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it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz from group it.tidalwave.accounting (version 1.0-ALPHA-8)
This module implements a data importer from iBiz.
Group: it.tidalwave.accounting Artifact: it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-importer-ibiz
Group it.tidalwave.accounting
Version 1.0-ALPHA-8
Last update 24. January 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies it-tidalwave-accounting-model, it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz, it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons, it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring, it-tidalwave-messagebus, it-tidalwave-role, spring-beans,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group it.tidalwave.accounting
Version 1.0-ALPHA-8
Last update 24. January 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies it-tidalwave-accounting-model, it-tidalwave-accounting-importer-ibiz, it-tidalwave-accounting-ui-commons, it-tidalwave-messagebus-spring, it-tidalwave-messagebus, it-tidalwave-role, spring-beans,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
notification-portlet-webapp from group org.jasig.portlet.notification (version 4.8.0)
JSR-286 (Portlet 2.0) portlet to display important notices from campus systems.
Group: org.jasig.portlet.notification Artifact: notification-portlet-webapp
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Show all versions Show documentation
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Artifact notification-portlet-webapp
Group org.jasig.portlet.notification
Version 4.8.0
Last update 19. January 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 42
Dependencies notification-portlet-api, guava, json-path, commons-dbcp, commons-httpclient, jstl, joda-time, joda-time-jsptags, dozer, dozer-spring, ehcache, commons-io, jackson-annotations, jackson-core, jackson-databind, hibernate-core, hibernate-entitymanager, hibernate-ehcache, ${jdbc.artifactId}, hsqldb, uPortal-spring, resource-server-content, resource-server-utils, jasypt-spring31, spring-context, spring-context-support, spring-orm, spring-tx, spring-webmvc, spring-webmvc-portlet, spring-security-config, spring-security-core, spring-security-web, rome, standard, slf4j-api, jul-to-slf4j, log4j-over-slf4j, jcl-over-slf4j, logback-classic, portlet-api, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.jasig.portlet.notification
Version 4.8.0
Last update 19. January 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 42
Dependencies notification-portlet-api, guava, json-path, commons-dbcp, commons-httpclient, jstl, joda-time, joda-time-jsptags, dozer, dozer-spring, ehcache, commons-io, jackson-annotations, jackson-core, jackson-databind, hibernate-core, hibernate-entitymanager, hibernate-ehcache, ${jdbc.artifactId}, hsqldb, uPortal-spring, resource-server-content, resource-server-utils, jasypt-spring31, spring-context, spring-context-support, spring-orm, spring-tx, spring-webmvc, spring-webmvc-portlet, spring-security-config, spring-security-core, spring-security-web, rome, standard, slf4j-api, jul-to-slf4j, log4j-over-slf4j, jcl-over-slf4j, logback-classic, portlet-api, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
camel-quarkus-hbase from group org.apache.camel.quarkus (version 2.16.0)
Reading and write from/to an HBase store (Hadoop database).
Group: org.apache.camel.quarkus Artifact: camel-quarkus-hbase
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact camel-quarkus-hbase
Group org.apache.camel.quarkus
Version 2.16.0
Last update 19. January 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies camel-quarkus-core, camel-quarkus-support-commons-logging, quarkus-jaxp, camel-hbase,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.camel.quarkus
Version 2.16.0
Last update 19. January 2023
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies camel-quarkus-core, camel-quarkus-support-commons-logging, quarkus-jaxp, camel-hbase,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
hawk from group top.heue.utils (version 1.0.1)
Edited From Hawk(
Group: top.heue.utils Artifact: hawk
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Show all versions
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Artifact hawk
Group top.heue.utils
Version 1.0.1
Last update 18. January 2023
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group top.heue.utils
Version 1.0.1
Last update 18. January 2023
Organization not specified
License Apache License 2.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
commoncrawldownload from group org.dstadler (version
Common utilities I find useful in many of my projects.
Artifact commoncrawldownload
Group org.dstadler
Last update 15. January 2023
Organization not specified
License BSD 2-Clause License
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies jsoup, jackson-core, httpclient, commons-dost, webarchive-commons, log4j,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.dstadler
Last update 15. January 2023
Organization not specified
License BSD 2-Clause License
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies jsoup, jackson-core, httpclient, commons-dost, webarchive-commons, log4j,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
CommonCrawlDocumentDownload from group org.dstadler (version
Helper tools to download data from CommonCrawl archives
Artifact CommonCrawlDocumentDownload
Group org.dstadler
Last update 15. January 2023
Organization not specified
License BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.dstadler
Last update 15. January 2023
Organization not specified
License BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
samodelkin-java from group io.github.yoda31217 (version 20230108.022008)
Small Java utility library from yoda31217
Group: io.github.yoda31217 Artifact: samodelkin-java
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Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact samodelkin-java
Group io.github.yoda31217
Version 20230108.022008
Last update 08. January 2023
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.github.yoda31217
Version 20230108.022008
Last update 08. January 2023
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
envproxyselector from group space.iseki.envproxyselector (version 0.2.0)
A proxy selector that read proxy info from environment
Group: space.iseki.envproxyselector Artifact: envproxyselector
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Show all versions Show documentation Show source
Artifact envproxyselector
Group space.iseki.envproxyselector
Version 0.2.0
Last update 07. January 2023
Organization not specified
License MIT
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group space.iseki.envproxyselector
Version 0.2.0
Last update 07. January 2023
Organization not specified
License MIT
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies kotlin-stdlib-jdk8,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
boost_throw_exception from group com.github.brunotl (version 1.81.0)
A common infrastructure for throwing exceptions from Boost libraries.
Group: com.github.brunotl Artifact: boost_throw_exception
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Show all versions
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Artifact boost_throw_exception
Group com.github.brunotl
Version 1.81.0
Last update 07. January 2023
Organization not specified
License Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies boost_exception, boost_assert, boost_config,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.brunotl
Version 1.81.0
Last update 07. January 2023
Organization not specified
License Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies boost_exception, boost_assert, boost_config,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
cooky from group com.mikaa404 (version 1.1)
Simple library to extract cookies from browsers.
Artifact cooky
Group com.mikaa404
Version 1.1
Last update 05. January 2023
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies commons-lang3, sqlite-jdbc, commons-io, jackson-databind, jna-platform,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.mikaa404
Version 1.1
Last update 05. January 2023
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies commons-lang3, sqlite-jdbc, commons-io, jackson-databind, jna-platform,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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