from group org.draegerlab (version 2.1)
The Systems Biology Simulation Core Library provides an efficient and
exhaustive Java™ implementation of methods to interpret the content of
models encoded in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) and its
numerical solution. This library is based on the JSBML project. It can be
used on every operating system for which a Java Virtual Machine is available.
Version 2.0 and beyond support simulation in three frameworks:
constraint-based analysis, stochastic simulation, and ordinary differential
equation systems. SBSCL supports SED-ML and COMBINE archives in OMEX format.
Artifact sbscl
Group org.draegerlab
Version 2.1
Last update 20. April 2021
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License
Dependencies amount 14
Dependencies junit, jsbml, jdom2, jmathml, jlibsedml, commons-math, commons-lang3, jfreechart, colt, SCPSolver, GLPKSolverPack, LPSOLVESolverPack, libkisao, CombineArchive,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.draegerlab
Version 2.1
Last update 20. April 2021
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License
Dependencies amount 14
Dependencies junit, jsbml, jdom2, jmathml, jlibsedml, commons-math, commons-lang3, jfreechart, colt, SCPSolver, GLPKSolverPack, LPSOLVESolverPack, libkisao, CombineArchive,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
gt-main from group io.oss84.geotools (version 24.2-oss84-1)
The main module contains the GeoTools public interfaces that are used by
other GeoTools modules (and GeoTools applications). Where possible we make
use industry standard terms as provided by OGC and ISO standards.
The formal GeoTools public api consists of gt-metadata, jts and the gt-main module.
The main module contains the default implementations that are available provided
to other GeoTools modules using our factory system. Factories are obtained from
an appropriate FactoryFinder, giving applications a chance configure the factory
used using the Factory Hints facilities.
FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory();
Expression expr = ff.add( expression1, expression2 );
If you find yourself using implementation specific classes chances are you doing it wrong:
Expression expr = new AddImpl( expression1, expressiom2 );
Artifact gt-main
Group io.oss84.geotools
Version 24.2-oss84-1
Last update 21. February 2021
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies gt-referencing, jts-core, commons-text, jackson-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.oss84.geotools
Version 24.2-oss84-1
Last update 21. February 2021
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies gt-referencing, jts-core, commons-text, jackson-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
application-properties from group com.lyders (version 1.2.1)
This ApplicationProperties Java package provides a fast and easily configurable loader
that mimics some key features of the Spring Boot loader. This package allows for
multi-level overloading of properties based on a basename and optional suffix by searching the classpath,
optional configurable file paths along with the JNDI server container context.
The class
controls the features of the overloading of properties such as the base name of the properties file, an optional
suffix that allows for the loading of environment-specific or scenario-specific property files as needed.
The following features are supported:
* Names of properties files can be customized
* Locations of properties files can be customized. The following path types are supported:
* class path
* file system paths
* JNDI environment naming context (e.g., Servlet/JSP running under Tomcat)
* Environment-specific property files can override the values in default properties files via a "suffix"
Artifact application-properties
Group com.lyders
Version 1.2.1
Last update 14. February 2021
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies commons-io, javax.servlet-api, commons-lang3, slf4j-simple, commons-logging, maven-scm-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.lyders
Version 1.2.1
Last update 14. February 2021
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies commons-io, javax.servlet-api, commons-lang3, slf4j-simple, commons-logging, maven-scm-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pojava from group edu.utah.bmi.pojava (version 3.0.9)
POJava DateTime is a simple, light-weight Java-based API for parsing and manipulating dates.
It parses dates from most languages and formats out of the box without having to specify which
format is expected. Defaults such as time zones, and whether to interpret an internationally
ambiguous date like "03/06/2014" as DMY order or MDY order are inferred by system time zone
and locale and stored in a default config object that can be replaced or overridden. Multiple
languages for month names are supported without any additional configuration needed.
This is a forked version edited by Jianlin
Artifact pojava
Group edu.utah.bmi.pojava
Version 3.0.9
Last update 15. November 2020
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group edu.utah.bmi.pojava
Version 3.0.9
Last update 15. November 2020
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
MantisIntegration from group eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.mantis-integration (version 1.8.3)
<p>Integrate the Mantis bugtracker system into netbeans</p>
<p>Note for installation - to make the "Add patch" and "Checking" comment
functions work correctly the mantis system has to configured correctly
please check these options, if you encounter problems:</p>
<li>source_control_notes_view_status (default private, integer value 10 -> public)</li>
<li>source_control_set_resolution_to (integer value 80->resolved, 90->closed)</li>
<li>source_control_set_status_to (20->fixed)</li>
<p>If a self-signed SSL certificate or an invalid certificate need to be accepted, please install the module
"SSL Certificate Exception".</p>
Group: eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.mantis-integration Artifact: MantisIntegration
Show documentation Show source
Show documentation Show source
Artifact MantisIntegration
Group eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.mantis-integration
Version 1.8.3
Last update 05. July 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 20
Dependencies org-openide-util-lookup, org-openide-util, org-openide-awt, org-openide-windows, org-openide-nodes, org-openide-modules, org-openide-dialogs, axis-jaxrpc, axis, commons-discovery, axis-wsdl4j, swingx-graphics, swingx-core, swingx-mavensupport, org-openide-filesystems, org-netbeans-modules-bugtracking, stringtotime, jakarta.xml.soap-api, jaxb-runtime, jakarta.xml.bind-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group eu.doppel-helix.netbeans.plugin.mantis-integration
Version 1.8.3
Last update 05. July 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 20
Dependencies org-openide-util-lookup, org-openide-util, org-openide-awt, org-openide-windows, org-openide-nodes, org-openide-modules, org-openide-dialogs, axis-jaxrpc, axis, commons-discovery, axis-wsdl4j, swingx-graphics, swingx-core, swingx-mavensupport, org-openide-filesystems, org-netbeans-modules-bugtracking, stringtotime, jakarta.xml.soap-api, jaxb-runtime, jakarta.xml.bind-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
circuit4stream_2.12 from group com.github.norwae (version 1.0.0)
This module packages a circuit breaker that can be used to avoid overloading or otherwise depending on a temporarily unavailable (remote) system. The central use of the circuit breaker is to prevent failures from one system to cascade to other systems in an unchecked manner. Thus, our implementation is chiefly concerned with replacing a failing component with another component that fails in a very predictable manner. These failures are not "dropped" or otherwise made invisible, and still need to be handled, but they will occur in a predictable, and hopefully usable manner.
Artifact circuit4stream_2.12
Group com.github.norwae
Version 1.0.0
Last update 10. May 2019
Organization com.github.norwae
License MIT
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies scala-library, akka-stream_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.norwae
Version 1.0.0
Last update 10. May 2019
Organization com.github.norwae
License MIT
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies scala-library, akka-stream_2.12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
aipark-api from group de.aipark.api (version 30.06)
AIPARK offers detailed parking information for more than 1.8 Mio parking areas in Germany
with nationwide coverage. Additionally, accurate occupancy predictions are derived using data from
a network of more than 5 million smartphones. Use the AIPARK API Explorer application to try out and
test the interface. Please send a request via email if you are a developer and require an API key.
We'll be in touch with you shortly. This application is provided via a demo backend environment.
Please note that API load tests do not reflect the performance of the productive system.
Mail: [email protected]
Artifact aipark-api
Group de.aipark.api
Version 30.06
Last update 14. March 2019
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies okhttp, converter-jackson, adapter-rxjava, retrofit, jts-core, jackson-databind, jackson-datatype-jts, springfox-swagger2,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group de.aipark.api
Version 30.06
Last update 14. March 2019
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies okhttp, converter-jackson, adapter-rxjava, retrofit, jts-core, jackson-databind, jackson-datatype-jts, springfox-swagger2,
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