Download JAR files tagged by system with all dependencies
commons-crypto from group org.apache.commons (version 1.2.0)
Apache Commons Crypto is a cryptographic library optimized with AES-NI (Advanced Encryption
Standard New Instructions). It provides Java API for both cipher level and Java stream level.
Developers can use it to implement high performance AES encryption/decryption with the minimum
code and effort. Please note that Crypto doesn't implement the cryptographic algorithm such as
AES directly. It wraps to OpenSSL or JCE which implement the algorithms.
1. Cipher API for low level cryptographic operations.
2. Java stream API (CryptoInputStream/CryptoOutputStream) for high level stream encryption/decryption.
3. Both optimized with high performance AES encryption/decryption. (1400 MB/s - 1700 MB/s throughput in modern Xeon processors).
4. JNI-based implementation to achieve comparable performance to the native C/C++ version based on OpenSsl.
5. Portable across various operating systems (currently only Linux/MacOSX/Windows);
Apache Commons Crypto loads the library according to your machine environment (it checks system properties, `` and `os.arch`).
6. Simple usage. Add the commons-crypto-(version).jar file to your classpath.
Export restrictions
This distribution includes cryptographic software.
The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions
on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country,
of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software,
please check your country's laws, regulations and policies
concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of
encryption software, to see if this is permitted.
See <> for more information.
The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS),
has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1,
which includes information security software using or performing
cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms.
The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes
it eligible for export under the License Exception
ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception
(see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13)
for both object code and source code.
The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software:
* Commons Crypto use [Java Cryptography Extension]( provided by Java
* Commons Crypto link to and use [OpenSSL]( ciphers
Artifact commons-crypto
Group org.apache.commons
Version 1.2.0
Last update 14. January 2023
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jna,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.commons
Version 1.2.0
Last update 14. January 2023
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jna,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
specs2_2.13 from group (version 4.2.21)
## Specs2 Bindings for the pact-jvm library
## Dependency
In the root folder of your project in build.sbt add the line:
libraryDependencies += "" %% "specs2" % "4.0.1"
or if you are using Gradle:
dependencies {
testCompile ""
__*Note:*__ `PactSpec` requires spec2 3.x. Also, for spray users there's an incompatibility between specs2 v3.x and spray.
Follow these instructions to resolve that problem:!msg/spray-user/2T6SBp4OJeI/AJlnJuAKPRsJ
## Usage
To author a test, mix `PactSpec` into your spec
First we define a service client called `ConsumerService`. In our example this is a simple wrapper for `dispatch`, an HTTP client. The source code can be found in the test folder alongside the `ExamplePactSpec`.
Here is a simple example:
class ExamplePactSpec extends Specification with PactSpec {
val consumer = "My Consumer"
val provider = "My Provider"
override def is = uponReceiving("a request for foo")
.matching(path = "/foo")
.willRespondWith(body = "{}")
.withConsumerTest { providerConfig =>
Await.result(ConsumerService(providerConfig.url).simpleGet("/foo"), Duration(1000, MILLISECONDS)) must beEqualTo(200, Some("{}"))
This spec will be run along with the rest of your specs2 unit tests and will output your pact json to
# Forcing pact files to be overwritten (3.6.5+)
By default, when the pact file is written, it will be merged with any existing pact file. To force the file to be
overwritten, set the Java system property `pact.writer.overwrite` to `true`.
Group: Artifact: specs2_2.13
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact specs2_2.13
Version 4.2.21
Last update 13. May 2022
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies consumer, json, specs2-core_2.13, async-http-client, scala-java8-compat_2.13,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.2.21
Last update 13. May 2022
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies consumer, json, specs2-core_2.13, async-http-client, scala-java8-compat_2.13,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
web-grid from group org.apache.oodt (version 1.0)
The OODT grid services (product and profile services) use CORBA or
RMI as their underlying network transport. However, limitations
of CORBA and RMI make them inappropriate for large-scale
deployments. For one, both are procedural mechanisms, providing a
remote interface that resembles a method call. This makes
streaming of data from a service impossible, because there are
limitations to the sizes of data structures that can be passed
over a remote method call. Instead, repeated calls must be made
to retrieve each block of a product, making transfer speeds
horribly slow compared to HTTP or FTP. (Block-based retrieval of
profiles was never implemented, resulting in out of memory
conditions for large profile results, which is another problem.)
Second, both CORBA and RMI rely on a central name registry. The
registry makes an object independent of its network location,
enabling a client to call it by name (looking up its last known
location in the registry). However, this requires that server
objects be able to make outbound network calls to the registry
(through any outbound firewall), and that the registry accept
those registrations (through any inbound firewall). This required
administrative action at institutions hosting server objects and
at the institution hosting the registry. Often, these firewall
exceptions would change without notice as system adminstrators
changed at each location (apparently firewall exceptions are
poorly documented everywhere). Further, in the two major
deployments of OODT (PDS and EDRN), server objects have almost
never moved, nullifying any benefit of the registry. This
project, OODT Web Grid Services, avoids the prolems of CORBA and
RMI by using HTTP as the transport mechanism for products and
profiles. Further, it provides a password-protected mechanism to
add new sets of product and profile query handlers, enabling
seamless activation of additional capabilities.
Group: org.apache.oodt Artifact: web-grid
Show all versions Show documentation
Show all versions Show documentation
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Artifact web-grid
Group org.apache.oodt
Version 1.0
Last update 21. June 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies oodt-commons, oodt-profile, oodt-product, oodt-xmlquery, jena, xercesImpl, xercesImpl, xalan,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.oodt
Version 1.0
Last update 21. June 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies oodt-commons, oodt-profile, oodt-product, oodt-xmlquery, jena, xercesImpl, xercesImpl, xalan,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
osgi-tests from group org.apache.axis2 (version 1.6.3)
Artifact osgi-tests
Group org.apache.axis2
Version 1.6.3
Last update 27. June 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies axis2-testutils,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.axis2
Version 1.6.3
Last update 27. June 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies axis2-testutils,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
axis2-parent from group org.apache.axis2 (version 1.6.3)
Axis2 is an effort to re-design and totally re-implement both Axis/Java and
(eventually) Axis/C++ on a new architecture. Evolving from the now standard "handler chain"
model which Axis1 pioneered, Axis2 is developing a more flexible pipeline architecture which
can yet be managed and packaged in a more organized manner. This new design acknowledges the
maturing of the Web services space in terms of new protocols such as WS-ReliableMessaging,
WS-Security and WS-Addressing that are built on top of the base SOAP system. At the time
Axis1 was designed, while it was fully expected that other protocols such as
WS-ReliableMessaging would be built on top of it, there was not a proper extension
architecture defined to enable clean composition of such layers. Thus, one of the key
motivations for Axis2 is to provide a clean and simple environment for like Apache Sandesha
and Apache WSS4J to layer on top of the base SOAP system. Another driving force for Axis2 as
well as the move away from RPC oriented Web services towards more document-oriented, message
style asynchronous service interactions. The Axis2 project is centered on a new
representation for SOAP messages called AXIOM (AXIs Object Model). AXIOM consists of two
parts: a complete XML Infoset representation and a SOAP Infoset representation on top of
that. The XML Infoset representation provides a JDOM-like simple API but is built on a
deferred model via a StAX-based (Streaming API for XML) pull parsing API. A key feature of
AXIOM is that it allows one to stop building the XML tree and just access the pull stream
directly; thus enabling both maximum flexibility and maximum performance. This approach
allows us to support multiple levels of abstraction for consuming and offering Web services:
using plain AXIOM, using generated code and statically data-bound data types and so on. At
the time of Axis1's design, RPC-style, synchronous, request-response interactions were the
order of the day for Web services. Today service interactions are much more message
-oriented and exploit many different message exchange patterns. The Axis2 engine
architecture is careful to not build in any assumptions of request-response patterns to
ensure that it can be used easily to support arbitrary message exchange
Group: org.apache.axis2 Artifact: axis2-parent
Show all versions
Show all versions
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Artifact axis2-parent
Group org.apache.axis2
Version 1.6.3
Last update 27. June 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.axis2
Version 1.6.3
Last update 27. June 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
beast-tool from group es.upm.dit.gsi (version 0.9.9)
BEhavioural Agents Simple Testing Tool - BEAST Tool
The aim of this project is the development of a system which allows Behavior Driven Development (BDD) in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), to make testing practices more accessible and intuitive to everybody.
In one hand, in order to let tests be writable by newcomers and experts alike, system must allow the redaction of tests in plain text, because client does not need to have knowledge of our code. This plain text will be traduced to software later.
The definition of test will be realized with the terminology Given-When-Then, which allows trace an easy guide of the behavior of a given scenario when something happened.
In the other hand, due to the complexity of MAS, making unit testing of an agent that needs the interaction with others is almost impossible until the whole system is finished. This implies to leave testing issues to the end of the project, generating big troubles in case of malfunction. Consequently, its necessary to carry out a tool to allow the creation of mock agents and to perform tests during the whole development process. Therefore another objective of our systems is to include a mocking tool which permits testing continuously.
Definitively, our tool allows the testing of any MAS in the development process, increasing its modularity and decreasing its elaboration and testing cost. These tests will be written in plain text so that anyone would be able to understand them.
For further reading, a paper published in ITMAS2012 workshop can be found in:
Artifact beast-tool
Group es.upm.dit.gsi
Version 0.9.9
Last update 03. June 2014
Organization Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
License GNU General Public License, version 2
Dependencies amount 27
Dependencies mockito-all, junit, maven-surefire-plugin, jbehave-web, jaxme2, jbehave-core, log4j, jadex-kernel-bdibpmn, jadex-kernel-micro, jadex-platform-standalone, jadex-runtimetools, jadex-applications-micro, jadex-bridge, jadex-kernel-base, jadex-kernel-extension-agr, jadex-tools-bdi, jadex-applib-bdi, jadex-kernel-application, jadex-applications-bdibpmn, jadex-applications-bpmn, jadex-applications-gpmn, jadex-kernel-gpmn, jadex-nuggets, jadex-rules-applications, jadex-tools-bpmn, jadex-tools-comanalyzer, jade,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group es.upm.dit.gsi
Version 0.9.9
Last update 03. June 2014
Organization Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
License GNU General Public License, version 2
Dependencies amount 27
Dependencies mockito-all, junit, maven-surefire-plugin, jbehave-web, jaxme2, jbehave-core, log4j, jadex-kernel-bdibpmn, jadex-kernel-micro, jadex-platform-standalone, jadex-runtimetools, jadex-applications-micro, jadex-bridge, jadex-kernel-base, jadex-kernel-extension-agr, jadex-tools-bdi, jadex-applib-bdi, jadex-kernel-application, jadex-applications-bdibpmn, jadex-applications-bpmn, jadex-applications-gpmn, jadex-kernel-gpmn, jadex-nuggets, jadex-rules-applications, jadex-tools-bpmn, jadex-tools-comanalyzer, jade,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
java8 from group (version 4.1.43)
# pact-jvm-consumer-java8
Provides a Java8 lambda based DSL for use with Junit to build consumer tests.
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `java8`
* version-id = `4.1.x`
# A Lambda DSL for Pact
This is an extension for the pact DSL provided by [consumer](../consumer). The difference between
the default pact DSL and this lambda DSL is, as the name suggests, the usage of lambdas. The use of lambdas makes the code much cleaner.
## Why a new DSL implementation?
The lambda DSL solves the following two main issues. Both are visible in the following code sample:
new PactDslJsonArray()
.array() # open an array
.stringValue("a1") # choose the method that is valid for arrays
.stringValue("a2") # choose the method that is valid for arrays
.closeArray() # close the array
.array() # open an array
.numberValue(1) # choose the method that is valid for arrays
.numberValue(2) # choose the method that is valid for arrays
.closeArray() # close the array
.array() # open an array
.object() # now we work with an object
.stringValue("foo", "Foo") # choose the method that is valid for objects
.closeObject() # close the object and we're back in the array
.closeArray() # close the array
### The existing DSL is quite error-prone
Methods may only be called in certain states. For example `object()` may only be called when you're currently working on an array whereas `object(name)`
is only allowed to be called when working on an object. But both of the methods are available. You'll find out at runtime if you're using the correct method.
Finally, the need for opening and closing objects and arrays makes usage cumbersome.
The lambda DSL has no ambiguous methods and there's no need to close objects and arrays as all the work on such an object is wrapped in a lamda call.
### The existing DSL is hard to read
When formatting your source code with an IDE the code becomes hard to read as there's no indentation possible. Of course, you could do it by hand but we want auto formatting!
Auto formatting works great for the new DSL!
array.object((o) -> {
o.stringValue("foo", "Foo"); # an attribute
o.stringValue("bar", "Bar"); # an attribute
o.object("tar", (tarObject) -> { # an attribute with a nested object
tarObject.stringValue("a", "A"); # attribute of the nested object
tarObject.stringValue("b", "B"); # attribute of the nested object
## Installation
### Maven
## Usage
Start with a static import of `LambdaDsl`. This class contains factory methods for the lambda dsl extension.
When you come accross the `body()` method of `PactDslWithProvider` builder start using the new extensions.
The call to `LambdaDsl` replaces the call to instance `new PactDslJsonArray()` and `new PactDslJsonBody()` of the pact library.
### Response body as json array
import static io.pactfoundation.consumer.dsl.LambdaDsl.newJsonArray;
PactDslWithProvider builder = ...
builder.given("some state")
.uponReceiving("a request")
.body(newJsonArray((a) -> {
### Response body as json object
import static io.pactfoundation.consumer.dsl.LambdaDsl.newJsonBody;
PactDslWithProvider builder = ...
builder.given("some state")
.uponReceiving("a request")
.body(newJsonBody((o) -> {
o.stringValue("foo", "Foo");
o.stringValue("bar", "Bar");
### Examples
#### Simple Json object
When creating simple json structures the difference between the two approaches isn't big.
##### JSON
"bar": "Bar",
"foo": "Foo"
##### Pact DSL
new PactDslJsonBody()
.stringValue("foo", "Foo")
.stringValue("bar", "Bar")
##### Lambda DSL
newJsonBody((o) -> {
o.stringValue("foo", "Foo");
o.stringValue("bar", "Bar");
#### An array of arrays
When we come to more complex constructs with arrays and nested objects the beauty of lambdas become visible!
##### JSON
["a1", "a2"],
[1, 2],
[{"foo": "Foo"}]
##### Pact DSL
new PactDslJsonArray()
.stringValue("foo", "Foo")
##### Lambda DSL
newJsonArray((rootArray) -> {
rootArray.array((a) -> a.stringValue("a1").stringValue("a2"));
rootArray.array((a) -> a.numberValue(1).numberValue(2));
rootArray.array((a) -> a.object((o) -> o.stringValue("foo", "Foo")));
##### Kotlin Lambda DSL
newJsonArray {
newArray {
newArray {
newArray {
newObject { stringValue("foo", "Foo") }
# Test Analytics
We are tracking anonymous analytics to gather important usage statistics like JVM version
and operating system. To disable tracking, set the 'pact_do_not_track' system property or environment
variable to 'true'.
Artifact java8
Version 4.1.43
Last update 12. July 2024
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies consumer,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.1.43
Last update 12. July 2024
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies consumer,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-provider-spring_2.12 from group (version 3.6.15)
# Pact Spring/JUnit runner
## Overview
Library provides ability to play contract tests against a provider using Spring & JUnit.
This library is based on and references the JUnit package, so see the [Pact JUnit 4](../pact-jvm-provider-junit) or [Pact JUnit 5](../pact-jvm-provider-junit5) providers for more details regarding configuration using JUnit.
- Standard ways to load pacts from folders and broker
- Easy way to change assertion strategy
- Spring Test MockMVC Controllers and ControllerAdvice using MockMvc standalone setup.
- MockMvc debugger output
- Multiple @State runs to test a particular Provider State multiple times
- **** custom annotation - before each interaction that requires a state change,
all methods annotated by `@State` with appropriate the state listed will be invoked.
**NOTE:** For publishing provider verification results to a pact broker, make sure the Java system property `pact.provider.version`
is set with the version of your provider.
## Example of MockMvc test
@RunWith(RestPactRunner.class) // Custom pact runner, child of PactRunner which runs only REST tests
@Provider("myAwesomeService") // Set up name of tested provider
@PactFolder("pacts") // Point where to find pacts (See also section Pacts source in documentation)
public class ContractTest {
//Create an instance of your controller. We cannot autowire this as we're not using (and don't want to use) a Spring test runner.
private AwesomeController awesomeController = new AwesomeController();
//Mock your service logic class. We'll use this to create scenarios for respective provider states.
private AwesomeBusinessLogic awesomeBusinessLogic;
//Create an instance of your controller advice (if you have one). This will be passed to the MockMvcTarget constructor to be wired up with MockMvc.
private AwesomeControllerAdvice awesomeControllerAdvice = new AwesomeControllerAdvice();
//Create a new instance of the MockMvcTarget and annotate it as the TestTarget for PactRunner
public final MockMvcTarget target = new MockMvcTarget();
@Before //Method will be run before each test of interaction
public void before() {
//initialize your mocks using your mocking framework
//configure the MockMvcTarget with your controller and controller advice
@State("default", "no-data") // Method will be run before testing interactions that require "default" or "no-data" state
public void toDefaultState() {
target.setRunTimes(3); //let's loop through this state a few times for a 3 data variants
.thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.ONE))
.thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.TWO))
.thenReturn(myTestHelper.generateRandomReturnData(UUID.randomUUID(), ExampleEnum.THREE));
public void SingleUploadExistsState_Success() {
target.setRunTimes(1); //tell the runner to only loop one time for this state
//you might want to throw exceptions to be picked off by your controller advice
.then(i -> { throw new NotCoolException(i.getArgumentAt(0, UUID.class).toString()); });
## Using a Spring runner (version 3.5.7+)
You can use `SpringRestPactRunner` instead of the default Pact runner to use the Spring test annotations. This will
allow you to inject or mock spring beans.
For example:
@PactBroker(protocol = "https", host = "${pactBrokerHost}", port = "443",
authentication = @PactBrokerAuth(username = "${pactBrokerUser}", password = "${pactBrokerPassword}"))
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class PricingServiceProviderPactTest {
private ProductClient productClient; // This will replace the bean with a mock in the application context
@SuppressWarnings(value = "VisibilityModifier")
public final Target target = new HttpTarget(8091);
@State("Product X010000021 exists")
public void setupProductX010000021() throws IOException {
ProductBuilder product = new ProductBuilder()
when(productClient.fetch((Set<String>) argThat(contains("X010000021")), any())).thenReturn(product);
@State("the product code X00001 can be priced")
public void theProductCodeX00001CanBePriced() throws IOException {
ProductBuilder product = new ProductBuilder()
when(productClient.find((Set<String>) argThat(contains("X00001")), any())).thenReturn(product);
### Using Spring Context Properties (version 3.5.14+)
From version 3.5.14 onwards, the SpringRestPactRunner will look up any annotation expressions (like `${pactBrokerHost}`)
above) from the Spring context. For Springboot, this will allow you to define the properties in the application test properties.
For instance, if you create the following `application.yml` in the test resources:
host: ""
port: "443"
protocol: "https"
username: "<your broker username>"
password: "<your broker password>"
Then you can use the defaults on the `@PactBroker` annotation.
@Provider("My Service")
authentication = @PactBrokerAuth(username = "${pactbroker.auth.username}", password = "${pactbroker.auth.password}")
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class PactVerificationTest {
### Using a random port with a Springboot test (version 3.5.14+)
If you use a random port in a springboot test (by setting `SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT`), you can use the
`SpringBootHttpTarget` which will get the application port from the spring application context.
For example:
@Provider("My Service")
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class PactVerificationTest {
public final Target target = new SpringBootHttpTarget();
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-provider-spring_2.12
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-provider-spring_2.12
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.12, spring-boot-starter-test, spring-webmvc, javax.servlet-api, jackson-datatype-joda,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies pact-jvm-provider-junit_2.12, spring-boot-starter-test, spring-webmvc, javax.servlet-api, jackson-datatype-joda,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.12 from group (version 3.6.15)
JUnit 5 support for Pact consumer tests
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.12`
* version-id = `3.6.x`
## Usage
### 1. Add the Pact consumer test extension to the test class.
To write Pact consumer tests with JUnit 5, you need to add `@ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt)` to your test class. This
replaces the `PactRunner` used for JUnit 4 tests. The rest of the test follows a similar pattern as for JUnit 4 tests.
class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest {
### 2. create a method annotated with `@Pact` that returns the interactions for the test
For each test (as with JUnit 4), you need to define a method annotated with the `@Pact` annotation that returns the
interactions for the test.
@Pact(provider="ArticlesProvider", consumer="test_consumer")
public RequestResponsePact createPact(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
return builder
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest test interaction")
.body("{\"responsetest\": true}")
### 3. Link the mock server with the interactions for the test with `@PactTestFor`
Then the final step is to use the `@PactTestFor` annotation to tell the Pact extension how to setup the Pact test. You
can either put this annotation on the test class, or on the test method. For examples see
[ArticlesTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/ and
The `@PactTestFor` annotation allows you to control the mock server in the same way as the JUnit 4 `PactProviderRule`. It
allows you to set the hostname to bind to (default is `localhost`) and the port (default is to use a random port). You
can also set the Pact specification version to use (default is V3).
@PactTestFor(providerName = "ArticlesProvider")
public class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest {
**NOTE on the hostname**: The mock server runs in the same JVM as the test, so the only valid values for hostname are:
| hostname | result |
| -------- | ------ |
| `localhost` | binds to the address that localhost points to (normally the loopback adapter) |
| `` or `::1` | binds to the loopback adapter |
| host name | binds to the default interface that the host machines DNS name resolves to |
| `` or `::` | binds to the all interfaces on the host machine |
#### Matching the interactions by provider name
If you set the `providerName` on the `@PactTestFor` annotation, then the first method with a `@Pact` annotation with the
same provider name will be used. See [ArticlesTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/ for
an example.
#### Matching the interactions by method name
If you set the `pactMethod` on the `@PactTestFor` annotation, then the method with the provided name will be used (it still
needs a `@Pact` annotation). See [MultiTest](src/test/groovy/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/MultiTest.groovy) for an example.
### Injecting the mock server into the test
You can get the mock server injected into the test method by adding a `MockServer` parameter to the test method.
void test(MockServer mockServer) throws IOException {
HttpResponse httpResponse = Request.Get(mockServer.getUrl() + "/articles.json").execute().returnResponse();
assertThat(httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), is(equalTo(200)));
This helps with getting the base URL of the mock server, especially when a random port is used.
## Changing the directory pact files are written to
By default, pact files are written to `target/pacts` (or `build/pacts` if you use Gradle), but this can be overwritten with the `pact.rootDir` system property.
This property needs to be set on the test JVM as most build tools will fork a new JVM to run the tests.
For Gradle, add this to your build.gradle:
test {
systemProperties['pact.rootDir'] = "$buildDir/custom-pacts-directory"
For maven, use the systemPropertyVariables configuration:
For SBT:
fork in Test := true,
javaOptions in Test := Seq("-Dpact.rootDir=some/other/directory")
### Using `@PactFolder` annotation [3.6.2+]
You can override the directory the pacts are written in a test by adding the `@PactFolder` annotation to the test
## Forcing pact files to be overwritten (3.6.5+)
By default, when the pact file is written, it will be merged with any existing pact file. To force the file to be
overwritten, set the Java system property `pact.writer.overwrite` to `true`.
## Unsupported
The current implementation does not support tests with multiple providers. This will be added in a later release.
# Having values injected from provider state callbacks (3.6.11+)
You can have values from the provider state callbacks be injected into most places (paths, query parameters, headers,
bodies, etc.). This works by using the V3 spec generators with provider state callbacks that return values. One example
of where this would be useful is API calls that require an ID which would be auto-generated by the database on the
provider side, so there is no way to know what the ID would be beforehand.
The following DSL methods all you to set an expression that will be parsed with the values returned from the provider states:
For JSON bodies, use `valueFromProviderState`.<br/>
For headers, use `headerFromProviderState`.<br/>
For query parameters, use `queryParameterFromProviderState`.<br/>
For paths, use `pathFromProviderState`.
For example, assume that an API call is made to get the details of a user by ID. A provider state can be defined that
specifies that the user must be exist, but the ID will be created when the user is created. So we can then define an
expression for the path where the ID will be replaced with the value returned from the provider state callback.
.pathFromProviderState("/api/users/${id}", "/api/users/100")
You can also just use the key instead of an expression:
.valueFromProviderState('userId', 'userId', 100) // will look value using userId as the key
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.12
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.12
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies pact-jvm-consumer_2.12, junit-jupiter-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 3.6.15
Last update 29. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies pact-jvm-consumer_2.12, junit-jupiter-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
pact-jvm-consumer-junit5 from group (version 4.0.10)
JUnit 5 support for Pact consumer tests
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer-junit5`
* version-id = `4.0.x`
## Usage
### 1. Add the Pact consumer test extension to the test class.
To write Pact consumer tests with JUnit 5, you need to add `@ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt)` to your test class. This
replaces the `PactRunner` used for JUnit 4 tests. The rest of the test follows a similar pattern as for JUnit 4 tests.
class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest {
### 2. create a method annotated with `@Pact` that returns the interactions for the test
For each test (as with JUnit 4), you need to define a method annotated with the `@Pact` annotation that returns the
interactions for the test.
@Pact(provider="ArticlesProvider", consumer="test_consumer")
public RequestResponsePact createPact(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
return builder
.given("test state")
.uponReceiving("ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest test interaction")
.body("{\"responsetest\": true}")
### 3. Link the mock server with the interactions for the test with `@PactTestFor`
Then the final step is to use the `@PactTestFor` annotation to tell the Pact extension how to setup the Pact test. You
can either put this annotation on the test class, or on the test method. For examples see
[ArticlesTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/ and
The `@PactTestFor` annotation allows you to control the mock server in the same way as the JUnit 4 `PactProviderRule`. It
allows you to set the hostname to bind to (default is `localhost`) and the port (default is to use a random port). You
can also set the Pact specification version to use (default is V3).
@PactTestFor(providerName = "ArticlesProvider")
public class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest {
**NOTE on the hostname**: The mock server runs in the same JVM as the test, so the only valid values for hostname are:
| hostname | result |
| -------- | ------ |
| `localhost` | binds to the address that localhost points to (normally the loopback adapter) |
| `` or `::1` | binds to the loopback adapter |
| host name | binds to the default interface that the host machines DNS name resolves to |
| `` or `::` | binds to the all interfaces on the host machine |
#### Matching the interactions by provider name
If you set the `providerName` on the `@PactTestFor` annotation, then the first method with a `@Pact` annotation with the
same provider name will be used. See [ArticlesTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/ for
an example.
#### Matching the interactions by method name
If you set the `pactMethod` on the `@PactTestFor` annotation, then the method with the provided name will be used (it still
needs a `@Pact` annotation). See [MultiTest](src/test/groovy/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/MultiTest.groovy) for an example.
### Injecting the mock server into the test
You can get the mock server injected into the test method by adding a `MockServer` parameter to the test method.
void test(MockServer mockServer) throws IOException {
HttpResponse httpResponse = Request.Get(mockServer.getUrl() + "/articles.json").execute().returnResponse();
assertThat(httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), is(equalTo(200)));
This helps with getting the base URL of the mock server, especially when a random port is used.
## Changing the directory pact files are written to
By default, pact files are written to `target/pacts` (or `build/pacts` if you use Gradle), but this can be overwritten with the `pact.rootDir` system property.
This property needs to be set on the test JVM as most build tools will fork a new JVM to run the tests.
For Gradle, add this to your build.gradle:
test {
systemProperties['pact.rootDir'] = "$buildDir/custom-pacts-directory"
For maven, use the systemPropertyVariables configuration:
For SBT:
fork in Test := true,
javaOptions in Test := Seq("-Dpact.rootDir=some/other/directory")
### Using `@PactFolder` annotation
You can override the directory the pacts are written in a test by adding the `@PactFolder` annotation to the test
## Forcing pact files to be overwritten (3.6.5+)
By default, when the pact file is written, it will be merged with any existing pact file. To force the file to be
overwritten, set the Java system property `pact.writer.overwrite` to `true`.
## Unsupported
The current implementation does not support tests with multiple providers. This will be added in a later release.
# Having values injected from provider state callbacks (3.6.11+)
You can have values from the provider state callbacks be injected into most places (paths, query parameters, headers,
bodies, etc.). This works by using the V3 spec generators with provider state callbacks that return values. One example
of where this would be useful is API calls that require an ID which would be auto-generated by the database on the
provider side, so there is no way to know what the ID would be beforehand.
The following DSL methods all you to set an expression that will be parsed with the values returned from the provider states:
For JSON bodies, use `valueFromProviderState`.<br/>
For headers, use `headerFromProviderState`.<br/>
For query parameters, use `queryParameterFromProviderState`.<br/>
For paths, use `pathFromProviderState`.
For example, assume that an API call is made to get the details of a user by ID. A provider state can be defined that
specifies that the user must be exist, but the ID will be created when the user is created. So we can then define an
expression for the path where the ID will be replaced with the value returned from the provider state callback.
.pathFromProviderState("/api/users/${id}", "/api/users/100")
You can also just use the key instead of an expression:
.valueFromProviderState('userId', 'userId', 100) // will look value using userId as the key
Group: Artifact: pact-jvm-consumer-junit5
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact pact-jvm-consumer-junit5
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies junit-jupiter-api, pact-jvm-consumer,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 4.0.10
Last update 18. April 2020
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies junit-jupiter-api, pact-jvm-consumer,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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