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xapi-template from group net.wetheinter (version 0.2)
A simple templating system for java codegen.
This library includes an object-oriented, fluent source writing api, for a chained, intuitive codegen api.
It also includes a template processor which can take java source files formatted with "magic comments",
to allow simple mapping of GeneratorClass#generatorMethod() to inject dynamic source content.
-Sets the current generator. You may use as many as you please
-invokes the named method on the current injector, with any text (between brackets) sent as a string
This allows you to markup default source with hooks where you may want to inject arbitrary code.
It is especially useful for generating super-source in gwt compiles; changes to the default class are propagated to overrides.
Artifact xapi-template
Group net.wetheinter
Version 0.2
Last update 20. February 2013
Organization The Internet Party
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.wetheinter
Version 0.2
Last update 20. February 2013
Organization The Internet Party
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
org.opencms.editors.fckeditor from group org.opencms.modules (version 8.5.1)
OpenCms-Module 'org.opencms.editors.fckeditor'.
<p>This module adds the popular Open Source HTML editor "FCKeditor" to the OpenCms Workplace.</p>
<p>Install this module if you want a WYSIWYG editor for Mozilla based browsers, Internet Explorer, Safari or Google Chrome. The version of FCKeditor is 2.6.5</p>
<p><i>© 2013 by Alkacon Software GmbH (</i></p>
OpenCms is a Content Management System that is based on Open
Source Software. Complex Intranet and Internet websites can be
quickly and cost-effectively created, maintained and managed.
Group: org.opencms.modules Artifact: org.opencms.editors.fckeditor
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Artifact org.opencms.editors.fckeditor
Group org.opencms.modules
Version 8.5.1
Last update 10. February 2013
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.opencms.modules
Version 8.5.1
Last update 10. February 2013
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
weblab-client from group org.ow2.weblab.components (version 0.1)
This library aims to provide a central access point to the services exposed on the ESB
without forcing each part of the system to know the actual location of the ESB and the names
of the exposed endpoints.
For this sake it allows to map service URI (ie referring to service in webLab taxonomy)
to the actual exposed URL on the ESB within the context of a specific project. The library
and the configuration should be added in portal lib in order to be central and available to
any portlets.
The mapping is done in a simple spring config file "webLabClient.xml" which must be accessible
in JAVA classpath.
Artifact weblab-client
Group org.ow2.weblab.components
Version 0.1
Last update 11. July 2012
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies spring-beans,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.ow2.weblab.components
Version 0.1
Last update 11. July 2012
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies spring-beans,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
janbanery-core from group pl.project13.janbanery (version 1.2)
Kanbanery ( is a simple but powerful Agile project management system,
to be precise it focuses around the idea of Kanban, a somewhat near idea to SCRUM but with less strict rules.
The heart of each Kanban flow is the Kanban board, IceBox and Archive - there are all easy accessible via this
Janbanery wraps around the RESTful API delivered by Kanbanery while adding some more features like mass
or filtering of results. In the end, it's very easy and pleasant to implement your own Kanbanery client be it on
the desktop, mobile (android) or as for example Gradle / SBT script to take full advantage of kanbanery's
Artifact janbanery-core
Group pl.project13.janbanery
Version 1.2
Last update 09. May 2011
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies async-http-client, gson, guava, joda-time, slf4j-api, logback-classic, logback-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group pl.project13.janbanery
Version 1.2
Last update 09. May 2011
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies async-http-client, gson, guava, joda-time, slf4j-api, logback-classic, logback-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
janbanery from group pl.project13.janbanery (version 1.2)
Kanbanery ( is a simple but powerful Agile project management system,
to be precise it focuses around the idea of Kanban, a somewhat near idea to SCRUM but with less strict rules.
The heart of each Kanban flow is the Kanban board, IceBox and Archive - there are all easy accessible via this
Janbanery wraps around the RESTful API delivered by Kanbanery while adding some more features like mass
or filtering of results. In the end, it's very easy and pleasant to implement your own Kanbanery client be it on
the desktop, mobile (android) or as for example Gradle / SBT script to take full advantage of kanbanery's
Group: pl.project13.janbanery Artifact: janbanery
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Artifact janbanery
Group pl.project13.janbanery
Version 1.2
Last update 09. May 2011
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group pl.project13.janbanery
Version 1.2
Last update 09. May 2011
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
jface from group (version 3.3.2.M20080207-0800)
JFace is a UI toolkit with classes for handling many common UI programming tasks. JFace is window-system-independent in both its API and implementation, and is designed to work with SWT without hiding it. JFace includes the usual UI toolkit components of image and font registries, text, dialog, preference and wizard frameworks, and progress reporting for long running operations. Two of its more interesting features are actions and viewers. The action mechanism allows user commands to be defined independently from their exact whereabouts in the UI. Viewers are model based adapters for certain SWT widgets, simplifying the presentation of application data structured as lists, tables or trees.
Artifact jface
Version 3.3.2.M20080207-0800
Last update 10. January 2011
Organization not specified
License Eclipse Public License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.3.2.M20080207-0800
Last update 10. January 2011
Organization not specified
License Eclipse Public License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
multex from group de.tfh-berlin.knabe (version 7.1)
MulTEx is a simple, but powerful framework for organizing exceptions and messages in a multi-tier Java software system.
It offers the key features:
Causal chains/trees as a means to capture low-level error information
Redundancy-free stack traces in the case of indirectly caused exceptions
Internationalizable message texts and parameters for exceptions
Services for reporting an exception with its causal chain/tree onto streams and screens
A standard way for writing method bodies with regard to exceptions.
MulTEx depends on Java >= 1.4
Artifact multex
Group de.tfh-berlin.knabe
Version 7.1
Last update 02. May 2007
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group de.tfh-berlin.knabe
Version 7.1
Last update 02. May 2007
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
parent from group org.apache.sis (version 1.4)
Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) is a free software, Java language library for developing geospatial applications.
SIS provides data structures for geographic features and associated metadata along with methods to manipulate those data structures.
The library is an implementation of GeoAPI 3.0.2 interfaces and can be used for desktop or server applications.
The SIS metadata module forms the base of the library and enables the creation of metadata objects which comply with the ISO 19115 international standard.
The SIS referencing module enable the construction of geodetic data structures for geospatial referencing as defined by ISO 19111 standard,
along with the associated operations which enable the transformation of coordinates between different reference systems.
The SIS storage modules provide a common approach to the reading and writing of metadata, features and coverages
applicable to simple imagery as to many dimensional data structures.
Group: org.apache.sis Artifact: parent
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Artifact parent
Group org.apache.sis
Version 1.4
Last update 06. October 2023
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.sis
Version 1.4
Last update 06. October 2023
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
jfreechart from group se.malmin (version 1.5.3)
This is a fork of jfreechart. The purpose is to the build it with the Java module sytem and Java 17.
This to be able to use it in building java applications with reduced runtimes.
Three servlet classes have been removed as they depended on the automatic module servlet.api.
No functionality has beed added. All credit to the original project.
Introduzing the module system has broken the unit tests. Everything seems to work as expected though.
If you stumble upon this, then it might be useful if you need to use jfreechart in a Java module application.
This project will not be maintained though. It looks like jfreechart is adopting the module system and that it might be released soon.
jfreechart with Java 11 and modules for java fx applications was recently released.
JFreeChart is a class library, written in Java, for generating charts.
Utilising the Java2D API, it supports a wide range of chart types including
bar charts, pie charts, line charts, XY-plots, time series plots, Sankey charts
and more.
Artifact jfreechart
Group se.malmin
Version 1.5.3
Last update 20. September 2023
License GNU Lesser General Public Licence
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group se.malmin
Version 1.5.3
Last update 20. September 2023
License GNU Lesser General Public Licence
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
jas from group de.uni-mannheim.rz.krum (version 2.7.200)
The Java Algebra System (JAS) is an object oriented,
type safe and multi-threaded approach to computer algebra. JAS
provides a well designed software library using generic types for
algebraic computations implemented in the Java programming language
using the JVM runtime infrastructure. The library can be used as any
other Java software package or it can be used interactively or
interpreted through a jython (Java Python) or jruby (Java Ruby)
front end, there is also an Android App based on Ruboto (jruby for
Android). The focus of JAS is at the moment on commutative, solvable
and non-commutative polynomials, power series, Groebner bases,
factorization, real and complex roots and applications. By the use
of Java as implementation language JAS is 64-bit and multi-core CPU
ready and can make use of mutiple CPUs where available. JAS can run
on a wide variety of devices ranging from Android to compute
clusters (using MPJ a Java Message Passing Interface (MPI) or
Artifact jas
Group de.uni-mannheim.rz.krum
Version 2.7.200
Last update 05. July 2023
Organization not specified
License GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies log4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group de.uni-mannheim.rz.krum
Version 2.7.200
Last update 05. July 2023
Organization not specified
License GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies log4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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